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Herdman new head coach


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The CSA is incompetent, the CSA is a disaster, the CSA is incompetent, the CSA is a disaster, the CSA incompetent, the CSA is a disaster, the CSA is incompetent, the CSA is a disaster, the CSA is incompetent 

How am I doing? I could get a job in media

Weapons of mass destruction, weapons of mass destruction  weapons of mass destruction 

Look I can even do global affairs

Turn your brain off kids, I got you covered 

The CSA is incompetent, the CSA is a disaster 

Edited by SpursFlu
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1 hour ago, blueseeka said:
Sources with knowledge of Herdman’s thinking, speaking confidentially about internal matters, say the cancellation of two prospective national team matches later this year affected his outlook, too: one against Saudi Arabia in Newcastle, near Herdman’s hometown, and another against South Korea in London. The men’s team has just one match scheduled the rest of 2023, against Japan in October, and the budget cuts that hit earlier this year are expected to be even steeper in the years ahead.
The cancellation of those games became official just before Canada lost the Nation’s Cup final to the United States in June, and the strain went public. After the match Herdman mentioned that he had helped raise funds for the men’s team last year in order to be able to afford charter flights and security, and said, “We’ve got to figure this out financially. We’ve got to get serious about winning a World Cup. When you play at home, you get a chance to win it… And we’re not serious. We brought a World Cup to our country, and we’re not serious about winning it.”

KJ says in OneSoccer roundtable that they're too many media stories about financial constraints according to people & players he has talked to. Real story is a football story. It's part of life in football. It was time for Herdman to leave. 

Many players are happy to see him leave. Some are not as happy. Most talented players who weren't given a leadership voice under Herdman should be given a chance now. 

Wheeler said Canada Soccer was more than willing to give Herdman a runway to leave given what he said about Canada Soccer this year, going for Kiwi job and leaks to 2 non-football media . KJ also said some players frustrated about the leaks to media who don't care about the sport.

KJ says it is now time for a coach rather than a figure head. If the sport is going to succeed, it will be about the outcomes and results on the pitch.

Platt says too much mischaracterization by inexperienced football media of being a Canada Soccer coach is about scrounging for money. $50 million was spent in the past 2 years on both men and women teams.

KJ: Canada men has always underachieved, Under Herdman, they overachieved. Let us now just achieve. 


Edited by red card
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5 minutes ago, Vasi said:

26th on the list. 


I was not refering about his post wc deal. 

Lisen if him getting fired eases  the CSA's pockets and allows them to have a few camps and maybe organize an extra friendly great im all for it.

I have no problem with Herman getting the boot. 

I was merely pointing out that KJ has ties to CSB and in my opinion for better or worse does not make him impartial. 

That also does not change the fact that Rick Westhead is a dickhead. ☺️.

I'm with you a bit. You could definitely feel Onesoccer circling the wagons a bit but honestly their whole business is Canadian soccer top to bottom and think it's become obvious that certain people are trying to sink all things soccer this country and they're close enough to it to see its not all that accurate and sincere. And yah it affects what they do for a living. They're in the business of promoting Canadian soccer not making it feel like a disaster you shouldn't touch with a ten foot pole

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11 minutes ago, Gian-Luca said:

KJ is employed by MediaPro, not CSB. I don’t always agree with his opinions, but he genuinely is a fan of the game and cares about the sport, unlike Dick Breasthead at TSN. The suggestion that he is insincere, making stuff up or commenting in bad faith because MediaPro is telling him to is absurd. KJ was harsher on Herdman at the World Cup and since then than any other journalist, do you really think that’s because of his employers or the CSB

Also if you actually watch the video, you’ll see that they also talk about Herdman having a ton of extra costs in addition to his salary, like his hiring of an astronaut to come and visit the team during the World Cup. They are suggesting the CSA are also happy about not having to pay for that kind of stuff for the foreseeable future.

Like i already responded to a previous post:

I was merely pointing out that KJ has ties to CSB and in my opinion for better or worse does not make him impartial. 

That also does not change the fact that Rick Westhead is a dickhead. ☺️.

Also I'm not insinuating that Media Pro is telling him what to do. Also I'm not sad that Herdman is gone. However, him leaving wont open up millions is funding for camps, friendlies and a better coach. 

If we end up attracting a better candidate with international experience we will still be in financial ruin. That is not changing under the current CSB deal. As Craig Forest says: "There is no magic stah of cash."


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Did I hear right?  Ollie saying the CSA spent $50,000,000 over the past two years on both senior national teams? 

WCQing and the Finals has to be the biggest slice of that pie chart but Geez, does sound a bit steep.  Or maybe not, that's a lot of football when you think about it. 

Of course, that also means the CSA had $50M to spend.  Money came from somewhere.  No way the organization got that sort of clink from OTP. 

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7 hours ago, SpursFlu said:

I would also throw out the theory that if the CSA wanted Herdman to go so they wouldn't have to fire him and pay him compensation. Its smart not to sink anymore money in to a lame duck coach playing friendlies. It's also a good way to set up a Japanese firing, just marginalizing someone until they leave. Now was definitely the time to drive him out. I would turned off his hot water, forget to change the light bulb in his office. When he stormed out give the old half hearted "wait don't go"

It's also a bit eyebrow raising that Herdman was clearly shopping himself around and he was so keen to play high profile friendlies one of which was in England. Sounds like an opportunity to showcase himself if you ask me

This is a very good theory. One that is plausible. But my question is why did the CSA renegotiate his contract a few moths ago if they didn't want him, why not let him take the New Zealand job? 

Edited by Vasi
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1 hour ago, SpursFlu said:

I'm going by memory but did they say since they qualified the record has been 7-17? Pretty bad

Think it's 7 wins in 17 games, not 7 wins and 17 losses.

Losses since qualifying are:

 - in Panama immediately after qualifying

- in Honduras in the NL

- vs Uruguay in a friendly

- the 3 WC games

- vs the US in the NL final

- vs the US on penalty shots in the GC

Those aren't bad losses, they're just not progressing. And I'm sure that lack of progress was frustrating for the players. 

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25 minutes ago, red card said:

Many players are happy to see him leave. Some are not as happy. Most talented players who weren't given a leadership voice under Herdman should be given a chance now.

Who and why?  Need some specifics here.

If a journo is going to put out there or at least heavily imply that Herdman was feeding the likes of Westhead, they can certainly provide some specifics.

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15 minutes ago, Vasi said:

Like i already responded to a previous post:

I was merely pointing out that KJ has ties to CSB and in my opinion for better or worse does not make him impartial. 

That also does not change the fact that Rick Westhead is a dickhead. ☺️.

Also I'm not insinuating that Media Pro is telling him what to do. Also I'm not sad that Herdman is gone. However, him leaving wont open up millions is funding for camps, friendlies and a better coach. 

If we end up attracting a better candidate with international experience we will still be in financial ruin. That is not changing under the current CSB deal. As Craig Forest says: "There is no magic stah of cash."


Nothing that I reported about in the first 25 minutes of the video has anything to do with the CSB though, so it isn't remotely persuasive that we should for some unknown reason distrust what KJ is reporting in the video even if you could make the (at the moment, highly unconvincing) argument that working for MediaPro will make him fib about what the players told him or be biased about something to do with the CSA or Herdman. In any event, you believe what you like about him without even watching the video, this just seems to me like a pointless distraction in the discussion of far bigger issues.

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1 hour ago, blueseeka said:
Sources with knowledge of Herdman’s thinking, speaking confidentially about internal matters, say the cancellation of two prospective national team matches later this year affected his outlook, too: one against Saudi Arabia in Newcastle, near Herdman’s hometown, and another against South Korea in London. The men’s team has just one match scheduled the rest of 2023, against Japan in October, and the budget cuts that hit earlier this year are expected to be even steeper in the years ahead.
The cancellation of those games became official just before Canada lost the Nation’s Cup final to the United States in June, and the strain went public. After the match Herdman mentioned that he had helped raise funds for the men’s team last year in order to be able to afford charter flights and security, and said, “We’ve got to figure this out financially. We’ve got to get serious about winning a World Cup. When you play at home, you get a chance to win it… And we’re not serious. We brought a World Cup to our country, and we’re not serious about winning it.”

John Herdman - Canadian soccer martyr?  What a load of BS.

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7 hours ago, Watchmen said:

Think it's 7 wins in 17 games, not 7 wins and 17 losses.

Losses since qualifying are:

 - in Panama immediately after qualifying

- in Honduras in the NL

- vs Uruguay in a friendly

- the 3 WC games

- vs the US in the NL final

- vs the US on penalty shots in the GC

Those aren't bad losses, they're just not progressing. And I'm sure that lack of progress was frustrating for the players. 

It’s not just the losses, we tied many games we should have won.

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6 hours ago, Meepmeep said:

This is false and I find it surprising with all of the CPL fans on this board it has yet to be corrected.  

He has two jobs.  One at one soccer and one as VP of Media at the CPL.  CPL=CSB



Fair enough, I was unaware about the VP role at the CPL. Not that this changes any of the points being made, however.

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10 hours ago, Cheeta said:

Did I hear right?  Ollie saying the CSA spent $50,000,000 over the past two years on both senior national teams? 

WCQing and the Finals has to be the biggest slice of that pie chart but Geez, does sound a bit steep.  Or maybe not, that's a lot of football when you think about it. 

Of course, that also means the CSA had $50M to spend.  Money came from somewhere.  No way the organization got that sort of clink from OTP. 

Many numbers can be thrown around. It seems transparency isn't a force of CSA. 


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2 minutes ago, Cadeau said:

This is so misleading. The article basically states that the CSA website has to have financial statements published on their website. Which it does. 

The article also states the annual filings. 2022 and 2021 were filed. 2023 is not due yet. So this article is basically saying CSA is not filing financial statements because they are not currently due. If you havent paid your taxes before the due date, that doesnt mean your not going to pay them.... scummy article.... also 6 months outdated. 


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9 minutes ago, Bigandy said:

This is so misleading. The article basically states that the CSA website has to have financial statements published on their website. Which it does. 

The article also states the annual filings. 2022 and 2021 were filed. 2023 is not due yet. So this article is basically saying CSA is not filing financial statements because they are not currently due. If you havent paid your taxes before the due date, that doesnt mean your not going to pay them.... scummy article.... also 6 months outdated. 


Was just going to say the same - the audited financials are on the CSA website. 

The 2022 statements have some information on CSB deal (2021 have considerably less, which is a failure of disclosure in my view). 

But, they are there in plain sight. This wasn’t always the case, but CSA deserves credit for disclosing now. 

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37 minutes ago, Bigandy said:

This is so misleading. The article basically states that the CSA website has to have financial statements published on their website. Which it does. 

The article also states the annual filings. 2022 and 2021 were filed. 2023 is not due yet. So this article is basically saying CSA is not filing financial statements because they are not currently due. If you havent paid your taxes before the due date, that doesnt mean your not going to pay them.... scummy article.... also 6 months outdated. 


Fair. I should have reread. Sorry about that guys!

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