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Gold Cup - Canada v Costa Rica - Pre Game thread


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I'll take the first shot at player ratings


Ouimette - 4

RB is definitely an issue for us. Not an easy task for him to step in against Ruiz, Martinez. Guzman, et al and he had some good moments in the first half but when the game stretched in the 2nd half and he got isolated, he definitely had his struggles. Another guy that needs to play at club level.

A 4 for Ouimette? you crazy, he was super solid, sure he got burned a few times at the end but it didn't amount to much, he was easily a 6 or 7.

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The goal was offside by a leg or two. Haber moved before Rusty connected with the ball. Had he waited a second later, would've been a nice goal.

If it was just by a leg then they should be giving the benefit of play to the attacker, that's what they are supposed to be doing. I haven't seen a replay yet because I was at the game and they didn't show it on the screen (they did show the replay of the obvious handball in the box in the first half though so they weren't adverse to showing controversial calls). It certainly didn't look offside live. A shame as when the ball went into the net it was the loudest I'd ever heard BMO, which was only half-full.


I can see what Floro is doing - I'm sure if he had been the coach against Honduras we would have come out with a 0-0 draw rather than an 8-1 loss and qualified for the Hex. But I can't say that I like it - it's too inflexible. By all means go with 5 or 6 central defenders on the road in Concacaf against the likes of these teams  that have overall more skill than us & pick up points on the road, but insisting on playing the same way when we need to win & haven't scored in 3 games is too conservative even for me. It is good that we are difficult to beat, but we also have to give ourselves a better chance to win, especially at home or when 3 points are truly needed.

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Haven't posted for a bloody long time, but I need some closure here:


I was looking forward to the Gold Cup to assess where we are at under Floro, to see how our young core are coming along, and to see if I could catch even a whiff of something positive, perhaps signs on the field that we are starting to link up intelligently, that we are beginning to play intelligent football and that, with a bit more time for our young guys, we might turn a massive corner with our program (but likely not in time for this WCQ cycle.)


The first two games were utter disappointments, as they were for most of you.  The game tonight against the Ticos was MUCH better, mostly in that we played a very talented team with a lot of heart, defensive intelligence and real shape.  We even created a couple of chances, but on a whole our possession game--our movement in general--is still very naive and static.


After the first two games I just threw up my hands and made the conclusion that we do not have the talent pool to make any significant progress on the world stage--starting with our own region--but after tonight I am more of the opinion that we've got the wrong manager at the helm. Yeah, we are still not super deep in talent, but I cannot fathom Floro's tactics, and I do not understand why he did not start Tiebert in at least a couple of games.  When he came in this game and in the game against El Salvador, he was actually linking up nicely with the forwards, was using his creativity and technical tidiness to keep the ball and pass the ball and generally help the team maintain possession and advance the field. And the man has an engine that never dies.


I thought the guys played their guts out tonight. Super proud of how hard they played. As somebody said earlier, had they played this way for all three games, even if they still did not advance, at least we'd all feel a bit more optimistic about this team under Floro.


We still have a LONG ways to go, and I am now deeply concerned about Floro's ability to get us even a small way down that road, but I hope we find some way to develop a young crop of promising players.  Tiebert, Osorio, Larin, Akindele, Petrasso, Adekube, Boakai (some day soon), plus a host of other young players, mixed in with warriors like Hutch, Johnson, even JDG in a limited role. Borjan, Edgar, Jakovic, Straith and Haber have shown real value too.  Piette might yet emerge as an effective destroyer--but do we really need 3 destroyers on the field at any given time?


I'd like to think that Floro has a grand plan, that he KNOWS what he is doing, and that at some point soon his plan will start to bear fruit, but like somebody else said here, I am worried about his ability to guide us through this cycle of WCQ. I worry that he will alienate some key players, like Osorio. (Mind you, guys like Osorio would return to the team IF there was a new manager.)


We are still at least another 5 to 8 years away from truly turning the corner in international football. We need to see what happens when our MLS academies and their division 2 sides start to produce many many MLS regulars (and send some to strong Euro leagues), and then we'll see what we might do in this region.  


The big question: Will Floro help us in the interim? Will he set us back?

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^^^^ if his leg was offside hes offside.

Benefit of the doubt doesnt go to the player whose leg is offside. Theres no doubt that a player is offside if his leg is ahead of the last defender therefore no benefit to be had.

The benefit of the doubt goes to the attacking player when its legit level

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Funny everyone going on about Osorio out for Hainault, when the first did not provide any service or threat of great quality and at no time had connected with Haber, and the latter had a shot cleared off the line shortly after he came on. But hey, I don't watch TFC so I am a little bit unclear on the idea that Osorio is a creative midfielder, it is a concept I have not been properly introduced to.


We were not lacking players in scoring positions at any point in this game, nor were we lacking support for those who were up front in any obvious way, apart from the odd play when we got stretched. 


Alemán: I honestly think none of you have seen him play, in person. I know it is not true as some were there in the stands beside me in Seattle last GC, but I have seen him since then, and he is totally chaotic and undisciplined, he is wild and very hard to fit into a team successfully. Until a few months ago he was playing on the level of Piette, not sure if he's grown since then, hope so.

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^^^^ if his leg was offside hes offside.

Benefit of the doubt doesnt go to the player whose leg is offside. Theres no doubt that a player is offside if his leg is ahead of the last defender therefore no benefit to be had.

The benefit of the doubt goes to the attacking player when its legit level

I understood that limbs were not supposed to be included it had to be the body itself and certainly that often seems to be the way it is called now. In any event I'd like to see a replay of it to judge for myself but suspiciously Concacaf has not included the goal in the official highlights package.....

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I understood that limbs were not supposed to be included it had to be the body itself and certainly that often seems to be the way it is called now. In any event I'd like to see a replay of it to judge for myself but suspiciously Concacaf has not included the goal in the official highlights package.....

By the laws of the game, any part of the attacker's body that is ahead of the second-last defender at the time the ball is played, makes that player offside. So, arms and hands can be offside (as they can't legally play the ball) but pretty much every other body part must be onside. It was definitely the correct call on Haber.

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have to agree with you on the Aleman thing Unnamed, he has potential but I don't understand where all the love is coming from as he was playing for a midtable CR team and he's only 21.

The same league 12 players on costa ricas team play in.... And hes only 21

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So people keep bringing up the positive that this is a young team which is good, however, the players that we have that have been starters in this tournament that are plying 3rd and 4th division soccer in Europe need to find better leagues because if they don't and are still playing at the same level in two or three years then these players will have no business playing on this national team and this team will not improve we can't expect to do well in these tournaments and qualify for the WC with these types of players. We need to get more players either playing in the MLS or in descent levels in Europe because if we don't then this is the best we can expect from our national team having starters that play in these lower level leagues.  

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The same league 12 players on costa ricas team play in.... And hes only 21

all of those guys play and start for the big 3 teams. When Aleman is starting for Herediano then there is definitely room to talk, but he's not quite there yet


Aleman is with the Olympic team at the Pan Am games which is where he should be right now.

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Coaches love the Piette's and Straith hard working rugged players because they have more faith in these players to not screw up because players like this take less chances they play a very safe type of game as opposed to the Osorios and Tieberts and even Alleman's of the world who move forward and take chances and from taking chances and moving forward have greater possibilities of screwing up, so coaches like Floro will rather play it safe and go with the Piettes and Straith of the world over the Tieberts and Osorio type players and this is where we are with Floro, therefore as long as he is coach this mentality ain't changing. If people are happy with this approach then good for you, hey it got us to the World Cup in 86 so who am I to complain so let's see if it can still work in todays world going forward.

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all of those guys play and start for the big 3 teams. When Aleman is starting for Herediano then there is definitely room to talk, but he's not quite there yet

Aleman is with the Olympic team at the Pan Am games which is where he should be right now.

Fair point. Im fine with him on the u23s. But not really fine with him being one of only 3 unused subs. Hopefully we see him on thursday.

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And then we wonder why some  players choose other countries over Canada when a guy like Aleman is sitting while some kid playing L1 Ontario plays.

who is the L1O player playing? all of the guys are USL at least and the formation requires the CMs to defend so I can see the concern if you're not pressing for a late goal with having him on the field

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who is the L1O player playing? all of the guys are USL at least and the formation requires the CMs to defend so I can see the concern if you're not pressing for a late goal with having him on the field

If floro jr is anything like his dad, then no guarantees aleman sees the field if we need a goal. He may just bring on a centre back and stick him in the midfield

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Just heard that Kendall Waston was officially named to the Tico Gold Cup squad, guess Canada's "attacking" prowess in the final 20 minutes, make the Wanchope sweat bullets to call for the big man.  I'm thankful Waston wasn't in today's lineup as he would've manhandled all Canadian forwards.

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Well my apologies there may not be an L1 player on the roster or playing while Aleman sits but in all honesty if a player like Aleman can't see the field with that team with that kind of roster then either I have no bloody clue about a game I've been involved in and watching for over 40 years or there is more going on with these player selections that I'm just failing to see!

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