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Paul James is on a Hunger Strike


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At risk of oversimplifying, Paul James lost his Ontario Human Rights Tribunal case against York U only because he did not start the case within the 1 year timeline from being fired.  To account for his delay, PJ put forth evidence from his social worker, basically to say that he missed the deadline because his life was a mess due to his addiction and depression.  The Tribunal rejected his argument, and that was that, they didnt hear the actual case.  This decision was upheld on appeal all the way to the Supreme Court of Canada. 

Even when one feels very strongly that they've been screwed by an employer, when you get a decision from a court, even if it doesn't go your way it gives you closure.  PJ did not even get that.  

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21 hours ago, BrennanFan said:

Guys, please consider signing this petition in support of Paul James:


At the end of the day, he helped get us to a World Cup.  This is the least we can do. 

If there is any willingness or sentiment to do more, such as sending a letter to Paul directly from "The Voyageurs" indicating our support as a group, please feel free to post.  I understand PJ's health is taking a turn for the worse.  I'd just like to see the Vs on the right side of what might be a Canadian soccer tragedy.

Signed it. Please keep us updated on his status and the progress of this petition if possible.

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23 hours ago, BrennanFan said:

At risk of oversimplifying, Paul James lost his Ontario Human Rights Tribunal case against York U only because he did not start the case within the 1 year timeline from being fired.  To account for his delay, PJ put forth evidence from his social worker, basically to say that he missed the deadline because his life was a mess due to his addiction and depression.  The Tribunal rejected his argument, and that was that, they didnt hear the actual case.  This decision was upheld on appeal all the way to the Supreme Court of Canada. 

Even when one feels very strongly that they've been screwed by an employer, when you get a decision from a court, even if it doesn't go your way it gives you closure.  PJ did not even get that.  

Not to nit pick here but the page you linked states that PJ "was asked to formalize his resignation," not that he was fired. Why did he resign if he felt his treatment was unjust?

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42 minutes ago, BuzzAndSting said:

Not to nit pick here but the page you linked states that PJ "was asked to formalize his resignation," not that he was fired. Why did he resign if he felt his treatment was unjust?

He was asked to resign.  Theres not that much difference in an employer asking someone to resign vs firing someone.  

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  • 9 months later...

Wow still can’t believe this and it’s been a few years now, It’s seems to me that if he gave up this protest and hunger strike he could turn this around, yes I’m sure he will always have his battles  with whatever deamons he has but I’m starting to think after reading this article he is strong enough to find away to cope and still be able to live and find some form of happiness. If somehow you read this Paul you know life can sometimes really suck and there are days for a lot of us that can be the low of the low , but life can be like that sometimes, but we have to continue fighting never give up. You have accomplished things in this sport we love that 99 percent of us can only dream of accomplishing, take some strength from that and just keep fighting and keep living and try to keep moving forward I can see it’s not easy it’s bloody tough but that’s life sometimes, many of us on here believe in you  keep going brother keep fighting and keep living !

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15 minutes ago, ted said:

You would think after the first half-dozen hunger strikes didn't work he might change tactics? Perhaps that's why he isn't a coach any more? ;)

Too soon?

There are coaches who use the same tactics dozens of times in an equally ineffective manner. Some say it's a sign of character.

Seriously though, the case is sad and suggests we do need to support retired players better via the CSA or similar,  something many countries are doing with greater diligence.  

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I feel awful for PJ.  Like others have noted mental health is such an unknown illness for many people and he seems like his drug taking was the cause or the result of those problems.  Frankly, I don’t know what his friends can do for him cause he needs to want help.  Maybe one day in the future, people will say that he opened their eyes to the problem.  

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I feel like mental has become so new age, society is struggling with the concept that everyone has a form of mental health. 

What I mean by new age is that it seems so common/heavily prevalent in today's time vs 20 years ago. It was either you were bipolar, schizophrenic or even *transgender/gay...Now there's like 20 other things that can be associated with mental health.... and substance abuse can be associated with it. 

Ultimately I think its such a vague issue, that it's hard to address, we just gotta be sympathetic? 

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At the risk of sounding dismissive, what he's requesting (an hour-long audience with York's Board of governors and some kind of official statement from the federal government about whether substance addiction is some kind of protected disability) is never going to happen. Mental health and crack addiction are obviously very poorly understood and handled terribly by modern society, but I'm not sure he's putting his efforts in the right area to increase that awareness.

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