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Ottawa NASL Logo & Jersey Concept


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Wow that jersey is gorgeous! I love the colours, but I'd change the scarf to a scroll type concept. I know that is the classic done everywhere but there's a reason for that - it looks professional and distinguished. I absolutely love the colours, though. I certainly hope it could get done. Does Canada have any athletic/sports wear companies that are options when it comes to having a customized jersey created? Surely there has to be a company that would be approachable in order to have a concept like this made. Is Admiral Canadian?

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I love the colours and the jersey but the name not so much, I mean Royal Ottawa, an Ottawa resident would surely know not to use that name.;)

I love it but here's my suggestion

Fortuna Ottawa


This is the original picture, I happen to like the green and purple thou



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Wait, which Star Trek species uses that as their symbol? Romulans or Cardassians?

I'm kidding I'm kidding. Really interesting concept, although the colours make it very difficult to make out the details. Could you repost it in black and white or another non-coloured scheme in order to clarify the detail?

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Love the design.

Question the Royal though.

Where a large part of Metro Ottawa is on the Gatineau side would not an incorporation of Ottawa/Outauoais be better for marketing?

Not that familiar with Greater Ottawa.....just asking

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Can anyone think of alternative names? Bearing in mind that I'm attached to the crown and don't want to redesign the whole thing?

You might be attached to the crown but there are not that many people in Canada under 50 years old who are. If it is on the logos of certain organizations here for historical reasons that is one thing. A Canadian soccer team being founded in 2012/13 should not have a royal association.

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You might be attached to the crown but there are not that many people in Canada under 50 years old who are. If it is on the logos of certain organizations here for historical reasons that is one thing. A Canadian soccer team being founded in 2012/13 should not have a royal association.

Just because you are not proud of Canada's rich history and cultural institutions does not mean others should not be.:mad:

That might have been a bit harsh, Your entitled to your own opinion....I guess:o

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Just because you are not proud of Canada's rich history and cultural institutions does not mean others should not be.:mad:

I am proud of Canada's history and cultural institutions not England's. Yes there was a time in which Canada and England had a strong relation and our institutions were intertwined. That time is long since past, Canada is independent of England and the monarchy merely has a tenous symbolic meaning. I doubt you will find very many Canadians interested in the monarchy other than the celebrity interest in Will and Kate. A club in Ottawa, our nation's capital, should have symbols representing the history of the city and the country not a symbol representing a foreign monarch.

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