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2016 MLS TV Ratings


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2 hours ago, Joe MacCarthy said:

Not if TSN doesn't renew the contract because of extremely low ratings.  I don't think that will happen but the word is not good for getting the same amount of money from TSN

Sure, that's an issue now. However, it won't be an issue when the league substantially improves in quality. You think MLS will have a hard time securing a TV deal when teams (hypothetically speaking) have a 30 million salary cap? Every station and their sister will be clamouring for the property. Granted, this will be a chicken and the egg type scenario no doubt.

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4 hours ago, Joe MacCarthy said:

Not if TSN doesn't renew the contract because of extremely low ratings.  I don't think that will happen but the word is not good for getting the same amount of money from TSN

The CFL's TV deal is worth $CAD 40 million a year, while MLS gets $USD 90 million in the United States with over $USD 10 million received for international rights and a majority share in the profits of SUM, which are never publicly disclosed as it is so lucrative for them that it could make negotiations with the player's union over salary caps more difficult. I hate to break this to you (OK that's a lie, I'm loving every second of this) but MLS teams actually get more TV money than CFL teams do and that includes the Canadian teams given the single entity ownership model. There's a reason why TFC are currently valued at $USD 238 million by Forbes magazine:


while the Argos were available for the Canadian football equivalent of a used puck bag. The TSN deal is small potatoes for MLS and isn't going to make or break its finances in a Canadian context.

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6 hours ago, BringBackTheBlizzard said:

The CFL's TV deal is worth $CAD 40 million a year, while MLS gets $USD 90 million in the United States with over $USD 10 million received for international rights and a majority share in the profits of SUM, which are never publicly disclosed as it is so lucrative for them that it could make negotiations with the player's union over salary caps more difficult. I hate to break this to you (OK that's a lie, I'm loving every second of this) but MLS teams actually get more TV money than CFL teams do and that includes the Canadian teams given the single entity ownership model. There's a reason why TFC are currently valued at $USD 238 million by Forbes magazine:


while the Argos were available for the Canadian football equivalent of a used puck bag. The TSN deal is small potatoes for MLS and isn't going to make or break its finances in a Canadian context.

Dream on, you know as well as I do the National TV contracts are the same per team and if it wasn't for the US NTs making money, MLS would be in big trouble.  TFC ratings average 38k, they got over 100 against Montreal in their marquee matchup and that barely registers.

Do you honestly think someone would pay 200 million for TFC, that's laughable, how much did they lose last year, nine million?

Yup, TSN is small potatoes all right, when people don't want to see your product and then may not be able to, yeah right, future's so bright I gotta wear shades. 

I've never stated anything big about the CFL or its glorious future outlook, all pro sports are going to have some serious problems attracting audiences down the road.  If it wasn't for you guys wanting to kill a league in your own city and country (or supposedly your own country for some of you) that's reprehensible. You guys are hilarious in your delusions and everybody knows it.

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What are we delusional about oh great MacCarthy? I think the problem you and many people seem to have is that you find it hard to swallow that in Toronto TFC seem to be more relevant than the Argos at this time , hey it could change but right now this seems to be the fact, and yes I'm basing on attendance figures forget about tv ratings, because if you can't get off your ass to attend an Argo game and they only play 9 home games , then what kind of fan are you. Pro soccer in  Toronto was drawing flies ever since the old NASL folded in 1984, all the other teams that came after were lucky to get friends and family to games. TFC comes along and starts rivalling and averaging more or less the same amount in attendance as a team that has been around for ever and now averaging more per game, so this is irking all the soccer haters and even you Mr. MacCarthy. Why does it bother you so much that TFC is worth more than the Argos? Why are you so upset ? Your a soccer fan too are you not? Why does it bother you that the MLS might be on the upswing? We do have three Canadian teams playing in that league, and as much as I would love for a Canadian league in soccer to work where players could make as much money as they do in MLS and crowds would be the same as MLS I don't see that happening in our lifetime. Therefore, the MLS growing and being healthy in the long run will be good for Canadian soccer. Moreover , the MLS is in better financial health than the CFL, but then it should be  just because of the mere size of the US compared to Canada population wise. Moreover, just from an uneducated guess it does seem like the MLS has more growth potential financial then the CFL, being a soccer fan that does not bother me, I'm not a gridiron fan I don't follow the CFL or NFL. Moreover, if TFC was sold today it would be sold at a very good price maybe not 200 million but a decent price, the Argos were sold for what? What was the price, I don't think there was a price , ownership was basically transferred over to the new owners. Therefore , TFC have a price and probably a substantial price if they were sold, the Argos at the moment no price and we saw that when Bell and Tanenbaum took over.  I understand CFL fans being bothered at Toronto fans wishing ill will on the Argos and the CFL, but us soccer fans in Toronto have had to withstand the soccer hate from fans of the CFl and other sports for years so you might want to kind of understand where our hate might stem from. 

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18 hours ago, 1996 said:

Moreover, MacCarthy you and I have something in common we both have a hate on for something, my hate is the CFL yours is the MLS brothers in arms baby!

Uhh no we don't have something in common, contrary to popular belief i don't hate MLS or TFC.  I hate a fair number of TFC fans (it never seems to be Caps or Impact) wanting to kill off the Argos or CFL.

I don't have any problem agreeing with a lot of what you said above, the Argos attendance is poor, it's obvious, but aside from that, the only large true Canadian league we have is stable and everybody else is making money.  It's not the biggest league in the world (although about five years ago it had the sixth largest average game attendance of any league on the world) but it has a great history and its ours.

Whether you like it or not the Argos are going to be around, supported by the league (if need be) Grey Cup profits or hopefully find their feet again.

Another problem I have is when you post your opinion as fact when it is certainly not fact and either lies or misinformation.  I don't expect you to believe me so I post third party articles. If you who lives in the glass house want to throw stones they will be thrown back, you don't have to be subtle about baiting me, I 'm right here.

I really don't see the need for your hate anymore, contrary to all the TFC amateur groundskeeper experts, the groundshare is going well (should even be easier next year with a better schedule) and you don't have any sign of the Argos at all at your games.  So in other words do you really have to continue with the hate, at long last.  Get over it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Weird question but if someone knows please post. I usually watch most games via my PVR. The Caps games and this weekends TFC vs Impact I both watched live but also PVR'd in case I had to step out or wanted to rewatch some parts.

Question is does that still count in their stats or does that go into the non-counted PVR'd pile?

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1 hour ago, masster said:

Week 31 ratings: https://ca.sports.yahoo.com/blogs/eh-game/the-great-canadian-ratings-report--hockey-night-in-canada-off-to-promising-start-170108030.html

The all Canadian MLS matchup with playoff implications doesn't even reach 6-digits. Less than 104,000. To be fair, the matchup was on TSN 2, but still disappointing.

I would imagine that the RDS numbers were also not included when they measured the Toronto-Montreal match, for what its worth.

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26 minutes ago, Gian-Luca said:

I would imagine that the RDS numbers were also not included when they measured the Toronto-Montreal match, for what its worth.

Correct. They were not. These are English language ratings only. However if you compare this game to ratings that this matchup has received in the past, they are trending in the wrong direction.

There are lots of reasons for this particular game, NFL playoffs, hockey season just started, distraction from Blue Jays, etc...however the downward trend we have seen all season is continuing.

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