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CONCACAF League and Champions League Club Indexes

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Previously I tried to make a unified Club Index table to show what things might look like if the Club Index was used to determine how many slots for each country went into each of CONCACAF's 2 club competitions. Due to recent changes to these competitions I can't gracefully put them together anymore. I believe their intent is to have one index for the CCL and a separate index for the CL. For example "HON1" will have a different score in CCL than it has in CL. Points accumulated by HON1 in the CL won't help them in CCL, and vice versa (going forward). So I decided to start a new thread to have what I think is an accurate counting of the points how CONCACAF counts them and leave the other thread in case I ever care to share one of the several possible unified tables I have come up with (I'm not very satisfied with any of them though). I'll update the tables below at least after each round, and possibly more frequently. The orange lines through the tables show the division of pots, and the green line through the CL table shows the cut off for getting a bye past the preliminary round. The rows that are struck out indicate that the team representing that slot has been eliminated from the current competition.


CONCACAF Champions League Index

Slot 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Club Index
MEX2 25 21 24 16 17 103
MEX3 17 26 11 20 18 92
MEX1 12 20 11 28 12 83
USA2 7 15 16 16 8 62
USA4 5 11 12 12 18 58
USA3 17 11 11 10 7 56
CAN1 21 5 10 9 9 54
USA1 11 11 6 12 11 51
MEX4 9 4 7 5 7 32
CRC1 5 7 6 4 5 27
HON1 5 4 5 7 5 26
CRC2 5 7 4 4 4 24
HON2 5 0 11 5 0 21
GUA1 0 4 6 0 11 21
CCC1 4 4 4 4 4 20
SLV1 7 5 7 0 0 19
HAI1       5 0 5
NCA1 0 0 0 4 0 4
CAN2         4 4
GUA2         4 4

CONCACAF League Index (Champions League points in black, CONCACAF League points in orange, Red points are ones I copied from CONCACAF that I believe are incorrect)


Slot 2017-18 2018 2019 2020 2021 Club Index  
CRC3 2 19.5 27 18 18 84.5 Pot 3
GUA3     12 4.5 31 47.5  
HON3 2 21.5 3 6 12 44.5  
HON1 5 4 16.5 10 5 40.5  
HON2 2 3 13 6.5 15.5 40  
PAN3 11 15 2 3 6.5 37.5  
SLV3 8.5 6.5 16.5 2 3 36.5  
CRC1 5 7 7.5 12.5 4 36  
CAN2     9.5 10 16.5 36 Pot 4
PAN2 13 8.5 6.5 2 2 32  
SLV2 11.5 5 7.5 3 3 30 Pot 1 (Prelim)
PAN1 8 12 5 2 3 30  
CCC3 5 5.5 4 10.5 2 27  
CRC2 5 3 4 2 11.5 25.5  
NCA1 5 5.5 3 6.5 5 25  
SLV1 7 5 5 3 2 22  
NCA2 9.5 2 5 3.5 2 22 Pot 2 (Prelim)
CCC2 2 5 5.5 2 2 16.5  
CCC4 2 5 5.5 2 2 16.5  
GUA2 0 0 3 3 8.5 14.5  
GUA1 0 4 3 2 5 14  
BLZ1 2 2 2 2 2 10  


Edited by Kent
Updated with April 13th, 2022 results.
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I've updated the above tables with the results as of last night. If Forge is able to win tonight, CAN2 will pass BLZ1 and move within half a point of GUA3. If in addition to Forge winning, Cibao loses tonight, CAN2 will also pass CCC4.

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2 hours ago, SpursFlu said:

this seems like a leader board Canada 2should be moving up in a hurry. Can 3 & Can 4 should be included soon enough

That is the hope, but all it takes is a bad draw to lose ground or in the case of this year, these are one off matches, so anything can happen, especially on the road. There are some good teams even in this preliminary round that Forge could have been drawn against, like Independiente who beat TFC in the first round of the CCL in 2019.

If Forge can pull CAN2 above that orange line, it will be an easier task next year! And something to keep in mind, the points are only kept for 5 years, so the 2016-17 results will be dropped after next years competition. That’s something that works in our favour since we won’t be losing any points for years.

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Updated OP.

Amazing 10-man win last night by Forge! Cibao vs Alajualense was postponed because there was a possibility that CONCACAF protocols weren't followed. So as a result, CAN2 moves up the table past BLZ1 and CCC4. The third game was Motagua vs Communicaciones (HON3 vs GUA2) and apparently it went to a marathon shoot out. Motagua won 15-14 in the shootout!

It's a shame the preliminary round doesn't count for determining the top 6, because so far there have been 3 shootouts (which count as a draw in this index) and Forge has the only win. So it would be advantage Forge if this was the first round proper.

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With Verdes withdrawing, I am assuming CCC3 will be awarded the usual half point for advancing, but no points for winning a game. They didn't call the game a forfeit, so I assume no points will be awarded (much like in a tennis walkover, you don't get credit for a win).

If Forge has a better result tonight than Anitgua (they play after the Forge game tonight), then CAN2 will leapfrog GUA3. If Forge wins their game they will (at least temporarily) leapfrog GUA1, who has their game tomorrow night (Municipal, against Saprissa).

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Updated with last night's results.

HON3 passed PAN3
SLV1 passed CRC2

The Municipal game I mentioned yesterday didn't get played. It might get played tonight but I'm gonna try to avoid guessing which games will actually get played.

Interestingly enough, Alajualense beat Cibao last night. It was the first win (as opposed to a shoot out win) in the tournament that wasn't by Forge! Out of the 8 games played there have been 5 shoot outs and 3 games won in regulation, plus there has been 1 walk over. That's great for us since all the other teams are leaving points on the board, making it easier for CAN2 to close the gap!

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11 hours ago, Stryker911 said:

Thanks for updating. I enjoy checking this list. Just wondering if it is possible to cross out teams once they are eliminated? Just to see which teams can no longer accumulate points.

Sure, I could give that a shot with my next update. I’ll do it for Champions League as well, which is hard to remember but it is mid competition as well.

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Updated with last night's results. Olimpia won their game 6-0. Montreal are scheduled to play Olimpia in the Champions League next month, so look out Montreal!

CRC1 (Saprissa) passed PAN3, HON3, HON2, and SLV2.
CCC3 (Arcahaie) passed NCA1.

I also corrected a mistake I had made before. I had given a half point to the wrong team for a shoot out result.

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And then there were 8! I've updated the table with Tuesday's results. A shootout win for Forge would get CAN2 ahead of CCC2 and into Pot 1 (the third best bot). A regulation win would take CAN2 past CCC2 and NCA2, and within striking distance of at least CCC3, if not also NCA1.

Honduras seems to be the strongest nation overall this year, with 3 teams in the final 8. Costa Rica has 2, Canada, Haiti, and Nicaragua with 1 each.

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Updated with last night's results. Despite getting eliminated in a shootout, Forge earned CAN2 another point by being tied after regulation, which moved CAN2 into a tie with CCC2. I don't know what the tie breaker is, so I don't know which of the 2 spots will get into Pot 1 and which in Pot 2. If anybody knows, please share a link to the info! I'll maybe try digging later.

With Saprissa's win last night, CRC1 passed SLV3.

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54 minutes ago, Kent said:

Updated with last night's results. Despite getting eliminated in a shootout, Forge earned CAN2 another point by being tied after regulation, which moved CAN2 into a tie with CCC2. I don't know what the tie breaker is, so I don't know which of the 2 spots will get into Pot 1 and which in Pot 2. If anybody knows, please share a link to the info! I'll maybe try digging later.

With Saprissa's win last night, CRC1 passed SLV3.

So do the matches in the Play-in Round count in the ranking?

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48 minutes ago, narduch said:

So do the matches in the Play-in Round count in the ranking?

I don’t know for certain. The preliminary round does count, but I doubt the play in round counts. Unfortunately I likely won’t know for sure until CONCACAF provides their index for the 2021 CONCACAF League draw. I am going to go with the assumption that the play in round doesn’t count in my table.

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Updated with the last few Champions League results. The table for the Champions League is now finalized before the draw for 2021. Although the Central American spots will change, for example Nicaragua wasn't in the last Champions League, but will be in the 2021 tournament. This is still messy from CONCACAF. I'll have to think some more about how to show this info. Maybe I can put all of the CCL spots in the top table, but then grey out or strike out the spots that aren't in the upcoming draw or something. Suggestions are welcome.

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Updated with the Feb 3 CONCACAF League championship result. Of course all this work and I don't even know what the tie-breaker is, so I don't know if CAN2 will be in Pot 2 or Pot 1 next time around. I assume these ranking points will be carried over when they go to the new Champions League format in 2023, but then it's going to be hard for any CPL slots to get into top pots playing against MLS and Liga MX teams exclusively.

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Updated with last night's Champions League results. The Champions League table just has the slots that participated in the last 2 Champions Leagues. I might add all slots in the near future. The tricky/annoying thing with it is that although we can see what points each slot has, we don't know which slots will be in the next Champions League with the exception of the North American slots that are guaranteed a spot. So although a Costa Rican team (for example) could do really well and work it's way into the top pot, we don't know if Costa Rica will have a team qualify for the next Champions League, so it could be moot.

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