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Scott Arfield

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2 minutes ago, ESG Shawn said:

No mention of Eustaquio, a man running the midfield for a Champions League side?

Eustaquio is the straw that stirs the drink for us,  Arfield or not. 

While I do rate Arfield, Eustaquio is the superior player IMO and excluding him from a discussion about our CM strength is disingenuous. 

I didn’t mention Eustaqiuo because he’s the one guy I’m not worried about - seems pretty obvious.

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I think fans deserve answers from Herdman and he should be held to some sort of accountability. 

if we are down by one goal vs Croatia and it’s the 65th min and we need a change to help get that goal. I would rather have Arfield come in that has  over 85 games played in English premier league, over 100 played in Championship and over 200 games in the Scottish Premier league  over Fraser, Kaye, Kone and Piette. 

If Herdman is too stupid not to beg Scott back - well we should be demanding answers. English, Italian, French etc fans would be demanding answer . What we are too star struck with herdman ? Oh we can’t upset big daddy herdman, he might leave us. 

Edited by SpecialK
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6 hours ago, SpecialK said:

I think fans deserve answers from Herdman and he should be held to some sort of accountability. 

if we are down by one goal vs Croatia and it’s the 65th min and we need a change to help get that goal. I would rather have Arfield come in that has  over 85 games played in English premier league, over 100 played in Championship and over 200 games in the Scottish Premier league  over Fraser, Kaye, Kone and Piette. 

If Herdman is too stupid not to beg Scott back - well we should be demanding answers. English, Italian, French etc fans would be demanding answer . What we are too star struck with herdman ? Oh we can’t upset big daddy herdman, he might leave us. 

I think you’re looking at this from the wrong pov. This is more a reflection of the media not asking. Herdman will give the same reply if they were to ask him at his next availability like what he said previously. Surely that’s pretty obvious to you? The time to really press was last January when he announced his retirement. I want Arfield back but unless there is some change/rumour, it’s a dead end. 

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10 hours ago, SpecialK said:

I think fans deserve answers from Herdman and he should be held to some sort of accountability. 

if we are down by one goal vs Croatia and it’s the 65th min and we need a change to help get that goal. I would rather have Arfield come in that has  over 85 games played in English premier league, over 100 played in Championship and over 200 games in the Scottish Premier league  over Fraser, Kaye, Kone and Piette. 

If Herdman is too stupid not to beg Scott back - well we should be demanding answers. English, Italian, French etc fans would be demanding answer . What we are too star struck with herdman ? Oh we can’t upset big daddy herdman, he might leave us. 

All of this is predicated on the idea that Herdman drove him out - something I don’t think you have any evidence for whatsoever.  A player has announced his international retirement - why aren’t you proposing to hound him relentlessly with questions about his motives?   Or ambush Steven Gerard and force him to answer questions about whether or not he issued an ultimatum to Scotty.  That would seem to make more sense than some sort of campaign against Herdman where you think he needs to be held accountable (which assumes he is at fault).

You clearly don’t like the guy.  That is fine.  But even you have said that you would change your tone if he got us to the WC.  He has - and we qualified first in the region.  At this point, it seems pretty unreasonable to hold some sort of deep hostility towards him.  It is your prerogative to dislike him but don’t expect a lot of support for a witchhunt on the basis of some weird grudge.  


And to be clear, I wasn’t a fan of his at the outset.  I thought the hiring was weird, Zambrano was a good tactical coach who was ambushed, and the salesman approach wouldn’t do our squad justice. But at this point, the boys are bought in, the results have been fantastic, and I am wiling to give Herdman credit for doing something most of us saw as a huge long shot a couple of years ago.  

I still have some points where I am critical.  There have been instances where I don’t think he got our tactics right and was then somewhat slow to adjust.  And the Ted Talk approach can be a turn off for someone like me who doesn’t like quite that much sizzle.  But the guy has gotten results and done the one thing that past coaches have been unable to do for decades. 

Edited by dyslexic nam
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10 hours ago, SpecialK said:

I think fans deserve answers from Herdman and he should be held to some sort of accountability. 

if we are down by one goal vs Croatia and it’s the 65th min and we need a change to help get that goal. I would rather have Arfield come in that has  over 85 games played in English premier league, over 100 played in Championship and over 200 games in the Scottish Premier league  over Fraser, Kaye, Kone and Piette. 

If Herdman is too stupid not to beg Scott back - well we should be demanding answers. English, Italian, French etc fans would be demanding answer . What we are too star struck with herdman ? Oh we can’t upset big daddy herdman, he might leave us. 

Herdman doesn't owe you shit, punk.

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You know what would make this topic even more fun?  A showcase performance by the man tomorrow against Ajax.  Complete with stoppage time winner and a post match interview where Scotty, when questioned, admits that yes, he is interested in being part of the Canada side going to Qatar and would love hearing from Herdman.

Wouldn't that be fun!

I'll never wish a better day for a Ranger's player as I will for Arfield tomorrow. 

You know, just to be a prick.



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12 hours ago, SpecialK said:

I think fans deserve answers from Herdman and he should be held to some sort of accountability. 

if we are down by one goal vs Croatia and it’s the 65th min and we need a change to help get that goal. I would rather have Arfield come in that has  over 85 games played in English premier league, over 100 played in Championship and over 200 games in the Scottish Premier league  over Fraser, Kaye, Kone and Piette. 

If Herdman is too stupid not to beg Scott back - well we should be demanding answers. English, Italian, French etc fans would be demanding answer . What we are too star struck with herdman ? Oh we can’t upset big daddy herdman, he might leave us. 

Give up dude.  It's cheap to just assume and blame Herdman.  What if it's Arfield's wife that doesn't want him travelling and away from the kids for weeks at a time?  Is that still Herdman's fault? 

Arfield might've wanted some flexibility considering his age, family and club situation.  Herdman probably said he couldn't really offer that cause it would set a precedence and bad message to the rest of the team.  Scott took a shot of whisky, John sipped his tea, they shook hands and parted.  It's unfortunate, maybe one day we'll have more details, but that's all we've got at the moment.  No point in pointing blame or making false accusations.  

But while we're on the subject, seriously, what's your real issue with Herdman?  His accent?  His height?  The fact that he came from the women's team?  Did he sleep with your Mom?  You've been at this for years, can you let it out please?  You need to talk about what is really bothering you, otherwise you'll never get over it.

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1 hour ago, costarg said:

Give up dude.  It's cheap to just assume and blame Herdman.  What if it's Arfield's wife that doesn't want him travelling and away from the kids for weeks at a time?  Is that still Herdman's fault? 

Arfield might've wanted some flexibility considering his age, family and club situation.  Herdman probably said he couldn't really offer that cause it would set a precedence and bad message to the rest of the team.  Scott took a shot of whisky, John sipped his tea, they shook hands and parted.  It's unfortunate, maybe one day we'll have more details, but that's all we've got at the moment.  No point in pointing blame or making false accusations.  

But while we're on the subject, seriously, what's your real issue with Herdman?  His accent?  His height?  The fact that he came from the women's team?  Did he sleep with your Mom?  You've been at this for years, can you let it out please?  You need to talk about what is really bothering you, otherwise you'll never get over it.

Where's @Macksamwhen you need him? 

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