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20 minutes ago, Ansem said:

Looking at the salary cap from the NSL ($1.5M with a $1M floor) for 2025 - you have to think that CPL will have little choice to match this at a bare minimum, if not exceed it as of 2025. Otherwise, they'll open themselves to salary criticism - which will be entirely warranted and their own fault if they let themselves get caught into this narrative.


I don't have a strong understanding of the players that are likely to join the league, but how much are they going to be paying for players that currently earn nothing. I'd guess a lot.

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14 minutes ago, Kingston said:

I'm not sure what that salary criticism would be - just that the women's league is higher?

The CPL probably can't yet economically sustain the salaries it is already paying in most markets.

The NSL will have to see if their business model allows them to sustain those salaries.  Maybe they will out draw the CPL.  Maybe they have financial backers that the CPL doesn't because of the desire of some people and companies to support women's sports.

Regardless, each league will have to operate at a salary level that makes financial sense for them irrespective of what the other is doing.

It's just optics and they'll want to avoid the negative PR regarding salaries as it hurt them in the past. Realistically, CPL can afford that cap as well, clubs aren't forced to spend at the max - we already know some aren't. You can expect the players union to make way more noise if the league doesn't increase the cap. I'm just saying that the league would be wise to be proactive on that front


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6 minutes ago, Aird25 said:

I don't have a strong understanding of the players that are likely to join the league, but how much are they going to be paying for players that currently earn nothing. I'd guess a lot.

There's a risk of over-inflating the salaries of domestics OR they will pay the minimum to Canadians and pay a fortune for internationals. Yes we have a good pool but not that many have a pro track record . We'll have to see - I'm no expert in the women's game.

CPL on the other hand undervalued the domestic pool coming from League 1s who for the most part outplayed their year 1 contracts.

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1 hour ago, Ansem said:

Looking at the salary cap from the NSL ($1.5M with a $1M floor) for 2025 - you have to think that CPL will have little choice to match this at a bare minimum, if not exceed it as of 2025. Otherwise, they'll open themselves to salary criticism - which will be entirely warranted and their own fault if they let themselves get caught into this narrative.


NSL has also stated a minimum salary of $50000, compared to $30000 for CanPL, which is a huge gap.  A lot of motivation for League1 women players to excel this year.

NSL will include a "designated player-type rule".

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21 minutes ago, K Edgar said:

NSL has also stated a minimum salary of $50000, compared to $30000 for CanPL, which is a huge gap.  A lot of motivation for League1 women players to excel this year.

NSL will include a "designated player-type rule".

I hope it will be sustainable for them. My hope is CPL match this as there is a sufficient pool to meet those numbers

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1 hour ago, Ansem said:

It's just optics and they'll want to avoid the negative PR regarding salaries as it hurt them in the past. 

The players might want to use it as a bargaining point but I doubt any fans will care.  I can't see anyone who was otherwise going to buy a ticket to a CPL game changing their mind because NSL players, on average, make slightly more.

Besides, unless the two leagues pay exactly the same amount, this would just become a "winning the optics arms race" of one-upmanship.

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23 minutes ago, K Edgar said:

NSL has also stated a minimum salary of $50000, compared to $30000 for CanPL, which is a huge gap.  A lot of motivation for League1 women players to excel this year.

NSL will include a "designated player-type rule".

I wonder if the question of how you define gender will come up. With that pay disparity there might be some CPL players on minimum salary that will be tempted to suddenly feel like their body doesn't match their gender identity. 😄

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6 minutes ago, Kingston said:

The players might want to use it as a bargaining point but I doubt any fans will care.  I can't see anyone who was otherwise going to buy a ticket to a CPL game changing their mind because NSL players, on average, make slightly more.

Besides, unless the two leagues pay exactly the same amount, this would just become a "winning the optics arms race" of one-upmanship.

You must have missed all the bad press they got over the low wages - which our friends at TSN and Sportnet were more than happy to report in detail. Those who saw it early on know what I'm talking about and the league would be wise to get ahead of this. That's all.

If they don't - that's on them.

Also, not a great way to attract casuals to the product when with that kind of PR

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I don't know.  Think you could literally find hundreds of north star/compass rose graphic brandings here, there, and everywhere across Canada over the last few hundred years.

Wouldn't read anything into it.  Except maybe geography.

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1 hour ago, red card said:


When I watched this video I wondered if the opening was a dig against the CPL (not trying hard enough to get a women's league going).


"Before us, there was nothing. No north star to look to". But it ended up being that they took a similar direction in branding.

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11 hours ago, Kent said:

I wonder if the question of how you define gender will come up. With that pay disparity there might be some CPL players on minimum salary that will be tempted to suddenly feel like their body doesn't match their gender identity. 😄

When you get to a certain age this is the case for most people anyways. 

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6 hours ago, Cheeta said:

I don't know.  Think you could literally find hundreds of north star/compass rose graphic brandings here, there, and everywhere across Canada over the last few hundred years.

Wouldn't read anything into it.  Except maybe geography.

Just before our love got lost you said
"I am as constant as a northern star"
And I said "Constantly in the darkness
Where's that at?
If you want me I'll be in the bar"

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On 5/29/2024 at 2:58 AM, Kingston said:

I'm not sure what that salary criticism would be - just that the women's league is higher?

The CPL probably can't yet economically sustain the salaries it is already paying in most markets.

The NSL will have to see if their business model allows them to sustain those salaries.  Maybe they will out draw the CPL.  Maybe they have financial backers that the CPL doesn't because of the desire of some people and companies to support women's sports.

Regardless, each league will have to operate at a salary level that makes financial sense for them irrespective of what the other is doing.

When I saw the level of their salary cap and the fact they will have a designated player outside of that but only have 6 sides to start with very little experience in the owner group running sports franchises, my first thought was this league is doomed to failure.  I really hope I am wrong for the women’s sake but it doesn’t give me a lot of confidence. 

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10 minutes ago, An Observer said:

When I saw the level of their salary cap and the fact they will have a designated player outside of that but only have 6 sides to start with very little experience in the owner group running sports franchises, my first thought was this league is doomed to failure.  I really hope I am wrong for the women’s sake but it doesn’t give me a lot of confidence. 

They are either being wildly optimistic, or they are getting a lot of money from corporations. Corporations spending more than they would normally based on advertising impact isn't out of the question as support will bump up their ESG scores. I don't know who the owners are, so maybe they have some deep pocketed people behind it as well.  

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