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The new D3 league(s)


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OK let's try to get this thread back on track again. As explained I think there is a role for both open age semi-pro and elite student athlete oriented leagues and think both could work well in a Canadian context if organized in an intelligent manner. The subject of this thread is the former in the context of Ontario and Quebec. There have been four contenders when it comes to having a semi-pro league operating in the Windsor-Quebec corridor in 2012. Here's how things appear to me to stand with each:


CSL - originally an OSA sanctioned league but for the past couple of seasons has been CSA sanctioned.

Strengths - having been the only active league up to now it should be in the poll position.

Weaknesses - has traditionally been based on franchises purchased for low six figure amounts (?), which worked alright when there were relatively few would be applicants, but is problematic when lots of teams want to get in and have the option of forming rival leagues instead. The leverage this provided seems to have resulted in playing memberships being introduced with no expansion fee involved and this appears to have led to an internal split between "equity owners" and more recent entries, which led to Milltown FC and Hamilton Croatia's departure after an attempt to form a breakaway league for 2011 had failed to make its way through the OSA's bureacracy in time.

Solidly on board for 2012 - I think the "equity owners" from back in 1998 would be London City, York Region Shooters, St Catherines Roma, Toronto Croatia and the York Region Shooters. Not sure about status of franchises derived from later expansion like Toronto SC, Serbian White Eagles and Brampton City United but Serbian White Eagles are not likely to be aligned with Milltown FC due to stuff that happened in the 2009 season with their reserve side. Of the most recent entries after playing memberships were introduced, Brantford Galaxy, Windsor Stars, TFC Academy, Montreal Impact Academy, Capital City FC and Mississauga Eagles, there appear to be serious differences between Hamilton Croatia and the Brantford Galaxy and the Windsor team appeared to enter the picture after the split so strong reasons to believe that 8 out of 14 from this season would be on board for 2012 with a new team in Kingston apparently in the works based on Prospect FC from the CSL second division to bring solidly on board 2012 numbers up to a minimum of 9.

Not clear for 2012 - If the above is accurate the 2011 CSL first division teams that are most likely to do something else in 2012 would be Toronto SC, Brampton City United, TFC Academy, Mississauga Eagles, Capital City FC and Montreal Impact Academy, along with Niagara United and Kitchener Waterloo United FC from the CSL's second division.


OSL semi-pro - an attempt by the OSL, the OSA's top provincial amatuer league (although only two of the five regions are involved) to from an elite division of eight teams with pro/rel to the rest of the senior league structure.

Strenghs - would have been in line with FIFA's recommendations where league structures are concerned.

Weaknesses - got turned down by the OSA for sanctioning so what appears to be happening instead is a move from a 14 team setup with east and west conferences to a ten team elite division, which will no doubt be semi-pro in practice in many cases if not officially in league status terms.

Solidly on board for 2012 - given the amateur status and pro/rel structure of the OSL there is zero doubt that there will be ten teams in the OSL top flight division in 2012.

Not clear for 2012 - If elite OSL teams were keen to be openly semi-pro in 2012 will some of them want to move to another league setup now that the OSL has failed to achieve that?


New Quebec semi-pro - The QSF has long wanted a provincial semi-pro league and recently announced that one would be launched in 2012.

Strengths - solid backing of QSF has led to this league with rumours that CSL and PDL expansion bids have been deliberately blocked to try to ensure the numbers were there to get this league off the ground.

Weaknesses - although the aim appears to be to have a 12 teams eventually it is not clear that the numbers are there for a viable and stable league and some leading clubs with semi-pro aspirations appear to want to play elsewhere.

Solidly on board for 2012 - Gatineau, Lakeshore, Brossard, L'Assomption, Blainville

Not clear for 2012 - Trois Rivieres, Montreal Impact Academy and Beauport said to be possibles for 2012 with other clubs potentially interested in the years ahead. Not clear whether Montreal Impact Academy and Beauport prefer having a Quebec league to being in the CSL. Also not clear to what extent the QSF can influence their decision.


New Ontario league - this initiative is the result of Milltown FC and Hamilton Croatia's breakaway from the CSL.

Strengths - Has received the backing of the OSA in sanctioning terms. Appear to want to use FIFA's recommended pro/rel approach rather than a franchise model although this is not as clear cut as it would have been with the OSL.

Weaknesses - not clear that the numbers are there for a viable and stable league and gaining media recognition could be tough initially unless TFC Academy are involved.

Solidly on board for 2012 - Clearly Milltown FC, Hamilton Croatia and almost certainly a 2011 CSL expansion team that didn't field a team called the Pickering Power given backing of Durham Region District Association. So 3 out of 8 needed to be assured of a green light from the OSA for the 2012 season in November.

Not clear for 2012 - back in February literature for possible new teams stated there were six teams on board in Hamilton, Peel-Halton, Toronto, Durham Region, Ottawa and Montreal with three more written expressions of interest from the GTA and southwestern Ontario. Presumably the Toronto team is still on board but not clear whether Ottawa and Montreal teams are existing CSL sides or possibly involved with new Quebec League at this point. Also not clear how many (if any) CSL and/or OSL teams for the 2011 season will decide to defect to this new league.


Can anyone see any flaws with any of that? Does anyone have any insights on what might happen?

ahahahaha, so you start getting this 'back on topic' by first giving a completely fictional, speculation your making off of no evidence, view of the CSL. You do realize that their is NO indication that any CSL team is leaving the league this year, but you act like your not just making **** up? Your clearly just trying to panic people, and it's honestly pathetic when we have to listen to your completely unfounded fantasies ( I would love for PDL teams to join the CSL, do I act like it's in the works because I want it to be? Of course not, I'm not a liar).

2nd, no one was talking about this 'OSL semi pro' except for you, I believe because you initially thought it was one in the same as the other new upstart league. Once again your pretty much wasting time in thread called 'the new d3 leagues' with a no go league and just trying to talk **** about the CSL.

For your Quebec league mentions, you have this big problem as we've seen already of (ala bob mcCowan) presenting things you made up as fact. You of all people need to back up things like 'rumours' with evidence or not bother talking at all. The funny thing is I think your confusedly referring to a speculative (I said it like I was guessing, not like fact btw) comment I made about how if a couple PDL clubs had gotten on Quebec the new league had run out of steam. Ahhh but what can I say to 'rumours'. Also it seems pretty obvious that the Impact Academy will field it's top team in CSL next year, this is just you trying to smear the CSL as 'losing clubs'.

Claims like this make it especially impossible to believe BBTB has actually heard anything or would be privy to anyone's real rumours, he wouldn't waste his time just lieing if he had a crumb of truth (blogs and forums are not proof BBTB, it's funny that I have to say that).

Just for fun, to further poke holes in your childlike attempt at being 'unbiased', could you actually give proof that these Pickering teams are the same, because after saying all these foolish things, your word is clearly worth less then nothing. Also it's even more abundantly clear that the Toronto FC Academy will be in the CSL next year, you mentioning the possibility of a move (even if you admit it's unlikely) is just you trying to make it look like everyone has a foot out the door (just like last year you claimed that TFCA might be leaving the league because they didn't have many off season web updates?)

The reason I'm not letting you pretend your way out of this is because you've literally wasted hours of everyone's time argueing against things you are now trying to take credit for, you have been trying to do this for a while (blatantly changing your mind but pretending you haven't) and now your trying to mooch the credibility of events actually taking place to your desperate for attention ramblings. It's one thing to change your mind, it's another to go from being an over zealotous dick for one side, to being the same over zealotous dick for the other (it just shows who you are and that you've learned nothing).

I just kills me that he thinks people are stupid enough to not see where he puts lies and fantasy in his attempt to be 'unbiased'. He clearly has no idea what he's talking about but as long as he's successfully putting words together to make sentences, he's convinced he can say anything (at a certain point lies become slander).

Seriously, just give it a rest, let other people have honest discussion. Don't try and change the topic like earlier (despite you now pretending to be bringing it back), don't try and present negative fantasy about the CSL and positive fantasy for anyone else as anything but what your hoping for, you don't know anyone in the CSL, you haven't heard any rumours (if you had, you'd be spreading true rumours). All this is is a foolish attempt to try and present your made up speculation as proof by referring to your own old crazy **** as 'rumours' (once again, ala bob mccowan).

The funniest bit, is that when things go down like expected next year, he's going to make the same doom and gloom csl predictions next year and act like he hasn't lost credibility by wasting peoples time with them this year. If I say I'm going to die by asteroid every day, and it eventually happened, I'm still an idiot who wasted his time looking out for asteroids.

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Ignoring the odd comment about glee, if all the teams in D3 soccer were academy teams associated with D1 and D2 pro teams then there would be a parallel with the CHL. When the vast majority of teams are open-age semi-pro in format the valid parallel is clearly with senior AAA hockey and intercounty baseball which tend to be much more limited in scope geographically because older players with a nine to five job, a wife and kid to support financially and a mortgage to pay off do not have the same amount of time available to them that high school kids or NCAA students on their summer break have to sit on buses on the way to and from away games.

Shouldn't be a difficult concept to grasp but maybe you need to actually have played for and/or coached a competitive senior level side that trains on weeknights for a weekend game to understand the issues involved? Difficult enough to deal with stuff like "No we can't go away to see your parents on the long weekend because I have a game in Sarnia", "You'll have to go to that wedding by yourself because we have a home game that weekend", or "No boss I can't work that extra shift to help you meet that deadline because I have training that night" without throwing a bus trip from one end of the Windsor - Quebec corridor to the other into the mix.

Hence why I said it is somewhat relevant considering one team operates with student athletes exclusively.

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This thread on the OSL messageboard is worth a look for what is going on in the OSL (i.e. not much is changing in division format terms and there is the usual ongoing failure to grasp that short of full-time professionalism or something very close to it a conventional home and away schedule in either an all-province or east-west split conference format is never going to be able to successfully accomodate the top open age senior clubs from all five OSA regions due to the travel distances involved):


Clear as mud basically as to what the occasional references on that board to a new semi-pro angle due to the "elite 8" proposal have been referring to and why it appears to have been turned down by the OSA for sanctioning while the Milltown/Hamilton Croatia proposal was approved but that's par for the course on this sort of stuff, unfortunately. Will be interesting to see whether/how the new provincial D3 league gets the required eight teams assembled by November.

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This thread on the OSL messageboard is worth a look for what is going on in the OSL (i.e. not much is changing in division format terms and there is the usual ongoing failure to grasp that short of full-time professionalism or something very close to it a conventional home and away schedule in either an all-province or east-west split conference format is never going to be able to successfully accomodate the top open age senior clubs from all five OSA regions due to the travel distances involved):


Clear as mud basically as to what the occasional references on that board to a new semi-pro angle due to the "elite 8" proposal have been referring to and why it appears to have been turned down by the OSA for sanctioning while the Milltown/Hamilton Croatia proposal was approved but that's par for the course on this sort of stuff, unfortunately. Will be interesting to see whether/how the new provincial D3 league gets the required eight teams assembled by November.

I know I'm not perfect or anything but you need to edit the crap out of your sentences, they are written piss poorly.

Also, if you want to talk about the OSL you should probably start a new thread. It might be occasionally mildly related to the creation of this other new league but it's not a 'd-3' league, it's not 'new', no one else is really talking about it (going off topic with you).

How about you let other people talk about these new leagues instead of trying to dominate, distract and waste time (with what always turns out to be speculation and not fact) until you kill everyone else's interest and ramble instead of admit your way out of old contradictions.

Usually after bbtb makes an ass of himself he waits a bit and then posts a largely nonsense, off topic post. The whole board usually ignores it (as in, sure he's completely rambling, but at least he's not slandering and making **** up) and he starts the delicate process of pretending he doesn't look like an idiot.

Now though, he really just needs to learn to shut up, instead of just digging himself into holes (and wasting everyones time in the process), no one cares about his ego, no one cares about his inconsistent talk, and no one will until he stops wasting time with foolishness, lies, child like argueing tactics not to mention general nonsense:

like I said just recently, he rallied AGAINST $5 000 part time contracts because it was so small, not realizing it's better then zero, he also rallied AGAINST the idea of hopefully eventually getting up to like $15 000 full time contracts (simply because it was in a national league thread he was trolling), now he claims to support a semi pro model but why did he waste so much time again and again acting like theirs no point in paying anyone a semi pro wage?

Just weeks ago he was belittling the new Quebec league cause the players would only make, his number, $150 a game? Ask those players, it beats the big fat nothing they get now and it's the first step to getting more, but did common sense stop his from talking foolish ****? of course not, he's proven time and again he considers facts tertiary to his opinions (no idea how).

Think about it, he acts like he's against the CSL paying contracts, but supports these new guys doing the same, so why make a fool of yourself arguing against a smart move by your opponents and lauding those you support for doing the same? It just proves how insincere you are in general (dishonest is more appropriate)

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Things are maybe becoming a bit clearer on page 2 of the OSL messageboard thread in the posts by AJ:


...At its February 19, 2011 meeting, the League Management Committee made the following recommendations to the Board of Directors:

The OSA Board defer any decision until such time that any or all applications have been received by June 1 as per League Policy 11.0.

The OSA Board consider the following:

Does The OSA want a professional league in Ontario (Consider structure of the league, its resources, impact including pros and cons on all current soccer in Ontario)

If yes to the above, establish, or further define, a set of standards for league operation

Put out bid for application to Form a New Level 1 Non-amateur Senior League

If approved, it would be on par with CSL (semi-pro).

- North American D3 (semi-pro)

- CSA L1 (Highest Canadian Pro which is still below NA Pro Levels 1 (MLS) and 2 (NASL).

- OSA Pro L1 (Semi-Profesional)

- OSL Full Provincial L1 is amateur and would be OSA L2 and realistically North American L5 on the grand scheme of things because it is still below PDL....

So it appears that the OSA was looking for bids to run a non-amateur senior league and turned down the OSL in that regard and decided instead to go with Milltown/Hamilton Croatia/Durham Region's proposal. From a pro/rel standpoint the OSL might have been better but the GTA-centric nature of the OSL setup would probably have been bad news for any clubs from outside the south and central regions with semi-pro aspirations.

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Things are maybe becoming a bit clearer on page 2 of the OSL messageboard thread in the posts by AJ:


...At its February 19, 2011 meeting, the League Management Committee made the following recommendations to the Board of Directors:

The OSA Board defer any decision until such time that any or all applications have been received by June 1 as per League Policy 11.0.

The OSA Board consider the following:

Does The OSA want a professional league in Ontario (Consider structure of the league, its resources, impact including pros and cons on all current soccer in Ontario)

If yes to the above, establish, or further define, a set of standards for league operation

Put out bid for application to Form a New Level 1 Non-amateur Senior League

If approved, it would be on par with CSL (semi-pro).

- North American D3 (semi-pro)

- CSA L1 (Highest Canadian Pro which is still below NA Pro Levels 1 (MLS) and 2 (NASL).

- OSA Pro L1 (Semi-Profesional)

- OSL Full Provincial L1 is amateur and would be OSA L2 and realistically North American L5 on the grand scheme of things because it is still below PDL....

So it appears that the OSA was looking for bids to run a non-amateur senior league and turned down the OSL in that regard and decided instead to go with Milltown/Hamilton Croatia/Durham Region's proposal. From a pro/rel standpoint the OSL might have been better but the GTA-centric nature of the OSL setup would probably have been bad news for any clubs from outside the south and central regions with semi-pro aspirations.

Good god, your still prattling on off topic, that league failed to take off as a D3 league this year, it's not one of the new D3 leagues (topic title) and no one else is talking about. Above all, taking material from one forum to another is NOT adequate source work. If you want to investigate the OSL, do it in a new thread. You do realize that going way off topic does not make it okay to lie and contradict yourself? Of course it's just a coincidence that your double posting (because your supposedly 'ignoring' me) right around where I point out how just weeks ago you were scoffing at the entire idea of part time contracts, despite how you seem all for them at the start of this thread? Coincidence???

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^^I have Juby on ignore after some of his antics previously so I seldom even see what he writes.

Not much happening on this new D3 league stuff (that's visible online anyway) but there was coverage of the newly sanctioned league on the It's Called Football podcast a couple of weeks ago (seldom listen so only just became aware of this):


{42:48 - 49:03 is the relevant part}

Short on specifics but an interesting snippet was that they hope for as many as twelve teams in 2012 and the spin from the It's Called Football hosts seemed to be that the hope was existing CSL teams would move over to the new league. Maybe there will be more activity on that once the CSL playoffs are out of the way.

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^^I have Juby on ignore after some of his antics previously so I seldom even see what he writes.

HAHAHA, He was teasing you because you were clearly posting everytime I posted to get the last word (even though your apparently 'ignoring me'. And if that's true how come you will often respond to what I say, for example, in a thread a few weeks ago, I said the moratorium was working through **** luck it appears. No one else mentioned the moratorium, but then BBTB responds 'to the people talking about this being involved with the moratorium'. Why bother with the charade? He clearly reads me all the time, he just makes a fool of himself pretending he's ignoring me and responding at the same time (the problem with BBTB is he thinks if he drops the charade, then (like they haven't already) he'll think all his points will lose their consistency (he's hoping no one goes back and sees that he changes his opinions frequently but pretends he hasn't)

ohhh and if you ignore me, then how come dozens of times lately you will be posting 2 or 3 times in a row going progressively more off topic (if your ignoring me then the are in a row. BBTB seems to think that if he goes far enough off topic, everyone will be too dumb to realize he just made a fool of himself. Morons tend to think everyone is just like them, stupid)

Seriously, you have clearly never had any post secondary education because you seem to not understand 'sourcing' and 'evidence'.

Podcasts, Blogs, Forums and sports e-zines are your sources? Also your podcast their isn't proof, t's two journalists having a decent conversation. In fact, the mention of teams leaving the csl was the one journalist saying 'hopefully, some of these teams will see the light', clearly a biased statement but he wasn't stating it as a fact or anything.

Have you ever opened a book, talked to a primary source etc?

So you decided to post in this thread because you didn't have news? Pointing out this conversation is like quoting two people from this forum talking about their hopes and dreams It's not proof or evidence and you generally had no reason to post, which leads me back to the start, You don't have to waste people's time with pointless replies so it looks like your not making a fool of yourself.

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There are a lot of rumblings that certain teams in the CSL would leave for the new league and one team I have heard in particular that would reallly surprise a lot of people. Again, nothing written in stone but there are intentions out there already. The region of North York (where the CSL's Astros play) will be supported through the Korean Canadian Soccer Association who announced their intention last week. They expressed a strong faith in the new D3 league because of the team behind the project and, of course, a bit due to their past experience in trying to enter the CSL. They wanted to get into North York (which Bruno already owned rights to) or Richmond Hill (All of York Region is owned by Tony). Nevertheless, the KCSA have money, big contacts in the corporate sector, and access to lot's of international players that they are serious in bringing over - and will not be limited solely to those who are of Korean heritage.

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Thanks for that post futsal because I was just thinking we were having the same discussion in two threads.

So other than futsal's post is there any other progress re: the new Quebec semi-pro or the new Ontario semi-pro?? There is NO news to my knowledge of any such development in BC.

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[Gerry Dobson voice]That's four![/Gerry Dobson voice]

To recap, it seems safe to assume that the four teams in Hamilton, Peel-Halton region, Toronto and Durham region that were mentioned in the new Ontario league's info package PDF for prospective members are now firmly on board in Ontario at this point. Question marks would be the Ottawa and Montreal teams that were also said to be involved given they may be aligned with the new Quebec league now. Along with the KCSA team in North York mentioned by futsal above, Hamilton Croatia and Milltown FC are the obvious ones given their CSL breakaway with the Pickering Power CSL expansion franchise that ultimately decided to sit out 2011 also being prime suspects given the sanctioning bid was backed by the Peel-Halton and Durham region associations. There were said to be three other written expression of interest from the GTA and southwestern Ontario back in February so getting to eight by November doesn't seem like mission impossible if defections from the CSL are strongly rumoured.

So far in Quebec it appears to be Gatineau, Lakeshore, Brossard, Blainville and L'Assomption 100% committed with the Montreal Impact Academy, Beauport and Trois-Rivieres still possible for 2012 and others said to be interested in entry at some point down the road. BC isn't even on the radar at this point because the CSL commissioner who was pushing for it last year at this time was replaced. Worth noting {may provide the links later, Google it yourself if you want to see them sooner} the info packages for the new Ontario and Quebec leagues are very similar to the one that was linked on the Takethepiss forum last year in a BC context.

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[Gerry Dobson voice]That's four![/Gerry Dobson voice]

To recap, it seems safe to assume that the four teams in Hamilton, Peel-Halton region, Toronto and Durham region that were mentioned in the new Ontario league's info package PDF for prospective members are now firmly on board in Ontario at this point. Question marks would be the Ottawa and Montreal teams that were also said to be involved given they may be aligned with the new Quebec league now. Along with the KCSA team in North York mentioned by futsal above, Hamilton Croatia and Milltown FC are the obvious ones given their CSL breakaway with the Pickering Power CSL expansion franchise that ultimately decided to sit out 2011 also being prime suspects given the sanctioning bid was backed by the Peel-Halton and Durham region associations. There were said to be three other written expression of interest from the GTA and southwestern Ontario back in February so getting to eight by November doesn't seem like mission impossible if defections from the CSL are strongly rumoured.

So far in Quebec it appears to be Gatineau, Lakeshore, Brossard, Blainville and L'Assomption 100% committed with the Montreal Impact Academy, Beauport and Trois-Rivieres still possible for 2012 and others said to be interested in entry at some point down the road. BC isn't even on the radar at this point because the CSL commissioner who was pushing for it last year at this time was replaced. Worth noting {may provide the links later, Google it yourself if you want to see them sooner} the info packages for the new Ontario and Quebec leagues are very similar to the one that was linked on the Takethepiss forum last year in a BC context.

Give it a rest guy, you don't have to be the center of conversations you spent hours upon hours opposing, like I said before your just going from one form of zealotry to another to try and over compensate (do you tend to over compensate a lot?) so no one questions you for being a laughable hypocrit (I'd be willing to bet dollars to donuts, whatever happens, BBTB is going to pretend he predicted it, AFTER it happens regardless of it's truth).

Btw, I don't really care if it's true or not but you need to provide more proof that your quoting gerry dobson then putting his name in brackets. Also you need to provide a real source for all your information. Another fact like that is your mentions of pickering power, it's perfectly possible but you've still yet to provide any proof (and generally most people wait for that before opening their mouth, adults at least).

'If defections from the CSL are strongly rumoured" (if their rumoured? way to pretend to have a point), You mean you spreading rumours, futsal mentioned one possible defection and you've exxagerated this unbacked (but possibly true post) to multiple clubs, and in the next paragraph try and pretend theirs a chance the Impact Academy is leaving the league (didnt you freak out on people the other day because people were apparantly 'fantasizing' about what a canadian d-2 would look like and now your acting like the CSL clubs are your fantasy playthings?)

Also, your news that the 5 previous clubs mentioned for the new Quebec d-3 did not come from any source, it's just a fact that was true weeks ago, it's like how one moment you pretend no information = doom for the CSL, here you take basic information and pretend your adding something positive (or your just trying to keep talking, of course last year he preteneded TFCA was leaving the CSL because they didn't update their website so maybe he thinks we're stupid enough to think that about the new Quebec league (no one else here is nor would want to ruin it's rep, BBTB is the only one who has tried btw))?

Also, the people talking about the possible BC expansion are in the other thread (you know the one where you trying to tell people their not allowed to be on topic because you have a national league/csl chip on your shoulder).

I honestly think the only reason he goes around digging up questionable sources (not to mention marginally related links), and sometimes just reposting the same information from a different source under the guise of 'news' is because I think he thinks that gives him an in to ramble on about his agenda (even if he's really stretching it as far as relating to the 'news' goes). It's just frustrating that he is incapable of even coming close to being unbiased, if he's incapable of even coming close to being unbiased he's a poor source for news (which is why we get 4 chunks of his agenda every time he even just believes everything he reads on google).

Once again, telling people to look for the links themselves is academically foolish, on top of that, recommending they take forums and blogs as factual sources? How are you not terribly embarrassed right now?

Finally, just a few weeks ago you were lambasting the new Quebec league because they were only going to be paying players about a $150 a game (to which I pointed out look how cheaply Quebec teams can corner their market on talent) and then a few days later, you were hugely supportive of a new d-3 being started with pretty much the exact same initial minimum requirements? (contradictory much)

So you pick and choose when to be consistent and then try and 'act' it off? and now just weeks later your apparently this new Quebec league's biggest fan? Do you ever suspect that everyone knows your full of ****? or do you just keep that thought away from the old ego?

ohhh and here's the thing about blogs, I could start one called say 'canada is cold' that says every lie BBTB wants to believe, then we he finds it he'd come here and put it as 'proof', I could say, that's not true, I made it up (the reason I'm saying and not doing is because that would ... DISHONEST)

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To be honest, I hope those teams you mentioned as joining the new ONT D3 and the new QC D3 are true, BBTB. I really do hope they come off and eventually form a proper link between the two and who knows start becoming fully pro....

I still say the only way any league will become fully pro is if there is a clear path to the NCC for these teams. Even that might not be enough cache, I realize.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Looks like the new Quebec league could soon have a sixth team. FC Boisbriand are trying to get into the new league but the stumbling block appears to be bringing their home ground up to the mandated standard:


It's sad how pleased I was too see a completely unbiased and useful post on this subject from bbtb, properly sourced as well, here's hopin' it lasts...

I don't speak french either (so please correct me) but I believe the important bits are:

-the article is three weeks old but mentions a meeting that should have already happened on the 15th to discuss this bid amoung the regional association, also they say teams have until the end of november to get in (it also refers to the league as being 6-12 teams which on the far end is impressively ambitious to me, sorry for a bit of my own bias).

-they plan on building U16, U18 and U21 squads like the impact

-they would be the second team in the area with blainville

-the club wants a commitment from the local government to improve facilities, the government is interested but has to determine feasibility.

-they plan on having an overall budget of $150 000 and are hoping the local business community will take an interest in getting on board from the get go.

-finally, they are planning on hiring a 'world class coach' (entraîneur de calibre international) and impact alumni.

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Just scanning the Google News (with the help of Translate)



It appears that Quebec's ducks are lining up faster than Ontario's. It'll be great to see the kick-off of a game too.

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Just scanning the Google News (with the help of Translate)



It appears that Quebec's ducks are lining up faster than Ontario's. It'll be great to see the kick-off of a game too.

I believe it says in the first one that there's a 'star' player exception to the $50 000 salary cap, if no one does a proper job, I'll do a crappy job of translating them tomorrow.

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Just scanning the Google News (with the help of Translate)



It appears that Quebec's ducks are lining up faster than Ontario's. It'll be great to see the kick-off of a game too.

The first link is about a team called FC St Leonard joining the new league. The allophone parts of the eastern portion of the island of Montreal was one of the more obvious absences from the new setup given most of the teams so far have been from Montreal's outer suburbia. I think teams from St Leonard have done well in LSEQ terms over the years and were part of the old Quebec semi-pro setup (been a while and memories of watching old NSL games on Rogers Cable 20 years ago are getting hazy) in the late 80s and early 90s.

I think St Leonard teams have tended to be aligned with the Italian community in the past but don't know for sure. The obvious omission now in that sort of regard would be Panhellenios, who have represented Montreal's Greek community and have featured in the Challenge Cup in the recent past. The other interesting snippet in the article is that in addition to the 50k budget for salaries teams can pay one player as much as they want. Suspect that is aimed at providing scope for bringing in a player from overseas.

The second article confirms that the Gatineau team has been approved by its local soccer association but there are more approvals being sought this month before everything is 100% confirmed. This article mentions Boisbriand as one of seven other cities that could be in the league next summer along with Blainville, Bourassa (St Leonard), Brossard, Lakeshore, L'Assomption and perhaps most significantly Quebec City. The last would presumably be the Beauport team that has been mentioned in earlier articles. That would perhaps leave Trois-Rivieres and the Montreal Impact Academy as being groups who might be sitting on the fence to see whether a viable league emerges before committing. Three other teams are said to be looking at a 2013 start date right now.

The new Ontario league has yet to have a press conference so there is less reason for newspaper stories at this point but getting provisional OSA approval was huge and in some ways the biggest obstacle in their way to being able to have a 2012 season. Now the CSL season is over it will be interesting to watch what unfolds over the next few weeks given what futsal wrote in a post above.

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a few extra bits:

Saint-Léonard is having a tryout soon and have sent out a bunch of invites to, most notably, former impact players and mentions a player formerly from Miami FC. They then mention the tryouts will still be pretty open.

Gatineau are apparantly going to be playing at complexe Mont-Bleu.

Apparantly Guy Girard has been mentioned as a possible coach.

An U-21 team that will potentially be the reserve team has already begun training.

They hope the team will be 90% from the Ottawa area and are confident it's there citing other strong teams in the area.

Finally it concludes by saying the season should be 18 - 22 games from may to october.

That would perhaps leave Trois-Rivieres and the Montreal Impact Academy as being groups who might be sitting on the fence to see whether a viable league emerges before committing.

Any mention on the Impact academies place next year to me have seemed to indicate the Impact plan on fielding their top academy team in the CSL next year and if they did get involved next year, they would probably start the next younger age group, after next year things might get more muddled but impact probably paid the full franchise fee so I'd imagine they'd be hesitant to throw that away.

Also, I haven't heard anything of Trois Riviere's plans, but I'm pretty sure it won't be the Attak...


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The London City thread is worth a look for that. The CSA seem to be enforcing their D3 sanctioning standards (currently only the York Region Shooters and the two Academy teams are OK that way in a CSL context) after an auditing process so they may be hoping to clear out some of the deadwood so they can avoid having two rival D3 leagues running in parallel in southern Ontario. We'll just have to wait and see what unfolds basically.

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