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I have heard a couple of people upset about this topic being derailed and how they come here looking for news on CPL and are now staying away because of the repetitive or annoying discussions.

To be fair to that and the people in this thread, start a CPL news thread for news or a sticky at the start of this thread for actual factual updates. This is a CPL General discussion thread, expect discussion, however exasperating it might be. Don't walk into a chinese restaurant and complain they aren't serving pad thai or a curry. I mean they might still serve pad thai or the curry on the menu but its not a thai or east indian restaurant. 

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18 minutes ago, toontownman said:

I have heard a couple of people upset about this topic being derailed and how they come here looking for news on CPL and are now staying away because of the repetitive or annoying discussions.

To be fair to that and the people in this thread, start a CPL news thread for news or a sticky at the start of this thread for actual factual updates. This is a CPL General discussion thread, expect discussion, however exasperating it might be. Don't walk into a chinese restaurant and complain they aren't serving pad thai or a curry. I mean they might still serve pad thai or the curry on the menu but its not a thai or east indian restaurant. 

This is a good idea. We could just post links to articles, video, audio and omit the commentary. The only thing is we would need the ability to delete the inevitable posts dissecting or interpreting every news item.

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The USL's Phoenix Rising  is a great example of a team that went the route of a modular pop up stadium. Here is a release from the company that put it up in 52 days. This is the route many of the CPL teams could go while deciding on long terms of a more permanent setup.


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But I thought that 13 months wasn’t near enough time to build a stadium? I am just joking. Don’t want to start an argument. But in all honesty, their stadium looks good. I really like the custom seat designs. If I went to a stadium like that it would look pretty darn professional. There are fans closing the pitch in on all sides which is important. And the number of seats means it would look full each game. Here is a photo:



Edited by BenFisk'sBiggestFan
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3 hours ago, toontownman said:

I have heard a couple of people upset about this topic being derailed and how they come here looking for news on CPL and are now staying away because of the repetitive or annoying discussions.

To be fair to that and the people in this thread, start a CPL news thread for news or a sticky at the start of this thread for actual factual updates. This is a CPL General discussion thread, expect discussion, however exasperating it might be. Don't walk into a chinese restaurant and complain they aren't serving pad thai or a curry. I mean they might still serve pad thai or the curry on the menu but its not a thai or east indian restaurant. 

There is the constructive one that I wish peeps would use more often

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4 hours ago, Cblake said:

The USL's Phoenix Rising  is a great example of a team that went the route of a modular pop up stadium...

The slower more difficult part is getting somebody else to agree to have their land used like that by a pro soccer group, if it isn't going to be bought outright, and navigating possible vociferous NIMBYism to get all the municipal level approvals in place for the build. If everything was signed, sealed and delivered in Surrey, Saskatoon and Halifax, there is an obvious path to six in 2019 even with a tight 14 month timeline with Winnipeg, Hamilton (assuming they do sort out the lease dispute with the City and that isn't a huge obstacle) and ideally the Ottawa Fury, but to get the ball rolling it could also be something like York Region at the OSC that is owned by the OSA and should be easy to rent on favourable terns. Then other possibilities like Calgary, K/W, Greater Montreal and Quebec City, where there has been nothing public yet about stadium negotiations, could be in the pipeline for 8-10. 

Edited by BringBackTheBlizzard
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16 hours ago, Gopherbashi said:

This is literally the dumbest fucking argument we've had for the last five pages.

Man take a couple of days off and I miss all the fun things :)  For the record though five pages isn't very long for this thread (January 30) so that isn't really saying much lol.  I now return to catching up on what else I missed.

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10 hours ago, toontownman said:

More importantly who shit the bed on the January 17th announcement?

They wanted the commish news to float for a bit.  He was pretty much doing press the entire time to keep in the news.  That's why they're spreading things out.  To keep in the news cycle on a pretty regular schedule for those normal people that aren't psycho obsessed like we are :) 

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22 minutes ago, MtlMario said:

He called the CPL semi-pro soccer. PITIFUL, JUST PITIFUL.:angry:

I haven't had a chance to read the whole thing but I corrected him on that (based on what the CPL is saying) and his worries that the CSA have a major organizing presence when nothing has shown that to be true.  Honest mistake I'm sure

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16 hours ago, Greatest Cockney Rip Off said:

Why do people keep responding to him?

That is my biggest question, it became apparent ages ago what he was up to, it's one thing to play devil's advocate, that's not what he is doing though, I have fortunately resisted the urge to debate because for reasoable debate you need reasonable opinions on both sides and that isn't happening here!  

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6 minutes ago, gator said:

That is my biggest question, it became apparent ages ago what he was up to, it's one thing to play devil's advocate, that's not what he is doing though, I have fortunately resisted the urge to debate because for reasoable debate you need reasonable opinions on both sides and that isn't happening here!  

For me it was just to remind that his theories were indeed theories and not that facts or near sure things that he continually implies they are.  Just don't want newcomers coming on here and thinking the league is dead before it started because of a handful of skeptical people who repeat their beliefs over and over unchecked.

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9 minutes ago, Rheo said:

For me it was just to remind that his theories were indeed theories and not that facts or near sure things that he continually implies they are.  Just don't want newcomers coming on here and thinking the league is dead before it started because of a handful of skeptical people who repeat their beliefs over and over unchecked.

Yes, it's a tough one because I am against banning people and  am all for free speach but as you say the repeated  scepticism could turn some new readers away, that's not unique to this MB, most soccer boards I read have the same issues!  

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15 hours ago, Ansem said:

Once the league starts, expect nitpicking even on the color of the grass.

Wait... what have you heard?!?!

If those greedy corporate bastards use too much Kentucky Bluegrass in the mix this whole project is doomed from the start! Nobody wants to watch that shade of "green" on their HDTVs. 

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11 minutes ago, gator said:

Yes, it's a tough one because I am against banning people and  am all for free speach but as you say the repeated  scepticism could turn some new readers away, that's not unique to this MB, most soccer boards I read have the same issues!  

As a private site for a community that wishes to grow and have access having free speech is actually stupid because it hinders you in every way.

I get the "we need free speech" people and side with them often but they do jam themselves in a corner often and they end up looking terrible in the end.

Edited by matty
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2 hours ago, matty said:

I get the "we need free speech" people and side with them often but they do jam themselves in a corner often and they end up looking terrible in the end.

Free speech is free speech.  If it's stupid then it's all out for people to see and dismiss.  

Another thing altogether is if the comment bothers your sensibilities or has some hidden truths to it that you'd rather not entertain.

Of course being this a private site and all the admins are free to squash any comment, be it dumb, controversial or factual if it doesn't fit the narrative they are trying to sell.

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8 hours ago, matty said:

As a private site for a community that wishes to grow and have access having free speech is actually stupid because it hinders you in every way.

I get the "we need free speech" people and side with them often but they do jam themselves in a corner often and they end up looking terrible in the end.

Yeah, this is a private community and this site is virtual private property so true, unbridled free speech doesn't really factor into the equation here. I'm sure if BBTB started firing off racially charged derogatory words at people with malicious intent or spouting hateful views towards women for examples, he'd get the hammer ban from Jaimie without hesitation. However, he is just spouting (yes constantly) an unpopular opinion that a lot of us find to be not very sound and has glaring holes. Yes, he`s trumpeting it in a way that rubs a lot of us the wrong way. Is it hurting our ability to attract newcomers? Possibly but I doubt it. Anyhow, there are enough individuals here countering his viewpoints that I don't think it really matters anyways.

We jam ourselves into a corner? I have yet to see one of us lose an argument on that front. I have red pilled countless heavily left leaning individuals that always start off with "I believe in free speech but...." to which I reply "The moment you say but, you don't believe in free speech." ;)

Edited by Macksam
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10 hours ago, Macksam said:

Yeah, this is a private community and this site is virtual private property so true, unbridled free speech doesn't really factor into the equation here. I'm sure if BBTB started firing off racially charged derogatory words at people with malicious intent or spouting hateful views towards women for examples, he'd get the hammer ban from Jaimie without hesitation. However, he is just spouting (yes constantly) an unpopular opinion that a lot of us find to be not very sound and has glaring holes. Yes, he`s trumpeting it in a way that rubs a lot of us the wrong way. Is it hurting our ability to attract newcomers? Possibly but I doubt it. Anyhow, there are enough individuals here countering his viewpoints that I don't think it really matters anyways.

We jam ourselves into a corner? I have yet to see one of us lose an argument on that front. I have red pilled countless heavily left leaning individuals that always start off with "I believe in free speech but...." to which I reply "The moment you say but, you don't believe in free speech." ;)

Well, seeing as we've already gone down the rabbithole . . . 

Technically, "freedom of speech" isn't a right guaranteed by the Charter. Freedom of "thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication" is one of the four fundamental freedoms listed; this is obviously a bit broader than "speech". That being said, the preamble to the Charter does specifically note that these rights and freedoms are subject "to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society." This is similar to the limitations clauses in the European Convention on Human Rights, and actually served as the model for similar clauses in the South African Bill of Rights. I think most people would agree that things like death threats, incitations to violence and hate speech are generally seen as crossing certain boundaries, hence why despite having broad rights, the exercise of those rights tends to be limited in Canada in ways that it isn't in certain other countries. Besides, the "notwithstanding clause" still allows Parliament, or a prov/terr legislature, to enact legislation that conflicts with certain Charter rights, including the four fundamental freedoms. 

There's no problem with having a "but" about reasonable limits in exercising a right in Canada - it's built into the system. 

Now, back to our regularly scheduled discussion about . . . wait, what are we even talking about anymore? 

Edited by m-g-williams
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Few things... sorry for derailing this thread. To be clear, BBTB is not a troll, and I am not describing him below. 

I was expressing some frustration with Canadian Soccer 1.0.   That is everything sucks, be relentlessly negative, tear down everything, remain pissed off about things that happened 30 years ago and find credibility in being angry.  Throw the baby out with the bath water, and cut your nose off to spite your face.  These are the founding principles of Canadian Soccer 1.0

We need more people to upgrade to Canadian Soccer 2.0.  Get the fuck behind things and help them move.   This doesn't mean you need to be a cheerleader and cant be critical.  Being critical is essential.  It means finding ways to contribute.  It means help the stadium in your city get built, even if it's the wrong design, in the wrong location ect.... because it's better to have one than NOT have one.  It's better to have a league than not have one. 




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11 hours ago, Macksam said:

Yeah, this is a private community and this site is virtual private property so true, unbridled free speech doesn't really factor into the equation here. I'm sure if BBTB started firing off racially charged derogatory words at people with malicious intent or spouting hateful views towards women for examples, he'd get the hammer ban from Jaimie without hesitation. However, he is just spouting (yes constantly) an unpopular opinion that a lot of us find to be not very sound and has glaring holes. Yes, he`s trumpeting it in a way that rubs a lot of us the wrong way. Is it hurting our ability to attract newcomers? Possibly but I doubt it. Anyhow, there are enough individuals here countering his viewpoints that I don't think it really matters anyways.

We jam ourselves into a corner? I have yet to see one of us lose an argument on that front. I have red pilled countless heavily left leaning individuals that always start off with "I believe in free speech but...." to which I reply "The moment you say but, you don't believe in free speech." ;)

Very little get's removed from this board.    I agree with the "but..." scenario because usually when people do that they are trying to shut down an opinion they don't like.   However, there are edge cases and situations where being a free speech absolutist falls flat and sensibly so. 

People conflate free speech from other Countries with Canada, I don't even think seditious libel is protected in Canada.  Putting my paranoid hat on, however unlikely it is to be prosecuted or harassed for such a thing today, governments do change. Even just a decade ago we did not have things etched into the stone of social media the way we do now. Things can go backwards, fast and hard and that portion of our version of 'free speech' could be a dangerous one. 




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28 minutes ago, admin said:

Very little get's removed from this board.    I agree with the "but..." scenario because usually when people do that they are trying to shut down an opinion they don't like.   However, there are edge cases and situations where being a free speech absolutist falls flat and sensibly so. 

People conflate free speech from other Countries with Canada, I don't even think seditious libel is protected in Canada.  Putting my paranoid hat on, however unlikely it is to be prosecuted or harassed for such a thing today, governments do change. Even just a decade ago we did not have things etched into the stone of social media the way we do now. Things can go backwards, fast and hard and that portion of our version of 'free speech' could be a dangerous one. 




Jaime what are your thoughts on a CPL news thread? Where only links to articles, video and audio are posted? With expressly clear instructions which state opinion and speculation will deleted?

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