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Ottawa NASL Logo & Jersey Concept


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You might be attached to the crown but there are not that many people in Canada under 50 years old who are. If it is on the logos of certain organizations here for historical reasons that is one thing. A Canadian soccer team being founded in 2012/13 should not have a royal association.

I didn't mean I was attached to the British Monarchy, I meant I was attached to the crown on the logo... because it looks badass lol

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If you dont like that he's attached to not redoing everything, make another logo and leave him alone?

Ottawa Monarchs?

Also, alberta white, what does SSC stand for?

It's too North American for me. Also wasn't there a Negro League Baseball team named the Monarchs.

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I am proud of Canada's history and cultural institutions not England's. Yes there was a time in which Canada and England had a strong relation and our institutions were intertwined. That time is long since past, Canada is independent of England and the monarchy merely has a tenous symbolic meaning. I doubt you will find very many Canadians interested in the monarchy other than the celebrity interest in Will and Kate. A club in Ottawa, our nation's capital, should have symbols representing the history of the city and the country not a symbol representing a foreign monarch.

Although there are a lot of Canadians with a strong interest in the monarchy beyond the current royal couple, that's not the crowd that's going to be attending these games and I think Grizzly is pretty much bang-on.

All this crown, royals, military, monarchy, etc stuff is very old Canada - definitely a strong part of our history and a part that I personally identify with - but not necessarily a history that everyone shares a strong connection to these days, and we need to consider that sometimes. The existing teams named royal and all that are rooted in their time and place, but that time and place may not lend itself to a new team being named like that today.

The strongest allegiance of Canadians to any crown is going to be to Crown Royal ;)

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I am proud of Canada's history and cultural institutions not England's. Yes there was a time in which Canada and England had a strong relation and our institutions were intertwined. That time is long since past, Canada is independent of England and the monarchy merely has a tenous symbolic meaning. I doubt you will find very many Canadians interested in the monarchy other than the celebrity interest in Will and Kate. A club in Ottawa, our nation's capital, should have symbols representing the history of the city and the country not a symbol representing a foreign monarch.

She's the Head of State.


Anybody living under Canada's consitutions IS attached to her/him/them /whomever.

Sorry but until you change the consitution, which would probably mean not voting in Conservative governments. then the British/Canadian Monachy conection will exist.

If you wish to truley known thyne enemy, shes actually...

Elizabeth II .... the constitutional monarch of sixteen sovereign states known as the Commonwealth realms: the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Jamaica, Barbados, the Bahamas, Grenada, Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Belize, Antigua and Barbuda, and Saint Kitts and Nevis. As Head of the Commonwealth, she is the figurehead of the 54-member Commonwealth of Nations; as the British monarch, she is the Supreme Governor of the Church of England.

Personally I'm probably in agreement with you that Canada should be wholey Independent. But I dont make the rules as I can't Vote yet.

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People often miss that - they think the monarch is our head because she's the UK head and we are therefore subservient to the UK. In fact she's not just the Queen of England, she's also the Queen of Canada (and the various other countries listed).

I suppose the questions that come up are whether we need a head of state that is different from the head of government (which I like, but don't pretend to have a strong constitutional view on) and whether the Monarch of Canada is necessarily also the Commonwealth's Monarch.

If we're going to start excising regal references from names, what shall we call Victoria, Regina, or Montreal? ;)

... and if we're going to get rid of obsolescent constitutional references in teams, what shall we call the Ottawa NHL team?

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From a historical perspective, I think the team should be called the Bytown Riot and the logo should feature a snarling Irishman with a broken whiskey bottle coming at you surfing on a log raft over some rapids.

Haha, I agree with that one.

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From a historical perspective, I think the team should be called the Bytown Riot and the logo should feature a snarling Irishman with a broken whiskey bottle coming at you surfing on a log raft over some rapids.

Still trying to get Roy Kean that management gig over this side of the water I see.

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Nice design and idea.

I will always like "Intrepid FC" for a team in Ottawa, and I will always like a jersey of red and black stripes, with white shorts (think AC Milan) for a soccer team in Ottawa, since red, white, and black just feel right for Ottawa sports teams. Cheers.

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I also do not like the Royal Ottawa name. Surely the team from our nation's capital should be associated with something Canadian and not the monarchy of England.

There is no "monarchy of England", and hasn't been since 1707, when the crowns of England and Scotland were united as the crown of Great Britain. Don't feel bad for not knowing that - most English people don't seem to know it, either. In Canada, the monarch is the Queen of Canada.

There are plenty of royal institutions in Canada. There are also plenty of more royal families in the world than that of the United Kingdom.

Not that I think "Royals" is a good name for a soccer team in Ottawa - I'd go with "Intrepid FC".

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You can be "attached" to the crown all you want, but the military units, police departments, government agencies, etc that use the St Edward Crown (commonly called the "Queen's Crown") which you have drawn here do so by permission of the Queen (of Canada) on recommendation from the Canadian government.

If you go the unofficial route, you end up with an ugly crown, like the Los Angeles Kings use.

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You can be "attached" to the crown all you want, but the military units, police departments, government agencies, etc that use the St Edward Crown (commonly called the "Queen's Crown") which you have drawn here do so by permission of the Queen (of Canada) on recommendation from the Canadian government.

If you go the unofficial route, you end up with an ugly crown, like the Los Angeles Kings use.

I like King Johns Crown

You know, the One from Walt Disneys Robin Hood!

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First of all the designs are great and I don't wanna take anything away from that.

But I gotta...............

Hey adding Royal back to the forces. Did it ever go away? The Princess Louise, the Royal Canadian Regiment, the Royal 22e (vingt-deux. van doos)

Hell RCMP, Royal Newfoundland Constabulary.

Look we all love the Queen, she's a great old lady that a certain generation feel great attachment. Will it continue for the next Monarch...who knows.

Will the royals be limited to being the dog and pony show of this summers Royal visit in the future?

I have no problem keeping the royals around.

Really, what does it cost us.

Two GG residences, 10 Lt Governors residences and 11 royal representatives. Do we replace them with elected representatives that might think they were elected to do something other than cutting ribbons?

Back to the topic.

i don't care what the team calls itself. It's just a name.

The Rideau Canals or Beaver Tails/Castor.

Follow current trend and find a Euro name...FC, United, Dynamo, Real,

I just think that Royals, Monarchs, Kings is already over used is all.

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First of all the designs are great and I don't wanna take anything away from that.

But I gotta...............

Hey adding Royal back to the forces. Did it ever go away? The Princess Louise, the Royal Canadian Regiment, the Royal 22e (vingt-deux. van doos)

Hell RCMP, Royal Newfoundland Constabulary.

Look we all love the Queen, she's a great old lady that a certain generation feel great attachment. Will it continue for the next Monarch...who knows.

Will the royals be limited to being the dog and pony show of this summers Royal visit in the future?

I have no problem keeping the royals around.

Really, what does it cost us.

Two GG residences, 10 Lt Governors residences and 11 royal representatives. Do we replace them with elected representatives that might think they were elected to do something other than cutting ribbons?

Back to the topic.

i don't care what the team calls itself. It's just a name.

The Rideau Canals or Beaver Tails/Castor.

Follow current trend and find a Euro name...FC, United, Dynamo, Real,

I just think that Royals, Monarchs, Kings is already over used is all.

Here that Grizzly? You apparently love her!

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erm, has Ottawa come anywhere close to announcing an official kit/name/website?

This is about all we have right now;


The new soccer team, along with a new CFL team will be playing at Lansdowne Park. The site will going through a major renovation that has yet to be started because there was a group in Ottawa, ironically named "The Friends of Lansdowne," that launched a lawsuit to block the renovation. The lawsuit was recently dismissed and the renovation is set to begin. Both teams aren't slated to begin play until 2014.

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