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Scott Arfield

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10 hours ago, Obinna said:

Not too unhappy to hear Tillman struggled. Can't have too many American youngsters lighting it up (until we close the gap with them little more, at least). :)

I would say our elite players are better than their elite players, but they have way more depth than we have. Population I believe has a lot to do with it. I expect them to do well at the World Cup. I see them as a Dark Horse that could do some damage.

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20 hours ago, InglewoodJack said:

Arfield the coward can't even see the pitch until it's a blowout when Rangers plays real opponents.

I am interested as to why you refer to him as a "coward" because that would be far from any description I would give him, I find that quite insulting to a player who represented us if I'm honest!

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2 minutes ago, gator said:

I am interested as to why you refer to him as a "coward" because that would be far from any description I would give him, I find that quite insulting to a player who represented us if I'm honest!

Because as an ascendant soccer nation, I think it's time for us to learn to be pompous and take a with us or against us attitude. Put on the Canada jersey or I will pray for your downfall.

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7 minutes ago, InglewoodJack said:

Because as an ascendant soccer nation, I think it's time for us to learn to be pompous and take a with us or against us attitude. Put on the Canada jersey or I will pray for your downfall.

While I agree with that sentiment none of us know the situation, everything is just speculation based on rumours with some blaming Arfield and others blaming JH, Arfield played for us unlike other players who were born and raised here who pursued other options, they are the ones I am pissed off at!

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26 minutes ago, InglewoodJack said:

Because as an ascendant soccer nation, I think it's time for us to learn to be pompous and take a with us or against us attitude. Put on the Canada jersey or I will pray for your downfall.

Along the same narrative, should we be rooting against Junior for leaving us on hold for a good five years?

At the end of the day, Scotty proudly represented us and gave it all when called upon. I can’t hold it against him to walk away at this point in his career. 

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44 minutes ago, gator said:

While I agree with that sentiment none of us know the situation, everything is just speculation based on rumours with some blaming Arfield and others blaming JH, Arfield played for us unlike other players who were born and raised here who pursued other options, they are the ones I am pissed off at!

Don't even get me started on those guys.

43 minutes ago, JamboAl said:

You do realize that he put on a Canada top and captained us.  

And then left when it mattered most. No sympathy.

27 minutes ago, Pottsy3 said:

Along the same narrative, should we be rooting against Junior for leaving us on hold for a good five years?

At the end of the day, Scotty proudly represented us and gave it all when called upon. I can’t hold it against him to walk away at this point in his career. 

Junior came to his senses. We should forgive and embrace those who saw the correct way.

And like I said:

58 minutes ago, InglewoodJack said:

Because as an ascendant soccer nation, I think it's time for us to learn to be pompous and take a with us or against us attitude. Put on the Canada jersey or I will pray for your downfall.


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2 hours ago, Shway said:

Can’t wait for him to retire from soccer…….

but even then, somehow someway this thread will still be hot with the same ole convo. 

His CMNT career is done.

Because then he'll finally be free to tell the truth about "What Happened"?  😮

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Scott played an important role in Canada transitioning to a serious squad. That 2-0 win vs US in Nations League was the match that marked our arrival as a legit squad and he was immense there. He always played his ass off too. He did everything asked of him and I have no issues at all with him deciding to retire from international football.

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3 hours ago, Floortom said:

Scott played an important role in Canada transitioning to a serious squad. That 2-0 win vs US in Nations League was the match that marked our arrival as a legit squad and he was immense there. He always played his ass off too. He did everything asked of him and I have no issues at all with him deciding to retire from international football.

That victory I think was the biggest turning point in Canadian Soccer History at the time bigger than the Gold Cup in 2000.

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52 minutes ago, Cheeta said:

Because then he'll finally be free to tell the truth about "What Happened"?  😮

Ha!  Not bloody likely as I assume Herdman will make sure that doesn't happen either.  JH is hellbent on preventing Arfield from doing anything!

Scott wants to buy a new car?  No way, Herdman's screwed up his credit rating.

Scott wants to make himself a sandwich?  Not bloody likely, Herdman's eaten all the bread in the house except rye (and no one wants a rye bread sandwich).

Scott wants to go for a pint down at the pub?  Fat chance when ol' Johnny Herdman has drank all the pubs in Glasgow dry.

I don't know what Herdman has against Arfield but he'll never leave him be (or so I'm led to believe based on this thread).

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8 hours ago, Shway said:

Can’t wait for him to retire from soccer…….

but even then, somehow someway this thread will still be hot with the same ole convo. 

His CMNT career is done.

There is door number 2.  You could just ignore the thread and never open it, let alone post in it.  That would probably cure what ails you.

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9 hours ago, gigi riva said:

That victory I think was the biggest turning point in Canadian Soccer History at the time bigger than the Gold Cup in 2000.

I think we can only say that with the benefit of hind sight.

I was at the Canada/USA Nations League game, and it was incredible, and it felt like we had a shot to be relevant, a chance at a chance at a World Cup spot (meaning a realistic chance to get into the hex and about a 50/50 chance to qualify).

I wasn't at the 2000 Gold Cup, but watched it on TV. We beat Mexico and Colombia (and T&T was no pushover with prime Dwight Yorke on the team). Yes we largely road our goalie to success, but beating the best team in the region, and a South American team on top of that. How could we not qualify for the next World Cup? People will take us seriously now. I can't remember what the situation was with "he who must not be named" at the time, if he was on the radar at that point or not and if this Gold Cup win would have been seen as a signal that it's worth joining Canada.

But of course now we know that the 2000 Gold Cup was mostly an anomaly, or at least it didn't translate to World Cup qualifying success, and that the Nations League win did end up leading into World Cup qualifying success. So now it's easy to say the Nations League win was a bigger turning point than the 2000 Gold Cup win. At the time of each though? That's a tougher call, for me at least.

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3 hours ago, Kent said:

I think we can only say that with the benefit of hind sight.

I was at the Canada/USA Nations League game, and it was incredible, and it felt like we had a shot to be relevant, a chance at a chance at a World Cup spot (meaning a realistic chance to get into the hex and about a 50/50 chance to qualify).

I wasn't at the 2000 Gold Cup, but watched it on TV. We beat Mexico and Colombia (and T&T was no pushover with prime Dwight Yorke on the team). Yes we largely road our goalie to success, but beating the best team in the region, and a South American team on top of that. How could we not qualify for the next World Cup? People will take us seriously now. I can't remember what the situation was with "he who must not be named" at the time, if he was on the radar at that point or not and if this Gold Cup win would have been seen as a signal that it's worth joining Canada.

But of course now we know that the 2000 Gold Cup was mostly an anomaly, or at least it didn't translate to World Cup qualifying success, and that the Nations League win did end up leading into World Cup qualifying success. So now it's easy to say the Nations League win was a bigger turning point than the 2000 Gold Cup win. At the time of each though? That's a tougher call, for me at least.

For me the the two most amazing parts of the Victory vs the United States in 2019 was  how in a span of 2 hours it from being a small story to the number 1 Sports story in Canada. on my way home I tuned into 93.3 CFRU  who always broadcast the BBCWorld Service overnight and that game was there Second Story  in there Sports Roundup

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11 hours ago, Floortom said:

Scott played an important role in Canada transitioning to a serious squad. That 2-0 win vs US in Nations League was the match that marked our arrival as a legit squad and he was immense there. He always played his ass off too. He did everything asked of him and I have no issues at all with him deciding to retire from international football.

Yeah, he was our captain and probably best player on the night. He was usually (as often as anyone) brilliant for us when he played. 

It sounded like later on at his age, signing again with Rangers meant leaving behind his international career. I’m not sure he had a choice. I don’t see any weird arrogance, etc on his part that might be worthy of distain 

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I've moved on and miss having a real good reason to cheer against Celtic.  

But as said, by many, but he captained an absolutely crucial stage in the national team's development.  That win against States was a shot heard (if faintly) around the football world.  When I "slyly" slipped it into football conversations, I even got a "Yeah, we know you beat the Americans" from the most jaded English club supporters.

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