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4 hours ago, Free kick said:

If you think about it.  Canada did bid for the WC (on its own) for the 1986 WC.  After the event taken away from Colombia due to political and social unrest .  Dont know how close the vote was when we lost to Mexico, but our stadium situation in 1986 was country miles better then today.  We had new modern stadiums in Montreal, Vancouver, Edmonton, and a Toronto stadium was already in the plans and might have been accelerated.  The other stadlims with CFL teams might have done the trick for the rest of games. 

But today, its another story.  Costa Rica, a country of five million, has a better soccer stadium and any city in Canada

The stadiums in just single cities with football, like Barcelona, London, even Sevilla, are far superior to the sum offer in all of Canada. 

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6 hours ago, Joe MacCarthy said:

I think that the game was over before Alberta made that demand.  The conspiracy part of me thinks maybe that is why they made the demand.

Perhaps - but what drives FIFA? Money.

With seating of up to 60,000 at Commonwealth, the potential take there dwarfs either BC Place or BMO Field (or the Skydome).

I doubt the Alberta government has the knowledge on what they could ask for to sink the bid. :)

6 hours ago, narduch said:

They can't permanently expand BMO Field unless they kick out the Argos

They can certainly permanently expand the south stand, with a second level. They could even known down the west stand and build a new one similar to the East stand that reached up to the roof (though I doubt we'll see that).

All they need for the north end, is to keep that area at the front clear. They could do something like the south side, and build a permanent back, with temporary seating at the front (similar to the south stand - but more of it). In theory you could build something that rolls backward ... or even collapses into the ground, if you want to build a big enough hole.


6 hours ago, Joe MacCarthy said:

I saw a post at another thread (conjecturing) about the SkyDome upgrade and a change in hosting the World Cup.  I was going to quickly rebutt it but it got me thinking, is it really out of the realm of possibility. 

I believe some stands were "locked in place" and rails removed.  Do I have that right? 

I don't think it's 100% clear ... though I don't see why they'd have removed the rails - the configuration seems unchanged.

I think the issue is that the turf is fixed in place, and fouls the movement. But removing the turf, which isn't going to happen for a TFC February Champions League game, solves that, and would be necessary for the world cup. And there's certainly not the systems in place to support grass - so that would have to be a LOT of work, or something temporary.

That said, one could play at Skydome without moving the stands. If NYCFC can play in Yankee Stadium and Citi Field without moving stands, then it could be fit into Skydome - it would just look bloody weird. Not suitable for a World Cup, but perhaps for a February Champions League game.

5 hours ago, Shway said:

BMO field will be a joke on the world stage, and I don't think we've seen anything like it at the World Cup. 

There were two stadiums in Russia smaller than 35,000.

And how many stadiums have hosted the World Cup that have large expanses of space between the fans and the pitch, because of seldom-used running tracks?


Edited by nfitz
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10 hours ago, Califax said:


I don't know, it's not 1990 anymore.  Commonwealth will have it's place but the World Cup Finals is too rich for Alberta.  Nothing wrong with that.  It's too rich for Quebec and Manitoba and Nova Scotia.  It is what it is. 

Decades awash in petro dollars (shakes head).   

Congrats to Vancouver & Toronto and the $600,000,000 that they are willing to spend to be on the world stage. 



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Plus being from Toronto, being a Torontonian I am so excited. Definitely going to have to save up bare dollars to watch games because I definitely know it will cost a fortune but how often do you get to watch World Cup games especially in your own backyard? Only happens once in a lifetime

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On 6/16/2022 at 6:05 PM, SpecialK said:

I feel bad for Edmonton, I can’t believe their Provincial government screwed this up by making demands on FIFA. 

That's how they are spinning this story locally in Alberta.   Which tells you how unpopular the provincial gov't is.   But I only buy it to the small extent that when it was all said and done, the funding conditions didn't help.   And the mayor and local authorities didnt object very strongly to  them and even hinted publicly that they were negotiable.   I think FIFA had decided that they weren't going to go to Edmonton long before the Alberta gov't funding conditions even surfaced.  Why else would they have asked BC to re-enter the bid? 

This proves that with outcomes like this, you cant always trust local media, fans and general citizen to give you a true and fair analysis and portrait.  Civic pride can sometimes blind you from reality.   I remember the Olympic bid for 1996.  I had just moved here when the vote occurred (ie.: in 1990), so i wasn't blinded by civic pride, and i had a totally different read from everyone else as to why Toronto lost to Atlanta for the 1996 Olympics

Edited by Free kick
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So what happens if a dictatorial country like Iran is placed in Vancouver or Toronto for the group stages? I mean Iran is seriously such an evil country that their national team, as representatives of the people who shot down the plane, should in no way be allowed on Canadian soil. 

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1 minute ago, Pasha said:

So what happens if a dictatorial country like Iran is placed in Vancouver or Toronto for the group stages? I mean Iran is seriously such an evil country that their national team, as representatives of the people who shot down the plane, should in no way be allowed on Canadian soil. 

We will suck it up and let them play.

Just like if Israel or Saudi Arabia qualify

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2 hours ago, Unnamed Trialist said:

Just thinking, the Vancouver Re-Olympic bid is going ahead isn't it? 

Without being a sports capital in strict terms, its global branding for sports is really holding up. 

I figure the opening game will be in the US and we already know the closing game will be too. So locating the draw outside the US is a chance to give one of the other countries a "big event". Vancouver makes a lot of sense for that.

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13 hours ago, Free kick said:

I am listening to the press conference and we are 11 minutes in and not single decent question asked.   There are are a ton of questions to ask after a decsion like this.  But all they could ask is garbage and fluff.    Come on KJ,  you could do better than than that stupid question.   People want to know why certain venues were selected and why certain venues were excluded.  There is the Colin Smith right there at the table.  I want hear what he he thinks needs to be done with surfaces .  

edit.:  after the eleventh minute, the questions improved a little.  Someone asked about the field demensions issue with NFL stadiums. 


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5 hours ago, Cheeta said:

I don't know, it's not 1990 anymore.  Commonwealth will have it's place but the World Cup Finals is too rich for Alberta.  Nothing wrong with that.  It's too rich for Quebec and Manitoba and Nova Scotia.  It is what it is. 

Decades awash in petro dollars (shakes head).   

Congrats to Vancouver & Toronto and the $600,000,000 that they are willing to spend to be on the world stage. 



Agreed. Edmonton is just a notch below relative to the other cities. The lowest profile city of the bunch is probably Kansas City. I have never been, but I am willing to place it above Edmonton in terms of profile, even if it's just by a whisker.

More importantly, Kansas City fills a geographical gap that Edmonton doesn't. Vancouver or Seattle don't exactly leave Albertans or even Saskatchewanians out in the cold. It's a relatively short flight, or drivable if you're up to it. 

There's no Denver, Minneapolis, St. Louis or Chicago. You need Kansas City in absence of all of those cities. You don't need Edmonton.

Curious for you as a Winnipegger, do you travel East to Toronto or West out to Vancouver? You're kind of in the middle, no? 😉

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14 hours ago, Free kick said:

 We had new modern stadiums in Montreal, Vancouver, Edmonton, and a Toronto stadium was already in the plans and might have been accelerated.  

BC place was new, but it was an awful concrete mausoleum with a non-retracting roof, so I don't think grass would have been a possibility.

I remember going to my first Whitecaps game there shortly after it opened and wondering how they could have replaced Empire with that awful place.

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