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Toronto Star reports Adrian Serioux has not been retained by TFC


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I thought one of the major sticking points with the players CBA was that there were no guaranteed contracts in MLS. What's up with that?

I think certain contracts are guaranteed for the first two years. Not sure the details, but if the contract is atelast 3 years and the annual stipend is over some arbitrary amount then the contract is guaranteed. If you're a little guy you're screwed.

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I would love to see Serioux in Vancouver. He's like a combination of Wesley Charles hair, Jeff Parke's skill, and Chris Pozniak's Canadianess. Plus, he's got a fucking long throw.

I'll go on record too as saying I freaking love Serioux. We need more Canadians like him. And he's not half as dodgy moving the ball out of his own box as some fans seem to make him out to be. He tries to cut and play a clever ball more often than the typical Canadian would - instead of the dump it out and run approach. Sure, he'll never be remembered as a Roberto Carlos, but I think he has long been underrated for his play with the Nats and TFC.

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It makes me sick when TFC gets rid of Serioux and still has Garcia on thier roster, I dont care what the reason for it is. Why bring in a guy like Garcia on a guaranteed concract.

Serioux was one of TFC's best defender's last seaon, a lot better then Garcia. I guess if it is because of injury I can see the point of him having injury problems.

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Are you allowed to 'buy out' contracts in MLS? I know their usually waived and still paid by the league right? but can you just buy someone out? you'd think this would be the major advantage of being a successful club in a salary capped league.

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There appeared to be some kind of buy out involved where Rohan Ricketts was concerned last season in that he claimed to have received some of his remaining money in exchange for being released from the roster so that some cap space and a senior roster spot could be freed up. Beyond that as far as I'm aware when a player gets waived the pay cheques from MLS HQ stop. Hence why obtaining greater security of contract for the vast majority of MLS players who do not have guaranteed contracts is a key priority for the Players' Union in the CBA negotiations at the moment.

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so one, maybe, but two, I was confused thinking the contracts were still paid like the NBA where their guareenteed their contract even after waiving? I thought they were still paid by the league cause in FM, when I drafted waived players, their was no contract negotiations.

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Two definitive sources for answers on these type of question are the "About MLS" section of the league website:-


and the pdf file of the CBA between the league and the players which is available on the Players Union website:-


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I hope that the Caps sign him. It would be good to have another center back like him. He should be healed up from his arm injury and ready for the second half of the season. TFC keep Garcia but let Adrian go? Words escape me on that one. As for Paul James I think he is dead wrong. Adrian has proven with several teams that he can play at the MLS level. Get healthy Adrian and here is hoping you don a Caps uniform this summer!

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Here was the Paul James blog entry on the subject:-


As he says the possibility that Preki simply doesn't rate him that highly can't be ignored and in the absence of a guaranteed contract (unlike Garcia) that usually means a parting of the ways. I wonder if he is still blamed by people in high places for the 5-0 defeat against RBNY? It obviously wasn't Brian Edwards' finest hour as a goalkeeper but he was very much hung out to dry by his defence and Serioux was the experienced player who should have been keeping it organized.

Edit: and here is another follow up blog entry that he has just written:-


...TFC director of soccer Mo Johnston has received significant criticism over the past three years for the inability of the franchise to qualify for the MLS postseason. While the criticism can itself be critiqued as fair in certain areas, the willingness to give Canadian players an opportunity to prove themselves is not one of them.

In many ways, meeting the Canadian quota for MLS purposes has handcuffed the organization when other “new” U.S. franchises do not have to suffer the same fate, such is the available depth of U.S. players...

I suspect that will be controversial on here but I think he's right about this.

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Here was the Paul James blog entry on the subject:-

It obviously wasn't Brian Edwards' finest hour as a goalkeeper

Yea 5 goals on 5 shots was probably the low point of the year for him. The whole team stunk that night. To lose like that (last game of the season against the last place team, playoffs on the line) and totally shat the bed like they did takes a team effort. I don't think anyone with any knowledge would blame one player for that performance.

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