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WCQ: Canada vs Jamaica - Sunday, March 27, 4pm Eastern / 1pm Pacific - Toronto

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6 hours ago, sstackho said:

They posted part of it.


The rest of the audio can be heard here: https://podcast.sportsnet.ca/tim-friends/


Holy shit.  "Honduras, if that's your real name."  I haven't laughed so hard for a couple of weeks.  

They only thing I would change from his rant is that I do have something against Costa Rica after that BS during O Canada.  I used to think that out of all the Central American nonsense we've had to put up with, Costa Rica was the least concacaffy, but they really took the cake this year, with Honduras and El Salvador seeming to be on their best behaviour.

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16 minutes ago, Mattd97 said:

FFS take it to the Sun comments section holy crap.  Talk about triggered.  If the prime minister of a country congratulates that countrys soccer team on making the world cup and your only reaction is to cry, you might be a snowflake.

They really can't help themselves.

As you said, it's the fucking prime minister of the country, like it or not, congratulating the team on a historic achievement. It's to be expected. No more, no less.

I suspect these guys would also cry if he said nothing.

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18 hours ago, sstackho said:

And I made sure that I wasn’t leaving the bar before I got to meet @El Hombre in person.  5/7 – would recommend. 

The term "Hero" gets thrown around quite casually these days, but there are those few cases here and there where it just seems to fit.

Also, only 5/7?  I guess that's fair.  I didn't really hit my stride that night until last call when I was screaming at @JamboAl and @Cheeta.  

(Great meeting you finally.  Great to put more faces to names like you and @gator and @Club Linesman and I'm sure many others I might have forgot)

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58 minutes ago, mowe said:

Does anyone know where I can find all the professional pictures from the game? Is there an easy way to search for them? 

25 minutes ago, Mattd97 said:

Also Canada Soccer's Flickr. All photos are free to use.


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4 minutes ago, VinceA said:

Does this mean they can be used a Wikipedia pictures for players? Does anyone know? I've wanted to update some of the player's pictures and add them for ones that don't.

Depends on Wikipedia's rules. IIRC Wiki requires the uploader to own the photo (I could be wrong though).

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2 minutes ago, RS said:

Depends on Wikipedia's rules. IIRC Wiki requires the uploader to own the photo (I could be wrong though).

Cavs photo is just cites a link to Canada's flicker account so that is what has me wondering. Don't know if the uploader though was the photographer themselves.

Edited by VinceA
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