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The Importance of Alphonso Davies


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Establishing rap cred is weird...let me play...


What are the odds AD saw DMX rocking this fit in the "Shut Em Down" video with ONYX in '98?

Seriously though that's obviously where any comparisons end.

More than likely AD been dabbling into some of the Grime lord's bangers and saw the bird with the hat in this one...?


Edited by PegCityCam
I'll stop now I promise🙏
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6 hours ago, InglewoodJack said:

Tyler the Creator is making some of the most interesting “pop music” these days. If that’s what your kids are listening to at those ages, then they’re going to grow up to listen to some really cool music. Interesting that you mention Pink Floyd- Tyler has cited them as an influence and when you start digging into the types of samples and vibes that his songs are going for, I think there’s a direct lineage between 70s music + prog rock and stuff like Tyler the Creator.


Speaking of 70s prog rock, looks like someone on this forum just published the first ever Prog Rock Trivia book:


No questions connecting the genre to Canadian soccer (I was hoping that it would turn out that Bob Iarusci was a big PFM fan and saw them at U of T back in 1974, but I found no evidence to back up my wildest dreams on that one), although plenty of Canadian based-questions and at least one World Cup Question (not connected to Pink Floyd but another seminal 70s Prog Rock band).

And I still think "St. Alphonso's Pancake Breakfast" by Frank Zappa needs to be turned into a chant for Phonzie, just to get us back on topic....

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4 minutes ago, Gian-Luca said:

Speaking of 70s prog rock, looks like someone on this forum just published the first ever Prog Rock Trivia book:


No questions connecting the genre to Canadian soccer (I was hoping that it would turn out that Bob Iarusci was a big PFM fan and saw them at U of T back in 1974, but I found no evidence to back up my wildest dreams on that one), although plenty of Canadian based-questions and at least one World Cup Question (not connected to Pink Floyd but another seminal 70s Prog Rock band).

And I still think "St. Alphonso's Pancake Breakfast" by Frank Zappa needs to be turned into a chant for Phonzie, just to get us back on topic....

Very cool.  Congrats on getting that out in the world   

And I am a big Zappa fan.  Guy was a legend.  The guitar solo in “Yo Mama” is one of the most brilliant, inspired and original solo efforts I have ever heard.    

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  • 2 weeks later...

Rumors all over social media (mostly in French) that Jordyn and Laure Boulleau spent the night in Mbappe hotel room and Jordyn cheated.  

Alphonso has came out and confirmed that they have broken up.  Poor guy, the first one is always the hardest.


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14 hours ago, JFL19 said:

Rumors all over social media (mostly in French) that Jordyn and Laure Boulleau spent the night in Mbappe hotel room and Jordyn cheated.  

Alphonso has came out and confirmed that they have broken up.  Poor guy, the first one is always the hardest.


He also came out and said the rumors are not true and that Jorydn is a good person. Then he said he would appreciate if people gave them some privacy, which I totally get but at the same time, Phonzie puts himself out there publically all the time and being in the public eye goes both ways, unfortunately. Now he has to deal with the unwanted prying and the rumours. It is what it is though, hope for all the best for him and Jordyn. I can't imagine growning up and being in the public eye to the extent they are.

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