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2 hours ago, vancanman said:

I'm not sure if I'm remembering this right, but something tells me that these are the same halfwits who were whinging because there was snow in Canada in the winter (surprise!) when poor old Mexico had to go to Edmonton and lose.  God forbid those poor devils have to breathe fresh air instead of that that brown hazy crap at altitude in Mexico City.

First time I watched this, didn't know Dapper Don Hutchison was one of the predictor.  Very safe and reliable calls unlike him, when he was with us in his second stint. 

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I know it’s more than 10 years ago but some of my favourite goals ever scored by CMNT players were at the 07 gold cup. De Guzman left footed shot in to the top corner from outside the box against Costa Rica. (I think he had 2 that game from outside the box) and that awesome one touch passing team goal scored by Ali Gerba was nice too. More recently Jonathan David made that Cuban team look pretty silly…

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1 hour ago, trc2014 said:

Was having a think this morning about the nicest Canadian goals of the past 5-10 years.  I know they are all playing for second with the Davies Panama goal but what would you put as second and third?  Not talking importance here, just finish.  Quick contenders that come to mind for me are Hoilett GC quarterfinal against Jamaica, Cav against the US in NL and de Jong against Ghana.

Buchanan goal vs. Mexico in the Gold Cup was great.

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3 hours ago, Sal333 said:

David's goal on Fraser's pass.

That one for me is right there with the Davies Panama goal.  The pass was inch-perfect.  The run was timed to perfection.  And the skill involved in somehow taking a ball, coming basically from directly behind you, off your chest, and maintaining tight control, while at a full sprint, is absolutely ridiculous.  Davies goal showed his sheer pace but it doesn’t touch the individual skill involved in what David did to make that a real scoring opportunity.  

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2 hours ago, Craig11rm said:

I know it’s more than 10 years ago but some of my favourite goals ever scored by CMNT players were at the 07 gold cup. De Guzman left footed shot in to the top corner from outside the box against Costa Rica. (I think he had 2 that game from outside the box) and that awesome one touch passing team goal scored by Ali Gerba was nice too. More recently Jonathan David made that Cuban team look pretty silly…

Also that volley from de Rosario at the end line against Haiti was a cheeky goal. Humes goal against the US too.


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On 11/2/2022 at 1:57 PM, dyslexic nam said:

I find it interesting how people approach things differently.

I would rather have tempered expectations with reasonable goals. To me, that doesn’t lend itself to disappointment.  That isn’t some tactical way of viewing the world - it is just my general mindset.  And maybe that isn’t the romanticized way to approach this sort of thing but it is in my nature.   For me it would be worse to go in absolutely expecting us to get out of the group and then be disappointed in the boys because they didn’t pull it off.

the facts: 

- we are one of the lowest ranked teams in the tournament 

- we are the lowest ranked team in our group

- our group has two teams that could legitimately be considered global footy powerhouses and to get out of our group we need to finish above one of them   

- every team at this tournament will be training kits as hard (and in some cases harder) as we are to prepare 

To me, thinking we will have a really hard time advancing out of the group isn’t pessimism - it is realism without Canadian blinders.  Doesn’t mean I won’t be cheering like hell or any less emotionally invested in the team as they fight like hell for a result each and every game.  It is just how I approach the game. 

Echo that.

That said, it's one match at a time isn't it?  It's been in my head for weeks now that with an in-form David and Stacks, given our outside pace and quality, we could be really, really fun to watch.  Doesn't mean we're getting into the knock-out stage, but I wouldn't be too surprised if Canada becomes the early surprise of the touney either. 

It's going to be a very fine line for these team between glory and disapointment.  Not going to be dull though, that's for sure.  

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On 11/3/2022 at 4:13 PM, InglewoodJack said:

I was also going to mention Iran since they are next door. I'm curious about their support in general. On one hand, some "Activists" are calling for Iran to be banned from the games due to their impending revolution, but on the other hand, what better opportunity to show massive support to one of the few things that has unilateral support in your country- your national team. Plus, their group is just primed to have their fans go absolutely off. Playing America at the world cup, especially with everything going on domestically? C'mon. And they're playing England too? If Red Star and Partizan or Celtic/Rangers is intense, this is a whole different ball game.

Logistically though, Iran is recruiting heavily from their domestic league, and all those players can straight up practice at their home pitch, eat their home cooked meals, sleep in their own beds, and then take a 2 (?) hour flight to Qatar to play. Hell, they're close enough to have their moms bring over some home cooked meals directly! I also think that Iran's group is just primed for insane crowds.

Plus, and this is more anecdotally, but in the Islamic world, at least in my experience, Morocco is seen as this other thing. Their dialect of Arabic isn't really mutually intelligible with someone who speaks Saudi or Lebanese Arabic. They practice religion differently. A lot of Moroccans have ancestral ties with Southern Europe, muslims on the Arabian peninsula are arabs whereas Moroccans are not. I don't know the Moroccan roster off the top of my head, but I am sure that many of their players grew up elsewhere, such as their goalie who I believe is from Montreal. If anything, they would get massive support if the World Cup was in France or Belgium.



I’m an Arabic speaker, have lived in the Gulf, and have close friends from Morocco so very familiar with the context overall.

Yes it’s true that Qatar has an overwhelming expat majority, but that won’t be reflected in the local ticket sales. Qatari citizens are the wealthiest in the population and have the most disposable income.

I watch tQatari sports tv on occasion and the national teams they are most partial to, outside of their own, in early build up are the Moroccans and Saudis. Pan-Arab identity has lost its political currency but remains popular in sporting and cultural events like this one.

As you’ll see in link I shared in my previous post the Arab Cup, which Qatar hosted is a dry run for the World Cup attracted huge travelling support from Morocco and also had locals cheering the team on. I have no doubt it’ll be the same here.

That the team is majority foreign-born matters little, as far as crowd dynamics go.

Edited by BigMo
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For top 3 of the last 10 years, with 0 context/importance... I don't know, I am tempted to put David ahead of Davies. And not the Honduras goal that people are talking about, the Cuba goal that @Craig11rm mentioned. Took it on the run with the outside of his trailing boot. Touched it by a defender, and faked a defender into sliding by in front of him while he patiently waited, then slots it home (maybe through the keeper's legs? Can't remember for sure.)

The Davies goal was awesome, and the skill to keep it in and take off with it was great, but I'm not sure it's quite at the Davies Cuba goal. With context obviously it's easily Davies against Panama. 1 minute before that goal and there were a lot of questions about if we could make it to the World Cup. 30 minutes or so later and I felt like we are looking at a team that has the potential to get out of the group stage.

But I'll go with...

1. David against Cuba in Toronto.
2. Davies against Panama in Toronto.
3. David against Honduras in Honduras.

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