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Gold Cup - Canada v Costa Rica - Pre Game thread


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Is your thought that Jackson is out of game shape? Or out of confidence from getting little playing time.

Because there is not one player I want to see get one more than him. He's never scored an international goal at home.

I dont think we should choose our starting line up based on who we would like to see score the most bc they have never scored at home. Especially in a game that has copa qualification and gold cup advancement on the line.

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I dont think we should choose our starting line up based on who we would like to see score the most bc they have never scored at home. Especially in a game that has copa qualification and gold cup advancement on the line.

I would play Jackson over ricketts all day every day

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I know king1010 I'm just saying I've always liked him, he's played at a much higher level than any of the other strikers, and he's young still. I feel one goal could be the start of something for him for club and country

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I know king1010 I'm just saying I've always liked him, he's played at a much higher level than any of the other strikers, and he's young still. I feel one goal could be the start of something for him for club and country


Id like to think it would burn a fire under his butt as well but im not sure of it. Its been a while since hes played at such a high level. He really has fallen. Its a shame.

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--------De Jong-------De Guzman----



Not sure about Straith at right back. Maybe Hainault or Ouimette instead?

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And don't blame the midfield, however shoddy the selections were, for the ineffectiveness of the starting front 3. They had their chances, they did get balls in dangerous positions, and they did piss-poor with what they were given. I actually thought Ricketts outplayed the other two against Jamaica, he at least delivered that good cross for Piette around the 10th minute.

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--------De Jong-------De Guzman----


I like this but I doubt floro starts oso and tiebert

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Floro, though, doesn’t plan on making wholesale changes, and maintains that sticking with his current team structure that stresses defensive organization is the way to go.


“I think it’s normal. Soccer is a game with (a lot of opinions) from spectators and journalists. Everyone can have an idea about how to play. But we have created a structure that depends on the quality of the players,” Floro told reporters after the team’s training session on Monday.


“We don’t have the skill or competitiveness of (other teams) but we resolve that with a structure, which means a formation with good balance to allow us to attack. Our forwards, and wingers and fullbacks are constantly trying to get into 2v1 (situations), but if we don’t have a strong (defensive) base, that would be impossible.”


Central defender Dejan Jakovic agrees with his coach’s assessment, saying: “We need to win but that doesn’t mean we’re going to go all out—we have to play smart.”


Asked what Canada must do to win on Tuesday, Floro simply answered: “To play well in attack, to make a good pressing (press Costa Rica) and to have luck.”



So basically bunker up with a bunch of defensive mids and hope we tie 0-0. He says we need to have luck to win. Doesn't sound very encouraging.


Didn't we want to move the program to where we control posession and have attacking flair?

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I think Floro's philosophy, pretty much sums up the CSA's incompetence in hiring the guy and again preaching defense first.  We've been playing defense first since the Holger era, played abit attacking soccer during the Hart era, and since the last 20 years, nothing has improved Canadian soccer tactically.  Yes, we know Floro that we're 5-10 year away from Canadian academy kids being better technicallly than this bunch, but why regress to bunkering.  Bunkering doesn't yield result with your approach.  Unless you're Holger Osieck, which mastered the bunkering and got great results, doesn't work with our current nats.

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Floro, though, doesn’t plan on making wholesale changes, and maintains that sticking with his current team structure that stresses defensive organization is the way to go.


“I think it’s normal. Soccer is a game with (a lot of opinions) from spectators and journalists. Everyone can have an idea about how to play. But we have created a structure that depends on the quality of the players,” Floro told reporters after the team’s training session on Monday.


“We don’t have the skill or competitiveness of (other teams) but we resolve that with a structure, which means a formation with good balance to allow us to attack. Our forwards, and wingers and fullbacks are constantly trying to get into 2v1 (situations), but if we don’t have a strong (defensive) base, that would be impossible.”


Central defender Dejan Jakovic agrees with his coach’s assessment, saying: “We need to win but that doesn’t mean we’re going to go all out—we have to play smart.”


Asked what Canada must do to win on Tuesday, Floro simply answered: “To play well in attack, to make a good pressing (press Costa Rica) and to have luck.”



So basically bunker up with a bunch of defensive mids and hope we tie 0-0. He says we need to have luck to win. Doesn't sound very encouraging.


Didn't we want to move the program to where we control posession and have attacking flair?

"Didn't we want to move the program to where we control posession and have attacking flair?"


We've never had the latter nor the former vs decent teams. Nor would one or 2 cycles change that facing quality sides. 

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"Didn't we want to move the program to where we control posession and have attacking flair?"


We've never had the latter nor the former vs decent teams. Nor would one or 2 cycles change that facing quality sides. 


Yes i know. Thats why I said move the program towards that type of game. Not bring in a coach who preach's bunkering and 9 defensive players on the pitch. We could've hired any Canadian coach to do that until these promised skilled academy players develop.


Id rather us lose playing attacking minded football with players like Teibert or Osorio instead of draw 0-0 or lose 1-0 every game playing 9 defensive players on pitch.

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Seriously since our program has hit rock bottom, thr CSA should take a page from Venezuela. As you all know they were the laughinh stock of South Americs for the last 40 years. Baseball is king there like hockey is here, but the FA preached patience and started getting more academy players and slowly getting results. Of course, getting blasted against Argentina and Brasil tends to make you learn the hard knocks of futbol fast, but like others said, I'd rathet lose playing attack minded futbol than bunker. Same foes woth playing in Central America, we already got destroyed 8-1, at this stage play attack minded but with caution, not have 10 defenders in Tegucigalpa.

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For those of you coming tomorrow: If possible stop at a dollar store and buy 2 or 3 dollars worth of red/white balloons or streamers. We plan on throwing it all when the above mentioned banner is unveiled along with confetti.We do a lot of talk on here which is great but we also gotta show the boys our support in others visual ways too :) Lets pump 'em up!! BRING YOUR CANADA FLAGS to hang up on the railings. Last game there was hardly any. 

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Id rather us lose playing attacking minded football with players like Teibert or Osorio instead of draw 0-0 or lose 1-0 every game playing 9 defensive players on pitch.


I respect that opinion, it's a popular one and usually mine as well, but this time, I disagree. It's not any fun, of course, everyone wants to watch an adventurous side. But based on the players we have and what they've shown over the past few matches, I'm with Floro. A philosophy change now is more likely to end in another embarrassment than to pull a miracle imo. Ok, maybe we could surprise them with a heavy press and attack early, grab a goal and sit on it, but we're just not skilled enough to last in an open match. I think if we over-stretch ourselves we'll get burned.


It's a one-off match, at home, and we have a legitimate change to advance. This isn't a situation where we're desperately chasing goal differential, a 1-0 win is good enough and I'd say we're much more likely to win 1-0 than 3-2. Imo, if we're going to win, we're going to have to do exactly what Floro is suggesting: play to the least-terrible part of our game which is defense, and hope that one of these rare chances actually goes in.


I know it sound shit, and none of us want that going forward, but where we are today, with players needlessly playing the ball straight out, I hate it, but the smart thing to do is to stay strong defensively and try to grab (a lucky) one.

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I respect that opinion, it's a popular one and usually mine as well, but this time, I disagree. It's not any fun, of course, everyone wants to watch an adventurous side. But based on the players we have and what they've shown over the past few matches, I'm with Floro. A philosophy change now is more likely to end in another embarrassment than to pull a miracle imo. Ok, maybe we could surprise them with a heavy press and attack early, grab a goal and sit on it, but we're just not skilled enough to last in an open match. I think if we over-stretch ourselves we'll get burned.


It's a one-off match, at home, and we have a legitimate change to advance. This isn't a situation where we're desperately chasing goal differential, a 1-0 win is good enough and I'd say we're much more likely to win 1-0 than 3-2. Imo, if we're going to win, we're going to have to do exactly what Floro is suggesting: play to the least-terrible part of our game which is defense, and hope that one of these rare chances actually goes in.


I know it sound shit, and none of us want that going forward, but where we are today, with players needlessly playing the ball straight out, I hate it, but the smart thing to do is to stay strong defensively and try to grab (a lucky) one.


And so the cycle repeats. At what point do we ever get away from this type of game to try to barely get a result by bunkering.


At what point do we change, its gotta start somewhere.  And bunkering, hoping for the best hasn't gotten us anywhere since 2000.


Sure we can't play attacking with guys like bekker straith and piette in the midfield. Bring in guys like Teibert and Osorio to put pressure on Costa Ricas defence. That way we aren't constantly bombarded with pressure. And Ososrio is good at defending, Teibert as well, better than Bekker.


 Can't wait for it to be 0-0 in the 80th minute and floro subbing off a midfielder for a defender when we need a win to advance.

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Are you people really complaining that we play defensive?  Floro isn't a defensive coach, he is a football coach... he uses the players he has to create a squad to compete.  If he was managing Mexico or the USA he wouldn't be playing defensive first.  


We don't have attacking players and a coach can't create attacking players.  We can't play consistent attacking football, period.  The football DNA of this squad is grind it out, defence first footy with a few set piece goals and those haven't come.  


So what does Floro do?  He creates a tactic in the frame of that DNA.  This is it folks, if you're new buckle up.  We don't attack here, we grind.  Can it change in the future?  Absolutely, but we need to have the talent to do it.

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And so the cycle repeats. At what point do we ever get away from this type of game to try to barely get a result by bunkering.


At what point do we change, its gotta start somewhere.  And bunkering, hoping for the best hasn't gotten us anywhere since 2000.


Sure we can't play attacking with guys like bekker straith and piette in the midfield. Bring in guys like Teibert and Osorio to put pressure on Costa Ricas defence. That way we aren't constantly bombarded with pressure. And Ososrio is good at defending, Teibert as well, better than Bekker.


 Can't wait for it to be 0-0 in the 80th minute and floro subbing off a midfielder for a defender when we need a win to advance.

Have we really bunkered these last 2 games tho? We're just getting dominated/outplayed trying to play balance/defensive soccer but we are not bunkering, the other teams are just better in possession and attack so we often have to defend and when we try to attack we struggle and give the ball away. Bunkering is what we saw last night in guatemala vs mexico. They put everyone behind the ball and never tried to play attacking soccer. They said to mexico "here have possession and see what you can do with it" and they succeeded getting a crucial point that might end up qualifying them for the copa. If what we did vs Jamaica was bunkering then it's side guatemala a squad worth less then probably 1 million can do it better then us against the top  dogs like mexico (worth 80 million plus).


All in all defensive soccer is not bunkering nor because we are getting outplayed bunkering. 

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Are you people really complaining that we play defensive? Floro isn't a defensive coach, he is a football coach... he uses the players he has to create a squad to compete. If he was managing Mexico or the USA he wouldn't be playing defensive first.

We don't have attacking players and a coach can't create attacking players. We can't play consistent attacking football, period. The football DNA of this squad is grind it out, defence first footy with a few set piece goals and those haven't come.

So what does Floro do? He creates a tactic in the frame of that DNA. This is it folks, if you're new buckle up. We don't attack here, we grind. Can it change in the future? Absolutely, but we need to have the talent to do it.

Its not just about talent. Its our philosophy that needs to change. Over the last 20 years every coach that has coached the Nats has preached defense first, even when we had some decent players at attack. We're trying to move forward anf attack, even if it means using guys that are technically deficient. We have to keep playing the ball on the ground and trying to create, eventually that will slowly be in the Canada futbol player DNA of wanting to attack, move forward and score, rather than sit back, etc. The canadian futbol player has already the defense aspect of the game because of hockey that preaches defense wina champiomships. We have to develop flair or try to emulate it. We're teaching the academy kids of today of what not to do, rathe than saying, remember that goal Tiebert score against 2 defenders, etc.

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Are you people really complaining that we play defensive?  Floro isn't a defensive coach, he is a football coach... he uses the players he has to create a squad to compete.  If he was managing Mexico or the USA he wouldn't be playing defensive first.  


We don't have attacking players and a coach can't create attacking players.  We can't play consistent attacking football, period.  The football DNA of this squad is grind it out, defence first footy with a few set piece goals and those haven't come.  


So what does Floro do?  He creates a tactic in the frame of that DNA.  This is it folks, if you're new buckle up.  We don't attack here, we grind.  Can it change in the future?  Absolutely, but we need to have the talent to do it.

Agreed but should we really be playing defensive vs El salvador? How is it that they can clearly play much better attacking soccer then us? I'm going to guess the culture, actually having a league (poor one at that mind you but still), and overall mentality of their play style in their country. 


Off topic but I remembering going to costa rica last year an playing with teens/young adults/adults and it's incredible how nobodies/regular people are really good at dribbling/skills, some of the best ones looked like fucking ronaldinho and the power they display in their shots are incredible (even when we played without cleats). Futbol cutlure over there is strong, I think after last years WC they've inspired the younger generation much more then they have in the past. I expect some really good talent from them in the future. Also met 3 alajuelense players and 1 saprissa player in public. 

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