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Gold Cup - Canada v Costa Rica - Pre Game thread


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I've heard only 9000 tickets have been sold, so I'm hoping that's not the case. Wasn't expecting 25000 but anything under 20000 is a massive disappointment. Under 10000 and we can officially revoke BMO's license to host national games.


Its not organized or promoted by the CSA though. Its not exactly playing "host" to the national team. Its playing host to the Gold Cup. Its the local Gold Cup organizing committee. If the game were promoted by the CSA through local soccer clubs like they usually do, attendance would have been higher.


Wouldn't be suprised if its 9000 sold though. That seems to be what ticketmaster searches are indicating.


Whoever the local organizers were dropped the ball on this one. They didn't go through local soccer clubs and just jacked up ticket prices when more affordable Pan Am games are going on. Promotion of the game has been lost during the Pan Ams.


They really picked a bad year to host for the first time. Hosting in a year where the womens world cup, and gold cup has really hurt.

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Well here we go again...

I stayed away for a few days to just relax and gain perspective.

Firstly, I liked our game at moments against Jamaica and I can see the positive direction of Floro. Especially if you consider a midfield with Hutchinson, Johnson (or god forbid Teibert or Osorio). 

That being said still not so pleased with player selection or the substitution patterns. 


Ledgerwood and Piette are out due to cards...

What I want...

--------De Jong-------De Guzman----


Correct me if I am wrong... but I swear Hainault has played some RB before. Also wouldn't mind seeing Tissot or Pacheco for De Jong

What I expect...

--------Straith-------De Guzman----
De Jong----Jakovic---Edgar---Ouimette


Really have no idea with that RB spot. 

Go Canada!!

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Props to the states though. Wherevere they travel in their country they always have vocal fans supporting them in sold out stadiums. I dont understand why we can't have that here. I guess what comes into play is that the US is a melting pot while we are a culturual mosaic. A lot of ppl in the States Identify with their soccer team and it helps that they can cheer for them in the World Cup. Whereas in Canada ppl stick with their grandparents' nationallity and never see Canada in the world cup so wouldn't even think of cheering for them.


Three letters, sounds like 'bin'

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This match has seen more tv promotion than any Canada men match in recent history. They had brief adverts during various football matches on Sportsnet & TSN in May & June. But pricing is much higher than a typical Canada men match but in line with prices in other Gold Cup cities. Pricing is not for local soccer clubs. You don't see that type of crowd in US based Gold Cup matches. It's the hardcore audience attending the matches.


For the US crowd, after seeing them at the Women's and 3 Gold Cup matches, they have reached a new level of understanding & appreciating football culture. And it has spread beyond the supporters group to a large chunk of the rest of the crowd. Who would have thought that a Middle America crowd would react with passion & excitement on level with the Premier League crowd as they did in KC last night. Being in the World Cup in both men's & women's and performing on par or above expectations for the past decade has been the main catalyst.


For Canada matches, the supporters culture is quite strong in Toronto but doesn't ripple too much into the rest of the crowd. Supporter culture in other cities for Canada matches is okay to weak and rest of the crowd is mostly clueless as we saw with the women's matches in Edmonton & Vancouver. We are today where the States were about 10-15 years ago.

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Its going to be another packed house beside BMO for the beach volley ball, the stadium seats 5K, Was there last night, an amazing loud crowd. It will be a busy night for the Pan Am with a two Gold medal squash matches going on too. So plan accordingly when entering the ex grounds.

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Surely it can't be less than 10,000!! Dammit


In the the middle of the Pan Am Games, with 18 Pan-Am soccer events on sale?  And just after the Women's World Cup?  Easy to only have 10,000.  It's completely lost in the noise.


And the first time it's rained in over a week? (though forecast looks now, it's sucked for some time).

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I'm guessing tickets were slightly more expensive because it's a double-header...? Is that normally the case?


My concern is that a large chunk of the tickets sold are to the El Salvadorians who have been attending is large numbers, who may then promptly leave after their match... but I'm just needlessly piling on more stress than I need right now.


Anyway, it is what it is. I guess we'll see come game time.

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It's only regular security. They must have moved the Pan Am checkpoints back. So in-and-out and no real lines. Both the upper east and west stands are open, though mostly empty. Huge El Salvador support. They've managed to out-number the Jamaicans. Hard to guess attendance without a lot of Canadians. Probably over 15K on paper I'd guess; but I figure a lot of the Salvador and Jamaica fans will leave for the Canada match.

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if only 9k tickets were sold it looks to be a pretty 50/50 crouwd between candians and el salvadorians . Speaking of crowds, last night US support was absolutely amazing, thought I was watching some european derby. Even more impressive the game didn't even matter anymore since the US was already qualified. Meanwhile we're struggling to get a big one in a must win final group stage game :(

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