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59 minutes ago, matty said:
  • Wants to make it as safe as possible via bringing in experts

XFL putting a focus on safety, alright then.

This was the same league that wanted to be tough and macho by banning fair catches and having a full speed head-on-head collision for first possession.

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2 minutes ago, Gopherbashi said:

XFL putting a focus on safety, alright then.

This was the same league that wanted to be tough and macho by banning fair catches and having a full speed head-on-head collision for first possession.

To be fair that was a pretty neat idea that turned into a shit show

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On 1/24/2018 at 10:00 AM, Gopherbashi said:

"The CPL has intentions to partner with strong community-led ownership groups to bring professional soccer to Canadian communities from coast to coast."

Alright, let's hyper-analyse this sentence.


On 1/24/2018 at 10:26 AM, BringBackTheBlizzard said:

Apparently that's how they describe themselves in press releases:


Not sure there is much to read into that beyond the way it implies that they are still in the process of trying to find these ownership groups in Canadian commmunities from coast to coast.

Just my two cents on this: if they've forecasted 8-10 teams at launch, they've been engaging with groups across the country and the league is slated for launch in less than 18 months, , I doubt *very* much that they're still trying to find ownership groups. My guess is they just can't say yet that they're "partnering" or "have partnered" with these groups as the paperwork establishing those formal relationships hasn't yet been signed. I work in government, and our legal team always advises us to be very careful when speaking of "partners" or "partnerships" as the terms apparently have certain legal connotations regarding the nature of the relationship(s) in question. Considering that we keep hearing about the CPL's continued engagement with ownership groups and how they're working  to get to the final result, this seems to be pretty consistent with that picture.

Truth be told, I'm 100% convinced that this is why we always hear this kind of language in reference to the CPL - "engaging", "reaching out", "meeting with", "planning", "working toward", etc. Until they have the very last I's dotted and T's crossed, even if it's 99% sewn up months in advance, I wouldn't blame them for wanting to stay tight lipped and be careful in the messaging. I end up doing a fair bit of wordsmithing in my job, and these are exactly the kinds of words, phrases and messages that get used - and there's always way more happening behind the scenes than people realize. 

Don't get me wrong, I still eat up every scrap of news on the CPL I can find, and I'm more than a little frustrated at how long this is taking/how little we still know. But honestly, unless it's an actual new piece of information in (new city being considered, new timeline leaked, etc.), I wouldn't bother reading much into the precise phrasing in any given piece. If the recent pace of news is any indication, we'll be finding out plenty soon enough. 

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Well said @m-g-williamsbut at this point I'd think that the delay in announcing teams is too keep in the news cycle. Before things were kept quiet for the legal reasons you specified most likely. Now things seem likely a go, unless you consider them liars as some here do. But why drop everything at once when you can have headlines every couple of weeks.

 I'm sure I'll be accused of being a naive idiot but I don't think it's coincidence that the PB news dropped two weeks exactly after the commish news.

I now await the ten paragraph response about how wrong I am :)

Disclaimer as usual this is all just my opinion based on the available information and is in no way fact. I may very well be wrong

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17 hours ago, m-g-williams said:


Just my two cents on this: if they've forecasted 8-10 teams at launch, they've been engaging with groups across the country and the league is slated for launch in less than 18 months, , I doubt *very* much that they're still trying to find ownership groups...

You do realize that they are talking in terms of expanding well beyond 10 teams eventually and that there have been mentions made of new groups getting in contact with them relatively recently? It shouldn't be in any way surprising or controversial that they would still be trying to find interested groups, because 8-10 isn't beng billed as the final destination in numbers terms. Putting all the finances together on something like this and finding suitable stadium solutions isn't easy. Unless a lot more starts happening soon on the stadium part of that particular equation a full season 8 to 10 team launch in less than 15 months looks like a bit of a stretch to me. If you are involved with marketing a new league you won't last long in the job if you don't accentuate the positive and talk up best case scenarios. A further year's delay or a six team soft launch are also probably very much in play at this point.

Edited by BringBackTheBlizzard
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21 minutes ago, BringBackTheBlizzard said:

You do realize that they are talking in terms of expanding well beyond 10 teams eventually and that there have been mentions made of new groups getting in contact with them relatively recently? It shouldn't be in any way surprising or controversial that they would still be trying to find interested groups, because 8-10 isn't beng billed as the final destination in numbers terms.

My thoughts: Who hacked BBTB's account? I'm going to like this post!

22 minutes ago, BringBackTheBlizzard said:

Putting all the finances together on something like this and finding suitable stadium solutions isn't easy. Unless a lot more starts happening soon on the stadium part of that particular equation a full season 8 to 10 team launch in less than 15 months looks like a bit of a stretch to me. If you are involved with marketing a new league you won't last long in the job if you don't accentuate the positive and talk up best case scenarios. A further year's delay or a six team soft launch are also probably very much in play at this point.

My thoughts: Ah, there it is.

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1 hour ago, BringBackTheBlizzard said:

You do realize that they are talking in terms of expanding well beyond 10 teams eventually and that there have been mentions made of new groups getting in contact with them relatively recently? It shouldn't be in any way surprising or controversial that they would still be trying to find interested groups, because 8-10 isn't beng billed as the final destination in numbers terms. Putting all the finances together on something like this and finding suitable stadium solutions isn't easy. Unless a lot more starts happening soon on the stadium part of that particular equation a full season 8 to 10 team launch in less than 15 months looks like a bit of a stretch to me. If you are involved with marketing a new league you won't last long in the job if you don't accentuate the positive and talk up best case scenarios. A further year's delay or a six team soft launch are also probably very much in play at this point.

I take your point, and with respect to teams further down the road, I agree - to an extent. Even if we do consider all CMAs of 200k+, that still doesn't leave a huge number of cities to consider. Given that there isn't necessarily a huge list of deep pockets in many of these cities, it probably becomes clear very early on who could and could not reasonably be expected to participate. People here have been very quick to point this out and regularly name the big fish in each respective pond. *Finding* the groups doesn't seem like it would be much of an issue at all - I'd argue that the time-consuming part is just *confirming* and *finalizing* the relationship to be struck with interested groups, in a legally-binding fashion. Besides, the point that you just raised - that "new groups" have made contact with them to discuss options - suggests they're not having much trouble *finding* groups at all (for the record, I doubt that these "new groups" are new kids on the block by any stretch - CPL/CSA probably knew who they were well in advance, and just hadn't yet entered into formal discussions). If these groups are the ones knocking on CPL's door and not the other way around, I'd say they're in a pretty good spot.

Again, thinking back to how things work in the government world, we almost always know ages in advance who the key players are for a given file, what they think on a given issue, and what they're willing to put on the table. But our public messaging always, always has to stress that we are still "engaging", "considering", and "exploring" until things are 100% finalized from a legal standpoint and an announcement is made. I'm well aware that the CPL isn't government, but I find it impossible to a believe that a national sporting league, with connections to an existing national sporting league in the CFL and spear-headed by a national sporting association in the CSA, with feelers in practically every community in the country, is somehow still trying to *find* groups to partner with. CSA has been considering a national men's league for ages, and they have the experience of having failed before. They'd have to *know* by this point who's willing and able to play ball. My gut says they just need to wait for the umpire to give the go ahead for the first pitch.

On the point about accentuating the positive and talking up best-case scenarios, I'd argue the exact opposite - under-promise and over-deliver. Again, relying on how things work in my world, managing expectations is absolutely critical to maintaining good relationships with our stakeholders. If we hype something up and then fall short of expectations, we get absolutely raked over the coals. On the flip side, when we play our cards close to our chest and temper expectations, we take a lot of flak in the short term but come out in a much better position - results-wise, and media-wise - in the long term. Whoever is behind CPL's marketing seems to be keenly aware of the importance of building good relationships with the fans, especially the SGs. I just can't see themselves making a rookie mistake and shooting themselves in the foot by soiling that relationship. Better to present a bit of cautious optimism and then wow them when the curtain finally goes up. It was good enough for Montgomery Scott, so why not the CPL? :P 

WRT stadia, this is where I'm more along your line of thinking. It could be a non-issue, it could be a temporary Achilles heel - it really depends on the details. If it's a set-up with a pre-existing stadium with minimal modifications needed, you're golden. Something more Halifax- or Saskatoon-like involving a new build can become tricky depending on the contracting/procurement process, construction/renovation delays and a hundred other things. If anything ends up resulting in a further delay of the launch, my money's on the asset logistics, not the ownership or league structure.

Edited by m-g-williams
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20 minutes ago, PJSweet said:

Actually the first person that has ever dropped the idea of a Canadian women's league has been Anthony Totera going back a year ago.

You can fuck off with that noise, fuck right off. Totera's total input on a women's league in Canada has been to say "it'd be nice to have one day down the road" (dude has barely even mentioned women's soccer on his youtube thing except to say Herdman flipping roles was the darkest day in Canadian soccer), so if that's dropping the idea of a women's league, then I'm the fucking pope.

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8 minutes ago, Old Style Pilsner1555362318 said:

You can fuck off with that noise, fuck right off. Totera's total input on a women's league in Canada has been to say "it'd be nice to have one day down the road" (dude has barely even mentioned women's soccer on his youtube thing except to say Herdman flipping roles was the darkest day in Canadian soccer), so if that's dropping the idea of a women's league, then I'm the fucking pope.

I think he meant that Totera was the first to report that the idea was being pursued (I don't personally know if that's true) - not that Totera was the first to come up with the idea.

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