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Gold Cup - Canada v Costa Rica - Pre Game thread


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Final comment:  I enjoyed that game more than any other in recent memory, it was one of the most exciting and competitive matches we've played. I do not count friendlies. It was thriling, and I honestly believed we'd squeek it out, celebrated the goal like a madman, felt we could still score even on the last corner. It was a good experience as far as I am concerned. I had fun watching. I don't know if anyone else had this experience. 


It was not what I felt vs El Salvador or Jamaica. Or last GC. 

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The smoke was let off by a TFC Supporters group called The Inebriatti. You can check their twitter feed, they even have a cute "nopyronoparty" hashtag. They seemed (to me) to be more concerned about making a spectacle of themselves than anything else, I mean why else would you smoke out the end you're defending? It's just an unfathomably stupid thing to do. I suppose the one good thing is that they don't seem to travel too far from the "Greater BMO Field Area"; I mean they weren't seen anywhere in Hamilton on the weekend, where we had two Canadian teams playing.


I stand corrected then. What a bunch of idiots ... smoking your own keeper.

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Final comment:  I enjoyed that game more than any other in recent memory, it was one of the most exciting and competitive matches we've played. I do not count friendlies. It was thriling, and I honestly believed we'd squeek it out, celebrated the goal like a madman, felt we could still score even on the last corner. It was a good experience as far as I am concerned. I had fun watching. I don't know if anyone else had this experience. 


It was not what I felt vs El Salvador or Jamaica. Or last GC.

Agreed.I remember thinking, and being quite surprised to note, at about 60 min. that it was an hour of real entertainment, drama that had me on the edge of my seat. I dont think I have screamed louder and jumped higher in years than after the Haber near goal. Some of the longtime TFC guys said the same thing inside BMO so I think something special really did transpire Tuesday. They came up short, broke my heart again, but ultimately did enough to show some real passion for the jersey.

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Its the players that want to have a consistent home base in Canada. They want Toronto where the majority have family and the best facilities are found. BC and Alberta are way too far from Europe.

Years ago this board hashed this out.  Flights from the UK to Vancouver are less than 2h longer than to Toronto (they go over the pole, not across the Atlantic).  Distance isn't necessarily the issue.

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Final comment:  I enjoyed that game more than any other in recent memory, it was one of the most exciting and competitive matches we've played. I do not count friendlies. It was thriling, and I honestly believed we'd squeek it out, celebrated the goal like a madman, felt we could still score even on the last corner. It was a good experience as far as I am concerned. I had fun watching. I don't know if anyone else had this experience. 


It was not what I felt vs El Salvador or Jamaica. Or last GC. 

You have reached your quota of positive votes for the day

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Man, that goal for me was up there in all time explosions at BMO. Getting it called back hurt. Lot of people complaining about using TFC-ish songs for Canada games. I don't get it. National fans all over often take songs from the team of the city they play in so I don't know why its any different for us. And it is isn't like every voyageur's song we have isn't taken from another club somewhere else anyways. UH AH canada, we love you, red white dynamite, all taken from somewhere else. I really digged the atmosphere. 112 -114 were great,maybe upper 113 was a little tame but its ok. All of 114 did the who's not jumping is not canadian for a solid minute and that was a first we every pulled it off with that many games in as many years as I can remember. Our banner (which did not end up being true lol) also was held up great and everyone was very eager and willing to help hold it. That NEVER happens. People usually complain even though it was pregame for less than a minute. I go to the canada games in toronto at least always with 10-20 guys and for the most part they agreed that the support is better,louder and more constant. I hope it continues like this at least in toronto. I would like to travel somehwere else in canada though for a game its been a while. 

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I think the support has grown quite well in Toronto, home field advantage is not just a phrase anymore! The crowd arrived early and sang basically from start to finish and of course most songs are going to come from elsewhere, I don't think it really matters! A big shout out to the capos, Bobby, Pete and Eli with a cameo from Jeff (Tuscan) did an excellent job of coordinating everything, much better than at TFC matches IMHO! All of the V's who come in from out of town and out of country really add to the atmosphere with your obvious commitment to the National Team! Hopefully we can get through to the Group Stage of WCQ and things will really take off!

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Yeah when I refer to TFC-centric I don't really mean the chants (although as a group I do think we need to come up with more player specific stuff instead of rehashing the DeRo song or else you are just signing TFC/club songs by default).  My other posts summed it up.


I thought overall the support was fantastic.  When the rain came down (both times) and everyone just collectively went nuts as the rest of the stadium ran for cover it was friggin awesome. 

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The advantage of BMO Field is that we get the biggest supporters turnout and we have the most people who know the songs & chants. Plus, we have a good location in the South that gets good exposure within the stadium and on tv. All the iconic photos of Team Canada support men or women are from the South end of BMO.



Edmonton doesn't have the same supporters base and quite expensive for most to travel to. Montreal supporters don't seem come out in numbers for Canada. I don't think we have had a men's match in Vancouver post Whitecaps in MLS to make any judgments. And it would mean playing on turf which I can see for a match or two but not something that would be regular. 

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The general public needs to get on board in toronto. The south end is always packed with canadian supporters. But i was in 106 and it was all ticos. And half the stadium was empty.

All the fairweather tfc fans need to start coming out to mnt games.

The games that have been played in Hamilton have been very pro canadian with lots of red in the stands.

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Im sure if Vancouver has a go,the'yd do great. It goes both ways. Its expensive for us out east to go there and for them to come to BMO. It comes down to the field i guess. It was amazing though how when it started to rain/pour,the south end exploded. Something inexplicably amazing about Canada games. 

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The smoke was let off by a TFC Supporters group called The Inebriatti. You can check their twitter feed, they even have a cute "nopyronoparty" hashtag. They seemed (to me) to be more concerned about making a spectacle of themselves than anything else, I mean why else would you smoke out the end you're defending? It's just an unfathomably stupid thing to do. I suppose the one good thing is that they don't seem to travel too far from the "Greater BMO Field Area"; I mean they weren't seen anywhere in Hamilton on the weekend, where we had two Canadian teams playing.

I'll echo Cali and Aub in that it'll be nice to get away from BMO and the co-opted TFC songs. Even if it's only for a short while.

I support with the Inebriatti. You think we're more concerned about making a name for ourselves than supporting our country? What a crock. Do we like to make a spectacle? Absolutely,thats the whole point of active support! That was probably the best atmospheres I have seen at a Canada game (excluding the many empty seats), we just sing for 90 minutes and leave it all on the terrace. TFC-Centric chants? maybe if we had more Canadian specific chants we wouldn't have to alter some TFC chants as fillers for our 2-3 chants that we do have. You will hear at least 2 or 3 new Canada chants next game, that's how we contribute. "Whos not jumping is not Canadian" is what some Inebriatti members came up with. The whole section was bouncing, it was beautiful. I didn't light off any smoke bombs, could it have been light off at a better time? Probably, but I'm happy it happened nonetheless. The casual supporters seemed to like it too, and thats who we need to fill up the seats in future games. Not to mention this banner, which you will also see plenty more of, was created by a members of the Inebriatti (myself and a couple others). With all that being said, I have always supported what the Voyageurs do and how they mobilize Canadians from across the country to come out to games ! I hope that we can continue to contribute to this awesome groups efforts!

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 maybe if we had more Canadian specific chants we wouldn't have to alter some TFC chants as fillers for our 2-3 chants that we do have.\

There are a lot of Canadian-specific chants, but in Toronto, no-one knows them so they can't grow.


I didn't get a chance to learn them until I attended away games in Detroit, Cuba, Seattle, Denver.  

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 "Whos not jumping is not Canadian" is what some Inebriatti members came up with.

Oh word?


I'll have to hop in the DeLorean back in time to 2008 and tell the guy who taught it to me that he's full of shit.


if you support in the south for a Canada game, you support with the Voyageurs. Not Inebriatti, not Red Patch, not U Sector, not Kings. We are all for one country and the sooner we see a unified support, the better we will be.

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Credit to the lads and floro for holding the system. They played well vs. a strong side. Impressed with this match, and floro's sound defensive structure. Considering we are missing 5-7 potential starter, great match. RE support - great work all. Pure joy taking in and sharing that game with you all and some new supporters I brought. As for smoke, I love it...just not when our keepers in the south end.

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 What is nice is the who's not jumping is not Canadian actually worked.It was at 20 rows up. In the past it has always been half-assed and poorly supported. I am dreaming of the day when that goes throughout the south end and .....even stadium wide. Things are changing for the better in terms of support not for the worse and it's not like anyone put up rpb or usector or inebriatti or kings banners or refused to wave voyageurs flags or sing voyageurs songs. Some people just love the status quo and aren't willing to change. I started following the voyageurs in 2008 and the game the other day blew me away and the voyageurs in 114 are a big reason for that but some people either don't like them/don't want to see progress.  Thankfully its only a small minority. I am glad to see so many like minded individuals coming to Canada games. I have introduced many people to the voyageurs over the years and they all learn the new songs right away so for me it as simple as sing it and the people will follow. Now we just need more advertising for WCQ campaign as well as going through the local clubs bc the overall turnout was pathetic. 

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I'd love to see a WCQ in Vancouver, but if it were to be on artificial turf at B.C.Place then it could just as easily be at Rogers Centre. 


Regarding the reaction to the Haber goal, it was the type of moment that many of us have been waiting for, for years. We deserve a huge celebration of any kind and I am hoping that that day ail be here soon. 

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I'd love to see a WCQ in Vancouver, but if it were to be on artificial turf at B.C.Place then it could just as easily be at Rogers Centre. 


Regarding the reaction to the Haber goal, it was the type of moment that many of us have been waiting for, for years. We deserve a huge celebration of any kind and I am hoping that that day ail be here soon. 

The reaction at least where I was in 114 still gives me goosebumps thinking about it. I have been to some big champion league games in Europe and the mahem felt no different at least for a couple seconds. Gutted after it was called back. F**k

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I support with the Inebriatti. You think we're more concerned about making a name for ourselves than supporting our country? What a crock. Do we like to make a spectacle? Absolutely,thats the whole point of active support! That was probably the best atmospheres I have seen at a Canada game (excluding the many empty seats), we just sing for 90 minutes and leave it all on the terrace. TFC-Centric chants? maybe if we had more Canadian specific chants we wouldn't have to alter some TFC chants as fillers for our 2-3 chants that we do have. You will hear at least 2 or 3 new Canada chants next game, that's how we contribute. "Whos not jumping is not Canadian" is what some Inebriatti members came up with. The whole section was bouncing, it was beautiful. I didn't light off any smoke bombs, could it have been light off at a better time? Probably, but I'm happy it happened nonetheless. The casual supporters seemed to like it too, and thats who we need to fill up the seats in future games. Not to mention this banner, which you will also see plenty more of, was created by a members of the Inebriatti (myself and a couple others). With all that being said, I have always supported what the Voyageurs do and how they mobilize Canadians from across the country to come out to games ! I hope that we can continue to contribute to this awesome groups efforts!


Smoke was great, just badly timed glad you agree.  No need to smoke out our keeper.  Keep supporting and travelling to support our national team and you will have tons of respect, you have mine for sure.. really appreciated the atmosphere.  That's exactly the niche we need to take us to a new level.  People take notice as it differentiates us.  

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Yeah considering the DeRo goal against Panama was so weird and I didn't really recognize what was going on until a split second after it happened the last time I saw it like that was...Serioux in '08?  Ugh its been so long.  


e: and yes I concur with the smoke being awesome at the right time.  I mean as much as the timing was terrible for Tuesday I'll gladly say that since I was pretty much in the middle of that one picture floating around I showed it to some people from work and now three of them want to come in September.  It definitely works.

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 What is nice is the who's not jumping is not Canadian actually worked.It was at 20 rows up. In the past it has always been half-assed and poorly supported. I am dreaming of the day when that goes throughout the south end and .....even stadium wide.


it's not like anyone put up rpb or usector or inebriatti or kings banners or refused to wave voyageurs flags or sing voyageurs songs. the voyageurs in 114 are a big reason for that but some people either don't like them/don't want to see progress.

Just to clarify, we couldn't hear it at the top of 112.


I think there is sometimes a disconnect that is present in the south that people don't realize. For example we were 7 whole seconds ahead of the anthem by the time it ended because we were listening to people around us and not the anthem its self.  Hopefully the roof will take care of that soon. This isn't to say that people weren't supporting their butts off, but it does say that a view of support is very different depending on where you are standing.


But if we are talking about comparisons, the Cuba / Panama games last year were just about as good as we've ever been for support.


I think the innibriati guys would do well to understand that they are not going to drag everyone in their direction if that isn't the will of the stadium. 30 guys won't dictate the direction of support.

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The reaction at least where I was in 114 still gives me goosebumps thinking about it. I have been to some big champion league games in Europe and the mahem felt no different at least for a couple seconds. Gutted after it was called back. F**k


That was insane.  I ended up in 3 different rows in 4 seconds.


Some of the best Canada celebrations that were actually goals have to be for me:


1) Serioux vs. Honduras

2) De Rosario vs. Panama

3) Ricketts vs. Ecuador

4) De Guzman vs. Jamaica

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That was insane.  I ended up in 3 different rows in 4 seconds.


Some of the best Canada celebrations that were actually goals have to be for me:


1) Serioux vs. Honduras

2) De Rosario vs. Panama

3) Ricketts vs. Ecuador

4) De Guzman vs. Jamaica

As mentioned above DeRo Panama goal was sort of ruined bc I didn't see it as many others, due to the quick way in which it was scored. Imagine the goal that gets us back in the hex or .....into the world cup. Absolute joy chaos explosion bomb high orgasm. 

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