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WCQ Location Predictions


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Without joining in on the regional crap-flinging, I want to mention that CSA reps repeatedly stressed the existence of the Notawasaga Inn in Alliston as a big reason for continuing to choose Toronto. I was told unequivocally that it is the best facility of its kind in Canada.

The addition of TFC's training facility in May -- should the CSA get to use it -- gives Toronto another leg up on the other cities, as well.

All right then i'm convinced, let's award every single MNT game until the end of time to Toronto because of a training field..

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Lol, I guess Doober, Doufous, Dobber or whaterever his nickname is missed the national anthem of the Jamaica WCQ. While I have my reasons for believing Toronto is the best location for now, Bozos are Bozos and Dobber is a Bozo. Never been to a game anywhere in Canada, including many of the ones mention in this article, where the crowd was not pro-Canada. Bozos are unable to distinguish small vocal groups of opposition supporters outnumbering the small vocal groups of home supporters from the overall make up of the crowd, and as such, boldly stride out and jam their heads up their asses.

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Those who forget history are condemmed to repeat it. I know a lot of the guys from Toronto are newer, but some of the vets will recall a time when none of the games were held in Toronto for a more than a decade and the angst it caused back then. One of the reasons we are quite a dysfunctional group is that our collective memory is so ****ing weak. Maybe we all need to grow up?

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If this is what the majority of players and the manager wanted then that is good enough for me. Happy players is better than player who, rightly or wrongly, think they are being treated poorly by the CSA. Happy players will always do better. In today's day and age of professional sports where the athlete is so excessively pampered it is not very hard to understand that this expectation (again, it's not important whether this is justified or not) will bleed over into national team duties. At the end of the day making it to the HEX and hopefully to the big dance will do far more in growing the game than spreading a few matches around the country ever will. If pleasing the team with where these matches are played is one more piece towards solving the WCQ puzzle for Canada then every single one of us should be behind the decision. Especially if they ensure that ALL games will be properly televised... which is likely a topic for another thread and one which would bring a lot more agreement in this forum.

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All right then i'm convinced, let's award every single MNT game until the end of time to Toronto because of a training field..

With respect, it was not so long ago that Canada was preparing for the Gold Cup (I beleive) in a public park. I do think training facilities are an important part of the equation. Fortunately, I think that the Whitecaps have a decent training facility, and I expect tha Impact will (if they don't already) and if the clubs are willing to make them available, then it is just the grass.

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Tell me again the logical reason why not a single game out of seven in a 14 month period couldn't have been played in Montreal? Grass? Check. Proximity to Europe? Check. Oh yes, I forgot. The players like a hotel in suburban Toronto. Better make it the permanent home for the national in perpetuity.

Montreal would have also been a logical choice for the reasons you mentioned. The reason Toronto is even better is because:

-we played there last round, so additional games in toronto is a continuation in terms of surroundings and helps further develop the sense of "home". Do you disagree that this stability is a positive?

-Toronto allows us to host all 3 home games in the same location. This is not only benificial for stability, but also allows us to create ticket packages like last round. This was effective last round so why not do it again? Recall that saputo may not be ready by june.

-although I think the MLS effect would ensure a pro-canadian crowd, it is more risky than toronto considering what happened last cycle against honduras. Supports of montreal will point to the big away crowds for the peru and ecuador friendlies at BMO, Toronto supports will claim WQC is a different beast, and point to the success of the jamaica game at BMO. I understand both view points, but I feel that the latter holds more weight.

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Montreal would have also been a logical choice for the reasons you mentioned. The reason Toronto is even better is because:

-we played there last round, so additional games in toronto is a continuation in terms of surroundings and helps further develop the sense of "home". Do you disagree that this stability is a positive?

-Toronto allows us to host all 3 home games in the same location. This is not only benificial for stability, but also allows us to create ticket packages like last round. This was effective last round so why not do it again? Recall that saputo may not be ready by june.

-although I think the MLS effect would ensure a pro-canadian crowd, it is more risky than toronto considering what happened last cycle against honduras. Supports of montreal will point to the big away crowds for the peru and ecuador friendlies at BMO, Toronto supports will claim WQC is a different beast, and point to the success of the jamaica game at BMO. I understand both view points, but I feel that the latter holds more weight.

Great point about the ticket packages, that will go a long way for ensuring a Canadian crowd... not just for one game as in the past but for 4 games in 2012.

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If this is what the majority of players and the manager wanted then that is good enough for me. Happy players is better than player who, rightly or wrongly, think they are being treated poorly by the CSA. Happy players will always do better. In today's day and age of professional sports where the athlete is so excessively pampered it is not very hard to understand that this expectation (again, it's not important whether this is justified or not) will bleed over into national team duties. At the end of the day making it to the HEX and hopefully to the big dance will do far more in growing the game than spreading a few matches around the country ever will. If pleasing the team with where these matches are played is one more piece towards solving the WCQ puzzle for Canada then every single one of us should be behind the decision. Especially if they ensure that ALL games will be properly televised... which is likely a topic for another thread and one which would bring a lot more agreement in this forum.


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CSA made a calculated risk here and believe me, it is a BIG risk. I totally get it from the fans view

in the west and Quebec. However at the end of the day, if you put on a suit, neck tie, shave off your

balls and sit in the boardroom with primary decision makers, they will make the choice based on three things.




Toronto has the distinct advantage in all three areas and CSA is banking that if we make it to hex using a

single venue, not only revenue stream will increase but fan base as well by offering affordable ticket

prices via single package deal for all three games. Logistically most players would benefit from single

venue from avoid additional travelling and don't forget that Nottawasaga Inn Resort is their unofficial

training ground for the national team and it has an outstanding grass field (believe me, i was there).

So SthMelbRed, believe me I feel your frustration and appreciate your passion. However, I'm with Califax

in this one. Just drop your condecsending done and discuss respectfully.


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The decision has been made, time to put up or shut up.

Start organizing wherever you are. If it's not the GTA then organize an event at a local bar and get people out to it.

Take the pledge to bring out 1 more.

1 more to the game

1 more to the pub to watch

1 more to your house for a party

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I understand the frustration when the games are getting bigger and bigger and our country isn't getting any easier to cross to get to Toronto. I'll just accept it and try and help make this year of games in Toronto as successful as they can be.

To V's elsewhere that won't be able to make it I realize that the onus will be on us to prove we can consistently fill BMO or we'll hear it from you.

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I understand the frustration when the games are getting bigger and bigger and our country isn't getting any easier to cross to get to Toronto. I'll just accept it and try and help make this year of games in Toronto as successful as they can be.

To V's elsewhere that won't be able to make it I realize that the onus will be on us to prove we can consistently fill BMO or we'll hear it from you.

Lose and you are out of the country!!

Ok.. maybe not..

But seriously yes.

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just went back a few pages and didn't see anyting but someone posted alink which supposedly says the csa are require to play most mens games at BMO til 2027 ( i just glanced at this and didn't read it thoroughly)


this seems to me like angus glen where they played the canadian open championship for like 30 years in ontario

or the vanier cup staying east of manitoba for like a hundred years

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just went back a few pages and didn't see anyting but someone posted alink which supposedly says the csa are require to play most mens games at BMO til 2027 ( i just glanced at this and didn't read it thoroughly)


this seems to me like angus glen where they played the canadian open championship for like 30 years in ontario

or the vanier cup staying east of manitoba for like a hundred years

That document actually outlines the proposed amendment that would see the CSA only have to guarantee 16,000 total paid tickets per year, rather than 6 national team matches (of any gender or age group).

To my untrained eye, this amendment could be good for all parties, especially the CSA who would see less obligation and more possible financial reward then the old agreement allowed for.

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I understand the frustration when the games are getting bigger and bigger and our country isn't getting any easier to cross to get to Toronto. I'll just accept it and try and help make this year of games in Toronto as successful as they can be.

To V's elsewhere that won't be able to make it I realize that the onus will be on us to prove we can consistently fill BMO or we'll hear it from you.

Screw filling it.

If we can sell breakeven +1 before the public sale, close it.

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If Dobson would have named that article 'sticking' up for Canadian Soccer he'd get more respect. The point is - the players have asked for TO. I don't give a rats ass where they play as long as they win and have a decent shot at Canadian support. The one game I attended (Jamaica) in the last go 'round was a blast and TO (many of you to thank here) did a great job. They shouldn't have exclusivity however. Where to play decisions can be made when the games are booked. For now - I understand the TO decision based on grass, fan support and player travel.

Dobson should stick to writing his articles in a positive light - that kind of us against them reporting gets the rest of the country pissed off.

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^ Agree on Dobson,he should approach this topic differently.

Here is another article about division between CMNT fans.


Last comment in this article shows the reality of our CMNT support .

” Brett Graham, vice president of Vancouver Whitecaps supporters group the Southsiders, told MLSsoccer.com by phone. ....

“Let’s face it, why should I cheer for the Canadian national team if they never play where I live?”

Well,Mr Graham,maybe should support CMNT because you are CANADIAN FFS.

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^ Agree on Dobson,he should approach this topic differently.

Here is another article about division between CMNT fans.


Last comment in this article shows the reality of our CMNT support .

Well,Mr Graham,maybe should support CMNT because you are CANADIAN FFS.

Ya, that was a pretty dumb comment by Brett Graham..They do play were you live, in Canada! I get that he is pissed because so am I, I would have loved to have a game in Montreal or at least have the games on Saturdays to make travel easier, but it won't make me stop supporting my country..

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I'd like to point out a few things on the subject:

2002 wcq: in Edmonton vs t&t lost 2-0

in Winnipeg vs panama won 1-0

In Toronto (varsity) vs Mexico 0-0

2006 wcq: in Vancouver vs Guatemala lost 2-0

In Edmonton vs Honduras 1-1

In Vancouver vs costa rica lost 3-1

2010 wcq: in Toronto vs Jamaica 1-1

In Montreal vs Honduras lost 2-1

In Edmonton vs mexico 2-2

What's the pattern here? Well there's a couple. First we have moved these games from city to city with ZERO success since 2000. We've won one home game! So I say can it get any worse? Keeping it all in one city sounds like the change that might work. I remember frank yallop declaring that Vancouver was the teams home base during the 06 campaign. How did that go guys?

Everybody come out to that first Honduras game and we'll stick it to em!

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The only pattern I see is that we are unbeaten all-time in Winnipeg! (2-1-0)

I'd like to point out a few things on the subject:

2002 wcq: in Edmonton vs t&t lost 2-0

in Winnipeg vs panama won 1-0

In Toronto (varsity) vs Mexico 0-0

2006 wcq: in Vancouver vs Guatemala lost 2-0

In Edmonton vs Honduras 1-1

In Vancouver vs costa rica lost 3-1

2010 wcq: in Toronto vs Jamaica 1-1

In Montreal vs Honduras lost 2-1

In Edmonton vs mexico 2-2

What's the pattern here? Well there's a couple. First we have moved these games from city to city with ZERO success since 2000. We've won one home game! So I say can it get any worse? Keeping it all in one city sounds like the change that might work. I remember frank yallop declaring that Vancouver was the teams home base during the 06 campaign. How did that go guys?

Everybody come out to that first Honduras game and we'll stick it to em!

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It would be wise for the CSA to plan friendlies in Vancouver and Montreal in the centennial year here (or Winnipeg ... +1 to that). I'm not CSA bashing here as I don't know enough about what they do to comment but it would have been a pacifier (and make sense for a number of other reasons) for the CSA to also during the jersey release last week that they either working on or have already arranged friendlies for the other FIFA dates in those locations. Then there would have been a little something for everyone.

Although I feel for those out in Vancouver, and to a lesser extent for those in Montreal (at least travel is more likely from there to TO) I still think this is the right move. Perhaps I am less emotionally attached to the idea of getting a game in my home town as it will never happen in Regina therefore I will almost always be forced to watch games on TV, but I really think it is time to move on from this and get stoked for the games coming up. These are all teams that we can compete with and beat and it is much more likely we will have a home crowd cheering on the boys than it ever has been in the past. Being divisive doesn't really get us anything except acrimony and hard-feelings.

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Ya, that was a pretty dumb comment by Brett Graham..They do play were you live, in Canada! I get that he is pissed because so am I, I would have loved to have a game in Montreal or at least have the games on Saturdays to make travel easier, but it won't make me stop supporting my country..

Agree, Mr Graham sounds like a spoiled brat here.

The MNT has never played in Quebec City and probably won't in my life time but that will never stop me cheering for them.

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