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18 minutes ago, BringBackTheBlizzard said:

I remember Matty getting all upset on here about the "original six" amounting to a lie when the wording used there also had weasel words and wasn't in any way categorical. An ability to spot the weasel words in the press releases is fundamental to understanding what is actually happening. If they meant "will happen" they would have used that phraseology. "Set to" means something appears to be about to happen but doesn't imply that it categorically will happen.

The original six thing came from a leak and leaks again are not official. They are open to intereptations about validity. I want you to think about the phase "set to go off" for a second and what it means cause it doesn't mean aiming. Anyways bye

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13 minutes ago, matty said:

I literally agree and I'm sorry for my part in it. We are at a point where we've been told with great confidence by the league that 2019 Spring is when things are set to go off and the fact it's not seen as "ok they must be very very close to be using that sort of langage instead of the cautious wording they've used for years" is really fucking annoying and it's gets to me. I'm ready to just sit and wait (I think the fact I'm generally silent lately shows that a bit) and I don't get why we can't just do that now. I'm sorry

No need to be sorry for that! This thread has turned into a complete shit show of knitpicking and foolishness. Sitting and waiting is the completely logical thing to do. 

I'll just add that the league continues to staff up its front office and spending money on salaries. That in and of itself is a pretty good indicator that the league is putting its money where its mouth is. They wouldn't be wasting money a full 14 16 months before first kick-off. They are pretty much prepped and ready to go.


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They already are wasting a full 14 to 16 months before kick-off because the 2018 soft launch didn't happen. Remember the website story you quoted in the previous page?

16 hours ago, dbailey62 said:

It contained the following:

The league is aiming for a 2018 kickoff, but as of yet, just two teams have been confirmed: Hamilton and Winnipeg.

What they are trying to do is very difficult to achieve. It's frankly bizarre that people are going into hysterics over the possibility of another 12 month delay being pointed out when the stadium deals in Surrey, Saskatoon and even Halifax haven't been fully sorted out yet. If they don't have FC Edmonton and possibly even the Ottawa Fury on board at least some of those almost certainly need to get signed, sealed and delivered before they will have the pieces in place to even be able to do a six team soft launch. That's why it's still in "set to" rather than "will" territory.


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4 hours ago, lazlo_80 said:

Guys, that article DBailey linked was from last October.

Everyone take a knee before getting back into the same circular argume.....ah who am I kidding, go on then.

Yes it was and it was only posted to remind people of the speculation re that community. There are other articles that go into a bit more depth re the stadium issue and has been pointed out, yes, it did refer to 2018 which most of us pretty much knew wasn't going to happen. Not all reporters are as informed or knowledgeable as we are!

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10 minutes ago, LAK said:

@BringBackTheBlizzard then how about a friendly wager on  2019 kick off? I want to see how much you actually believe what you are saying.


He'll never bet you because of the cowardly douche of a troll he is...can we not get him blocked from this forum? He literally makes no valid points nor does he bring anything of value to this thread. He just comes on here to push peoples' buttons and quite frankly it works because he drives me insane with his bullshit. Anything to say to this BBtB?

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3 minutes ago, longlugan said:

He'll never bet you because of the cowardly douche of a troll he is...can we not get him blocked from this forum? He literally makes no valid points nor does he bring anything of value to this thread. He just comes on here to push peoples' buttons and quite frankly it works because he drives me insane with his bullshit. Anything to say to this BBtB?


 It's not even trolling, it's just endless evisceration of posts by people trying to casually have a conversation or speculate about a league we know little about. 

This should be fun to talk about.  It isn't.

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34 minutes ago, admin said:


 It's not even trolling, it's just endless evisceration of posts by people trying to casually have a conversation or speculate about a league we know little about. 

This should be fun to talk about.  It isn't.

It's the loop of things that should have been out of the talk months ago that he circles back to and then double down on. It gets to some of us worse than others

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11 minutes ago, Greatest Cockney Rip Off said:

Why do people keep responding to him?

for me it's likely linked to legit having ADHD and mild OCD. I can't say for others but that' me. That was definitely today's thing

Thing is I don't think he should be banned or blocked because he does have valid points at times.

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If there is an ignore feature, as I understand there is, people should use it if they find someone’s posts continuously annoying - either that or simply don’t read or respond to them. The latter is what I do for the odd poster who I think is trolling (BBTB is not one of them incidentally). No need to ban people from the forum or even call for it unless someone is defamatory or being regularly abusive (ironically, most of the name calling is being directed at BBTB).

I get that some of you find his posts annoying and I agree sometimes the arguments are being pushed too far but censoring someone for being annoying in the eyes of many posters would be ridiculous IMO. 

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12 minutes ago, Gian-Luca said:

If there is an ignore feature, as I understand there is, people should use it if they find someone’s posts continuously annoying - either that or simply don’t read or respond to them. The latter is what I do for the odd poster who I think is trolling (BBTB is not one of them incidentally). No need to ban people from the forum or even call for it unless someone is defamatory or being regularly abusive (ironically, most of the name calling is being directed at BBTB).

I get that some of you find his posts annoying and I agree sometimes the arguments are being pushed too far but censoring someone for being annoying in the eyes of many posters would be ridiculous IMO. 

I agree there are people why more worthy of a banning than BBTB (on grounds that most would see as valid) but I do think BBTB should be sent some message about posting the same statement 50 times (which is a form of trolling) even after it's a long dead discussion.

He does make valid points but he drowns them himself.

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54 minutes ago, Gian-Luca said:

If there is an ignore feature, as I understand there is, people should use it if they find someone’s posts continuously annoying - either that or simply don’t read or respond to them. The latter is what I do for the odd poster who I think is trolling (BBTB is not one of them incidentally). No need to ban people from the forum or even call for it unless someone is defamatory or being regularly abusive (ironically, most of the name calling is being directed at BBTB).

I get that some of you find his posts annoying and I agree sometimes the arguments are being pushed too far but censoring someone for being annoying in the eyes of many posters would be ridiculous IMO. 

Yep.  I've never understood why the people most frustrated by BBTB's posts on cpl are the ones most likely to respond to him.

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1) I dont consider BBTB to be a bonafide troll, but hes pretty close.

2) Anyone who was at the recent CPL focus groups in Toronto knows for a fact this thing is very close to happening.  Logos, branding is basically ready to go.  They have top class professionals working on that side of things, probably the best and most well known firm in Canada handling their branding.  That is the kind of professionalism we are going to see from top to bottom.  Ive said it before and I'll say it again, this league is going to exceed all of our expectations.    

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May as well throw my two cents in...... The CPL executive (guys who ran Tim Horton's and helped start TFC) say the league is going to launch in 2019 with 8-10 teams. Considering their track record I have no reason to doubt them. We know fairly little about the project - those guys are accomplished business guys who are working on this day and night. I don't see any reason whatsoever to doubt they are on track to do what they say.

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2 hours ago, Gian-Luca said:

If there is an ignore feature, as I understand there is, people should use it if they find someone’s posts continuously annoying - either that or simply don’t read or respond to them. The latter is what I do for the odd poster who I think is trolling (BBTB is not one of them incidentally). No need to ban people from the forum or even call for it unless someone is defamatory or being regularly abusive (ironically, most of the name calling is being directed at BBTB).

Yeah, no need to ban him. 

When it comes to the name calling that goes his way, he brings it on himself with the snide underhanded comments he makes. To me, he’s just off the mark on everything, his head is up his ass with his opinion on the rest of us. He still thinks the want for this league by the vast majority of us is driven by nationalistic jingoism, which is the furthest thing from the truth. It’s the reason he rocks that stupid signature.



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With regards to the whole argument he makes about there not being enough time to launch in 2019 due to stadiums needing to be constructed, that’s fair. However, if I’m correct, I believe Halifax is doing the pop up and that’s the direction Saskatoon wants to go in as well. Isn’t that the direction Surrey is going in to or do they want something permanent?

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1 hour ago, ray said:

Yep.  I've never understood why the people most frustrated by BBTB's posts on cpl are the ones most likely to respond to him.

Probably because it’s soooo hard to let it go sometimes. I have told myself at least 3 times that I was done with taking the bait, but I keep eventually failing. When it gets you frustrated you want to have an outlet to relieve your frustration. Plus sometimes you think of someone new to all this might wander on to this page and read his uncontested opinion that is usually phrased as if it’s fact. Sometimes you want it shown that what he says is not necessarily so.

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So, Wednesday Jan 10th Clanachan was announced. Wednesday Jan 24th Beirne was announced. Wednesday Jan 31st Easton was announced.

Maybe we’ll get another announcement this Wednesday. Another hire? A new team announcement? Or branding for Hamilton or Winnipeg? Any other ideas?

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That's the magic of a forum and freedom of speech.

It staggers me how many people get wound up that people have different opinions or disagreements. Forums and life take all sorts. Like a couple of people have already said if you really don't like it just ignore it. For the most part we are all adults here, albeit not mentally on my part. 

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7 minutes ago, Kent said:

So, Wednesday Jan 10th Clanachan was announced. Wednesday Jan 24th Beirne was announced. Wednesday Jan 31st Easton was announced.

Maybe we’ll get another announcement this Wednesday. Another hire? A new team announcement? Or branding for Hamilton or Winnipeg? Any other ideas?

More importantly who shit the bed on the January 17th announcement?

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1 hour ago, ray said:

Yep.  I've never understood why the people most frustrated by BBTB's posts on cpl are the ones most likely to respond to him.

Because when people who are curious about CPL comes to check this forum to learn more, it's not a good idea to let him go uncheck.

At least they see both sides, not just one side who can't let go of the CSL and his belief that the USSF is our only savior.

Once teams gets announced, this site will get more visitors. Never thought it was a good idea to just let him post all his skepticism all over without a counter view.

That's why I kept replying. I'm just tired of it now

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