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8 minutes ago, frattinator said:

I find it insane that none of the people reporting on this has brought up how Leeds under the universally beloved Marcelo Bielsa was caught using drones to film opponent training sessions from just a few years ago! Leeds paid a 100K fine and that was the end of that story. No one (of consequence) demanded Bielsa resignation. Leeds wasn’t sanctioned from a sporting perspective. Everyone agreed it was egg on Bielsa’s face, laughed a bit, and moved on. It’s now just a funny footnote in Bielsa’s coaching career (god knows that man’s reputation never took a hit). Like guys context here is important. Bielsa wasn’t even the only one who did this. Demanding for medal to be stripped or for the team to withdraw from the tournament is like asking for life imprisonment for stealing a loaf of bread.

Marcelo Bielsa's exploits have been mentioned several times in what I have been watching and reading including in a Onesoccer clip I posted on the previous page. Nobody involved with that incident received an eight month suspended jail sentence due to violating a no fly order and wound up getting sent home from arguably the world's most high profile sporting event other than the World Cup finals. The CSA has to deal with how the Canadian media handles a news story like this so what happens in Yorkshire in England over something like that or the perspective of Didier Drogba means diddlysquat.

Edited by Ozzie_the_parrot
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8 minutes ago, Ozzie_the_parrot said:

Marcelo Bielsa's exploits have been mentioned several times in what I have been watching and reading including in a Onesoccer clip I posted on the previous page. Nobody involved with that incident received an eight month suspended jail sentence due to violating a no fly order and wound up getting sent home from arguably the world's most high profile sporting event other than the World Cup finals. The CSA has to deal with how the Canadian media handles a news story like this so what happens in Yorkshire in England over something like that or the perspective of Didier Drogba means diddlysquat.

Wait so is the argument that what CANWNT did was much worse because they violated local drone regulations and where they did it but not the act itself? If so that’s fine, and it feels like the correct punishment was meted out (the person received a suspended sentence)? So why are we still treating it as if we were found doping? 

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1 hour ago, Ozzie_the_parrot said:

I think you are getting your wires crossed between perceived competence level and integrity. Also not sure what you are claiming where possible bankruptcy is concerned. Player registration fees had to be substantially increased at amateur and youth level at the CSA AGM and a substantial act of "philanthropy" from the three Canadian MLS owners was required to get the CSA onto more of an even keel financially with a credible coaching hire.

You must not have read the article but investigating claims of a source is a basic tenet of journalistic integrity.

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6 minutes ago, frattinator said:

Wait so is the argument that what CANWNT did was much worse because they violated local drone regulations and where they did it but not the act itself? If so that’s fine, and it feels like the correct punishment was meted out (the person received a suspended sentence)? So why are we still treating it as if we were found doping? 

Seriously bud just take the time to read the last sentence before hitting reply. The CSA has to deal with how incidents like this are handled in Canada so what happens in the UK is irrelevant. Do you remember what happened after Ben Johnson returned from Seoul and how it remained a major talking point for months on end? The CSA needs to be seen to clean house where staff who are still around from pre-Kevin Blue are concerned so we can turn the page and get on with the build up to 2026 under Jesse Marsch. One of the stranger things to happen over the last year or so in CSA terms was Bev Priestman receiving a long contract extension when the CMNT hire had to wait for the new CEO.

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1 hour ago, Ozzie_the_parrot said:

Dude appears to be of Goa Portuguese extraction:


so could reasonably be expected to be from a soccer friendly background. Sometimes second or third generation types view bashing soccer as their ticket to joining the perceived Canadian mainstream though. This part for example:

...Much of the beautiful game, as its devotees are wont to call it, proceeds on the excitement of the one-nil thriller. The minus one-nil thriller would be a novel Canadian contribution to international competition...

Whether people on here like it or not Bev Priestman & Co's actions have provided ammunition to people who do not have our sport's best interests at heart and that's kind of why they shouldn't have been using drones in the first place and why the CSA now needs to be seen to clean house.

If anything, I would think him being a pastor has more to do with trying to moralize this to such an extreme extent. That said, I think unfortunately, humiliating yourself to try and garner respect from the rest of the world isn’t a completely foreign value in Canada. 

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Found this part of the wikipedia article of note:

and is also chaplain of the Queen's football team, the Golden Gaels

Soccer tends to be viewed as the Antichrist in U-sports gridiron circles as an alien activity to be marginalized so that the one true Canadian form of football can flourish.

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2 hours ago, Borjans Sweatpants said:

Sounds like something I’d say if I was the rat 


Did I miss something somewhere?  How did MAK get pulled into this?  Are there side-stories and theories happening on X or something?

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5 minutes ago, Borjans Sweatpants said:

Deducted 6 pts, so sitting at -3 after one win. Will be tough to get out of the group stage now, have to win out and even then who knows. 

And a fine and Priestman banned for a year (meh)

This sucks, the players are getting punished more than Bev.  Bev gets to coach again next year, meanwhile the players lost their chance to win at the Olympics. 

F U Bev, these girls paid a high price for your astounding stupidity.

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its the usual twitter reddit nonsense re Kaye.  Pure speculation since some people might think he might have an axe to grind against herdman.  Why that would mean he would pull the entire program down by spilling the beans on everything he ever saw is beyond me.  

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9 minutes ago, Borjans Sweatpants said:

Deducted 6 pts, so sitting at -3 after one win. Will be tough to get out of the group stage now, have to win out and even then who knows. 

And a fine and Priestman banned for a year (meh)

No doubt aimed at sending them home ASAP without disrupting any scheduled televised coverage in a manner that might bring rights payments into question.

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12 minutes ago, Borjans Sweatpants said:

Deducted 6 pts, so sitting at -3 after one win. Will be tough to get out of the group stage now, have to win out and even then who knows. 

And a fine and Priestman banned for a year (meh)

If they win out I would think they can still make it out as one of the best third place teams (especially that would mean a pretty healthy GD). But yeah, odds aren't good even if they get out of the group since they'll probably have to face Spain in the QF even if they get out. Every game now is a must win. Hopefully the team can use this as a motivation to prove people wrong.  

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4 minutes ago, Bison44 said:

its the usual twitter reddit nonsense re Kaye.  Pure speculation since some people might think he might have an axe to grind against herdman.  Why that would mean he would pull the entire program down by spilling the beans on everything he ever saw is beyond me.  

Have you heard him speak? It sounds exactly like the kind of thing he would do. Big ego, lack of self-awareness, history of petty comments, etc.  

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I can't wrap my head around the anger towards Westhead.  Sure, he ain't perfect, probably goes a little too far for clicks, but he isn't lying or cheating.  All outlets are reporting this, why are we picking on him so hard, the guy is doing his job.

Gotta read the room guys, look at the big picture.  Comparing this to Bielsa or whatever isn't the same situation or platform. This is the freakin Olympics, where sportsmanship is everything, every action if representative of your country, including breaking laws.  This IS like doping.  Herdman doing it at WCQ is one thing, this is a whole other Everest level of stupidity and we're right for holding people accountable.  Who ever made this decision or supported it deserves to have their name dragged in the mud.

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It was definitely Kaye. He was the catalyst of the whole financial gripe against the CSA and was the one who brought the American law firm into it. I respect him for wearing the Maple Leaf and representing his country, but it would not surprise me if he has been one of Westhead's biggest sources over the years; however, not sure how he would be involved as much with this new story. 

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9 minutes ago, costarg said:

 This is the freakin Olympics, where sportsmanship is everything, every action if representative of your country, including breaking laws..

The fact that Israel hasn't even been banned from these Olympics sort of brings to light that this is all a charade anyways.

It's more about giving the appearance of fairness and equality than actually caring about it.

People consider the IOC (and FIFA for that matter) to be 2 of the most corrupt organizations in the world for a reason.

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15 minutes ago, mpg_29 said:

I can't think of a better example of 1 step forward 2(3?) steps back than Canada Soccer lol

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again - there is absolutely nothing to be gained from the men’s POV in being affiliated to the women’s program. They are an absolute anchor. Money disputes, finger pointing, jealousy… 

The teams should be completely separate in all aspects. 

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