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8 hours ago, Complete Homer said:

If you follow the link it takes you to FC Edmonton's merch website where the deposit is placed. You aren't placing money with fans. It also explains that they count towards season tickets.

They could have made it slightly clearer that the Yeg4CPL splash page just explained the movement, the money is being collected by FC Edmonton

I'm sure it will work for anyone who's already knowledgeable about the team, but it may be difficult to extend their reach beyond that based on what they've put out.

Also seems a bit weird to say "The Fath brothers have stated that they need to be convinced the CPL will work in Edmonton" when that website is in essence coming from the Fath brothers.

I feel like the whole thing needs a bit more transparency if it's to capture the non-hardcore fan.  More information about who's running the campaign, etc.  Needs to be a bit more open.

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1 hour ago, Gopherbashi said:

I'm sure it will work for anyone who's already knowledgeable about the team, but it may be difficult to extend their reach beyond that based on what they've put out.

Also seems a bit weird to say "The Fath brothers have stated that they need to be convinced the CPL will work in Edmonton" when that website is in essence coming from the Fath brothers.

I feel like the whole thing needs a bit more transparency if it's to capture the non-hardcore fan.  More information about who's running the campaign, etc.  Needs to be a bit more open.

ESG is running the campaign, the letter on the website is signed by them.

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Just my personal opinion...

I truly want Edmonton to have a CPL team, love the SG, the fans and the logo+marketing is awesome.

However, I really question the Fath Bros. approach. I get that it's a ticket drive live Vegas and Winnipeg had to do before getting into the NHL, but the owners were rock solid, the facility was already there or under construction and everyone knows the league.

Here, I don't know how solid is the ownership, there's no deal for a facility and I don't Edmontonians outside of soccer fans are even remotely aware of CPL at this point. I'm not liking the message either. It's not "I want to do this, we have a plan but need your support" but it's backward "Convince me (fans and sponsors) that you will be there and then I will come up with a plan". That's fine but you have no guarantee that the city or sponsors will back you.

Just my impression. I would love Edmonton in CPL but I just don't like the approach here. Partnering up with deeper pockets with the connections to get the city at the table and with the ability to get sponsors would be a better approach at the very least.

Perhaps he's done all of that already, but if that's the case, it should have been said

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16 minutes ago, Ansem said:

Just my personal opinion...

I truly want Edmonton to have a CPL team, love the SG, the fans and the logo+marketing is awesome.

However, I really question the Fath Bros. approach. I get that it's a ticket drive live Vegas and Winnipeg had to do before getting into the NHL, but the owners were rock solid, the facility was already there or under construction and everyone knows the league.

Here, I don't know how solid is the ownership, there's no deal for a facility and I don't Edmontonians outside of soccer fans are even remotely aware of CPL at this point. I'm not liking the message either. It's not "I want to do this, we have a plan but need your support" but it's backward "Convince me (fans and sponsors) that you will be there and then I will come up with a plan". That's fine but you have no guarantee that the city or sponsors will back you.

Just my impression. I would love Edmonton in CPL but I just don't like the approach here. Partnering up with deeper pockets with the connections to get the city at the table and with the ability to get sponsors would be a better approach at the very least.

Perhaps he's done all of that already, but if that's the case, it should have been said

Hopefully they deliberately set the bar low...how many season tickets did they sell before?

I get why former FC Edmonton owners would want to do this market test....and that goes to my overall concerns about the economics of the league. But if I am a CPL executive I'm not sure I'd like this. I mean if it comes up short you basically have one the largest potential markets saying "Were not convinced it can work" in a pretty public way. Wouldn't be a good look or boost of confidence for the league before it even starts. Better to have them sit out all together and wait a year or two instead of have this publicized market test before the league even starts.

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2 minutes ago, mpg_29 said:

Hopefully they deliberately set the bar low...how many season tickets did they sell before?

I get why former FC Edmonton owners would want to do this market test....and that goes to my overall concerns about the economics of the league. But if I am a CPL executive I'm not sure I'd like this. I mean if it comes up short you basically have one the largest potential markets saying "Were not convinced it can work" in a pretty public way. Wouldn't be a good look or boost of confidence for the league before it even starts. Better to have them sit out all together and wait a year or two instead of have this publicized market test before the league even starts.

They had 1000 season seats for last year, but here they're trying to hit that number in 40 days.

I think the only way the CPL is on board with this is if they believe Faths are close to committing, otherwise it could turn out to be a disaster PR-wise. I think, with the push from the SG, the Faths and the CPL will get the 1000 commitments and this is more of a PR hype push for both a team and league launch. So far it has been very well calculated and well rolled out; great hashtag, new website with a kitschy slogan and imagery, off brand marketing with trendy craft beer partners, multiple fan rallies planned. It all seems to be ramping up to the obvious.

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30 minutes ago, BuzzAndSting said:

...I think the only way the CPL is on board with this is if they believe Faths are close to committing, otherwise it could turn out to be a disaster PR-wise...

Think what is surprising is that this sort of thing hasn't already been happening in several other cities given there is now a little over 13 months until they claim to be launching. If the interest is there to get 6000-10000 paid per game in an ongoing sustainable sort of way there should be no problem securing 2000 never mind 1000 season ticket deposits. If the interest is not there, then you adjust your plans accordingly. Running a lot of season ticket deposit campaigns like this would be a way to identify where it is most likely to work especially in the more risky smaller markets that are being mentioned as possibilities. I guess one awkward issue in all of this is that even Hamilton and Halifax technically don't have lease deals signed, sealed and delivered with their city councils yet for the stadiums they plan to play in, to say nothing of the likes of Surrey, Calgary, Saskatoon and K/W. If 2019 is a go then a lot of announcements and pop-up related news stories will be happening between now and the CSA AGM.

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28 minutes ago, Rheo said:

Good to see uninformed (because we don't know what they've done outside of this because they haven't told anyone) speculation and assumptions still rule here (and no not everyont) while crapping all over what FC Edmonton is doing.

Hold on here. We all support CPL in Edmonton but I don't like the approach. That's a fair comment. If you can connects some dots for us, please do so. Is the city willing to commit pending a successful ticket sale? Those are legitimate questions because we've seen how it went when the Winnipeg Jets did the same before getting the Thrashers or what Vegas did and what Seattle will do. What they all have in common is that the facility was done deal and we know the ownership is solid. In this case, upon folding the NASL club, Fath said that he couldn't afford to lose money (I doubt CPL owners turn a profit in year 1) and how the current stadium was unsustainable and criticized the city and corporate Edmonton and he did so very publicly. 

How is it unfair to ask if all those problems were taken care off before this event or if it's something he wants to tackle after a successful ticket drive?

You'd think that having a clear plan with the city would improve the prospect of smashing the 1000 mark. This is a situation where you don't want to keep stuff under wrap.


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I never said you didn't support it but at the same time you're crapping all over it based on uninformed speculation and assumptions.  I just find it funny is all that you're assuming they didn't do any or all of these things you're criticizing them for before going to the public.  That they didn't have any plan, just woke up yesterday and put up a website and wrote inspiring speeches for a night at the bar. 

What really amazes me,  is the perception on here that these people involved in the CPL are idiots.  From the negative people who think they're a bunch of rich idiots, who don't have a sound plan and are going to kill the game in Canada forever, to the the pro-CPL people who nitpick every little bit of information we get and go off and make the before mentioned speculation and assumptions without knowing all the information because they haven't told us and ripping what they think is happening or going to happen.

All I'm saying is I wish people would wait before they're so quick to rush to judgement and condemnation but I know that's most likely not going to be the case lol

Also Fath never said he couldn't afford to lose money.  He just said he needed to know that it would be sustainable in the long run.  It sounds like he was sick of losing money with no prospect of getting it back hence the folding of the team in the NASL (and the other league factors).  I'm pretty sure he knows he won't make money in the CPL for the first few years, because the league officials have said the owners know they won't in the beginning.  

Anyways I'm done with this.  I've said my bit and I should get back to work lol

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1 hour ago, BuzzAndSting said:

They had 1000 season seats for last year, but here they're trying to hit that number in 40 days.

I think the only way the CPL is on board with this is if they believe Faths are close to committing, otherwise it could turn out to be a disaster PR-wise. I think, with the push from the SG, the Faths and the CPL will get the 1000 commitments and this is more of a PR hype push for both a team and league launch. So far it has been very well calculated and well rolled out; great hashtag, new website with a kitschy slogan and imagery, off brand marketing with trendy craft beer partners, multiple fan rallies planned. It all seems to be ramping up to the obvious.

This seems bang on to me

1000 tickets would seem like a pretty low bar, far too low for it to be the make or break figure. To me it fits best that Fath wants to be in CPL, but needs to get the message across that complacency from the city/supporters/sponsors isn't going to fly.

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25 minutes ago, Rheo said:

I never said you didn't support it but at the same time you're crapping all over it based on uninformed speculation and assumptions.  I just find it funny is all that you're assuming they didn't do any or all of these things you're criticizing them for before going to the public.  That they didn't have any plan, just woke up yesterday and put up a website and wrote inspiring speeches for a night at the bar. 

Hey they might get the 1000 mark and good for them, sorry for wishing they'd do double or triple that, but to achieve that, you got to share your vision and your plan. That's what I'm saying.


25 minutes ago, Rheo said:

What really amazes me,  is the perception on here that these people involved in the CPL are idiots.  From the negative people who think they're a bunch of rich idiots, who don't have a sound plan and are going to kill the game in Canada forever, to the the pro-CPL people who nitpick every little bit of information we get and go off and make the before mentioned speculation and assumptions without knowing all the information because they haven't told us and ripping what they think is happening or going to happen.

But you'd get even more attention and more people to buy tickets if you did share more information. Status quo didn't work for them when they were in NASL and without disclosing their plan or vision, they are selling more of the same. I also don't like the timing as it's something that would have worked better after CPL awarded more clubs and were finally mainstream so FCE could piggyback on that and then sell the concept to the whole city. What you perceive as me bashing what they are doing is really me pointing out that I wish them well but there was a better way to do it.

25 minutes ago, Rheo said:

All I'm saying is I wish people would wait before they're so quick to rush to judgement and condemnation but I know that's most likely not going to be the case lol

Condemnation or constructive feedback? Sorry you think I'm just bashing the endeavor, I wish them well, just pointing out that it could have been executed better.  



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But, be clear; that’s not an end goal. It’s a starting point.

“The truth is, you don’t get very far on 1,000 tickets,” said Tom Fath, who owns the team with his brother, Dave. Truth is, FCE has not set a hard target of tickets that have to be sold. Fath said it will be a combination of tickets sold, corporate support and the right agreement for a soccer facility that will help convince him and his brother to re-launch the pro team, but in CanPL this time.

“Dave and I need to know it will be sustainable,” said Fath. “We have to be convinced it will be different (than it was in NASL).”

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Think this injects a much needed dose of reality into the proceedings and it's interesting to see how some people on here appear to be scared about having the genuine interest level in CanPL exposed to a concrete test like this. If it works and FCE reemerge under the Faths again then great, if it doesn't then hopefully this provides the emperor has no clothes type moment that is needed for the powers that be at CSA and Ticats HQ to realize that they need to change direction a bit to achieve what's actually doable rather than chasing an emotionally preferred outcome. Either way it is likely to be a beneficial exercise, because it's better to test the interest level ahead of the launch rather than taking a fingers crossed and hope for the best sort of approach with a highly ambitious and risky business plan.

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Public service announcement.

Quotes from this article on the official Canadian Premier League website: http://canpl.ca/article/james-easton-named-head-of-soccer-operations-for-the-canadian-premier-league

"Sign up for the latest updates, offers, and promotions from CPL"

"The Canadian Premier League (CPL), announced today"

"Vice President of Soccer Operations for the CPL" twice

"ensure all aspects of the CPL"

"what is required to make the CPL a long-term success"

"David Clanachan, CPL Commissioner"

"will allow the CPL to deliver"

"The CPL has injected"

"opportunity for all of us at the CPL"

"The CPL is set to debut"

"Canadian Premier League (CPL) is Canada's domestic men's soccer league"

"The CPL will bring professional soccer"

"approved the membership of the CPL"

"The CPL has intentions"


Can we refer to it as CPL instead of CanPL? Or is that not happening? Even Sandor is splashing CanPL all over his articles.

I'll show myself out now.

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CanPL is more a Twitter thing as I see it.  Way too many CPL hashtags so general consensus was to use the longer one so that those interested in catching up on the league could find things easier and as someone who searches it often it does help.  Honestly don't know what I put here.  If I do use CanPL it's more muscle memory from using it on Twitter so much lol

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31 minutes ago, Kent said:

Public service announcement.

Quotes from this article on the official Canadian Premier League website: http://canpl.ca/article/james-easton-named-head-of-soccer-operations-for-the-canadian-premier-league

"Sign up for the latest updates, offers, and promotions from CPL"

"The Canadian Premier League (CPL), announced today"

"Vice President of Soccer Operations for the CPL" twice

"ensure all aspects of the CPL"

"what is required to make the CPL a long-term success"

"David Clanachan, CPL Commissioner"

"will allow the CPL to deliver"

"The CPL has injected"

"opportunity for all of us at the CPL"

"The CPL is set to debut"

"Canadian Premier League (CPL) is Canada's domestic men's soccer league"

"The CPL will bring professional soccer"

"approved the membership of the CPL"

"The CPL has intentions"


Can we refer to it as CPL instead of CanPL? Or is that not happening? Even Sandor is splashing CanPL all over his articles.

I'll show myself out now.

Agreed. We have the CFL, the RCAF, the RCN, CN Rail, CBC and a hundred other Canadian things that don't have "Can" in their title. I've never understood why CanPL became a thing. I get the hashtag bit, but why not just call it #CPLsoccer? If I recall correctly, that's even the Titter handle for the official account. I'm just hoping that they make this change official - and quickly enough to change the web site name before the next big announcements.

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I'm pretty uneasy with this whole FCE thing. 1000 season tickets? We should be aiming for 3 times that, minimum. Than we have people like Totera and Mollicola on Twitter asking out-of-towners to buy a FCE season ticket and donate it to a Edmonton soccer academy so that they can hit the 1000 mark.  What does fudging the actual interest in FCE accomplish?

If the Faths believe they can succeed in CPL, let's have FCE back. But this wishy-washy approach with no information on what the team will look like just seems like Fath isn't committed.

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7 hours ago, Rheo said:

Good to see uninformed (because we don't know what they've done outside of this because they haven't told anyone) speculation and assumptions still rule here (and no not everyont) while crapping all over what FC Edmonton is doing.

Believe it or not, criticising a team for lacklustre marketing or being woefully untransparent is actually a good step for the league, because it means that there's actually something to criticise.

And I hope to see far more criticism in the future.

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2 hours ago, harrycoyster said:

I'm pretty uneasy with this whole FCE thing. 1000 season tickets? We should be aiming for 3 times that, minimum. Than we have people like Totera and Mollicola on Twitter asking out-of-towners to buy a FCE season ticket and donate it to a Edmonton soccer academy so that they can hit the 1000 mark.  What does fudging the actual interest in FCE accomplish?

If the Faths believe they can succeed in CPL, let's have FCE back. But this wishy-washy approach with no information on what the team will look like just seems like Fath isn't committed.

I think it shows the Fath's are more committed and interested with the low bar of 1000 season tickets.

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