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The Importance of Alphonso Davies


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20 minutes ago, A_Gagne said:

Don't mean to get conspiratorial (ie that's exactly what I'm about to do!)... but...

I kind of wonder if after they put him on for 45min Wednesday in a mean nothing mid-week cup game he decided, screw this, if you guys aren't going to manage my minutes pre-WC, I’m taking matters into my own hands.

I considered that. Not sure that's how Phonzie rolls, to be honest. And, on watching the replay of him pulling up, either he's an amazing actor or that is a legit injury.

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29 minutes ago, A_Gagne said:

Don't mean to get conspiratorial (ie that's exactly what I'm about to do!)... but...

I kind of wonder if after they put him on for 45min Wednesday in a mean nothing mid-week cup game he decided, screw this, if you guys aren't going to manage my minutes pre-WC, I’m taking matters into my own hands.

I don’t think a 22 year old player at the biggest club in the world has that kind of pull. Faking an injury when the next two games are important for Bayern who is trying to take over first in the table before the World Cup break would likely result in consequences that would likely play out in the media.

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22 minutes ago, SpursFlu said:

Never let a disaster go to waist. Little trickster Herdman must be loving the opportunity he now has to play mind games with everyone. Expect Davies to show up in Qatar wearing a cast or maybe even in a wheelchair 

To me the Belgium game is all in for us. If we go in to Croatia needing a result against a needing a result Croatia I don't like our chances. Could turn in to an Atiba testimonial real quick 

Your disasters go to your waist. You must be either a most fortunate man or  a roly-poly one.

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Whats wrong with what Wheeler said?  Its fair to express some concerns that we dont know.  Saying we dont know,  doesnt mean that we wish for the worst.   its just stating fact and he has provided examples.   I dont think anyone said anything wrong in that segment.

Edited by Free kick
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15 minutes ago, An Observer said:

I agree with both of them; what Bayern has said is very positive but I also would like to hear from Davies and Canada as well.  And only time will tell.

Wheeler should lay off the coffee…he is way over the top caffeinated 

It is not in the competitive interest of Davies or Canada to reveal more than is necessary about the progress of his recovery from injury.

Edited by jonovision
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1 hour ago, Free kick said:

Whats wrong with what Wheeler said?  Its fair to express some concerns that we dont know.  Saying we dont know,  doesnt mean that we wish for the worst.   its just stating fact and he has provided examples.   I dont think anyone said anything wrong in that segment.

If it was anyone else, what he said would probably pass without much fuss. However, the fact that Wheeler's a proper fuckwit, who talks absolute rubbish all of the time, has an annoying voice, is so in love with himself, etc, etc.....he doesn't get much slack from most around here.

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Alphonso streaming on Twitch now: https://www.twitch.tv/thatboydavies19. I think somebody asked about his leg and Alphonso said it was "fine." He didn't go into more detail on it.  I am assuming from the TSN report on Alphonso that the injury isn't that severe and Alphonso is still expected to play in the World Cup.

Also, am I one of the few Canadians that follow and watch Alphonso on Twitch?  His Twitch chat has more international fans than Canadian fans. I encourage a few of you to come watch him on Twitch and participate in the Twitch chat when he streams, then I won't feel like the lone Canadian fan in the chat 🤣

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1 hour ago, Cadeau said:

Wheeler has his heart on his sleeve and with that we gotta take the exuberance as well as the irrationality. One soccer needs someone with a pulse; you cant have two Olivers.

I'm sure One Soccer could find someone who is exuberant and also adds value with his comments? Wheeler almost never adds value other than tip-offs from Canada Soccer.  He's a bit hysterical and mega condescending.

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9 hours ago, Free kick said:

Whats wrong with what Wheeler said?  Its fair to express some concerns that we dont know.  Saying we dont know,  doesnt mean that we wish for the worst.   its just stating fact and he has provided examples.   I dont think anyone said anything wrong in that segment.

About 4 minutes in he starts going all conspiracy-theory saying that Bayern has already washed their hands of anything to do with the player and has already taken a "he's your problem now" attitude and followed that up with the suggestion that they care so little about Davies health that they dared to play him for 45 minutes before the weekend in some crappy competition called the Champions League. That's more than a little absurd, and if anything, the whole "he won't play against Japan" makes it sound like Bayern are doing the opposite - telling Canada not to play him in a friendly just like they told Canada that they were withdrawing him from the first window after he picked up a slight knock against the US when even Davies didn't want to leave (something that the latest WeCan episode reminds us of).

All Platt is saying it that we should be optimistic Davies will play against Belgium, but Wheeler's comments in the video have to be understood in the context that they are coming after he was doing a "The end is nigh!" doom and gloom segment the day before and followed that up by writing an essay on twitter defending his "We're all going to die!" position after Bayern said that his participation in the World Cup isn't at risk. We all get that its possible Davies might not be ready in time for Belgium, Wheeler's comments are being made in the interest of defending his own antics rather than properly assessing the situation. There is no reason for fans to feel just as pessimistic or as worried as the day before Nagelsmann saying he should be okay by the time of the Belgium game.

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12 minutes ago, Gian-Luca said:

All Platt is saying it that we should be optimistic Davies will play against Belgium, but Wheeler's comments in the video have to be understood in the context that they are coming after he was doing a "The end is nigh!" doom and gloom segment the day before and followed that up by writing an essay on twitter defending his "We're all going to die!" position after Bayern said that his participation in the World Cup isn't at risk. We all get that its possible Davies might not be ready in time for Belgium, Wheeler's comments are being made in the interest of defending his own antics rather than properly assessing the situation. There is no reason for fans to feel just as pessimistic or as worried as the day before Nagelsmann saying he should be okay by the time of the Belgium game.

I don't hate Wheeler, he cares about soccer and did before it was cool, but just hearing him and his takes, it seems like he should be 15-20 years younger*.  I see Davies (to sort of make a link to the topic) on Twitch or similar and it seems almost a similar style despite the obvious age difference.  I guess it works for today's media model.


*For a fair while I had never seen him, just heard his commentary and thought he was a younger guy, rather than someone close to my age.   Guys my age are never cool. 

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34 minutes ago, cornerkick said:

He’s watching the Canada Soccer documentary series !  

Thanks for that! Watching him react to that Panama game/scrap was so much fun. Highlights were him goofing about "pushing" guys into the melee at the corner, explaining his "kissing the wrists" celi and about how Richie wants so much smoke that Phonzie makes the conscious NOT to tell him some of the things opponents say to him for fear that Richie will "take their life" 🤣

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The hate the Wheeler gets is unreal man. There was nothing wrong with his take, just as there was nothing wrong with Platt's take. They both have different views, surprise surprise. Both of these men brought up some good points. I hope Wheeler's pessimism proves to be unnecessary, but you cannot force the man to be optimistic about a hamstring injury. They can be unpredictable and anyone who has played the game and has had one knows this. At the same time, Platt's optimism is a breath of fresh air and gives us the feel good vibes we all want to feel headed into the tournament, which is why it's a popular take. Has argument isn't any more or less valid than Wheeler's - it just makes us feel a hell of a lot better. I walk away from the segment hoping Oliver is right and Gareth is wrong!   

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