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Carver resigns

john tv

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^ Carver has no friends at league head office so I think the frustration went both ways. Apparently Carver's refusal to give in to league mandated media accessibility requirement (particularly the day before matches) was a major sticking point between him and MLS head office. His constant harrassment of the referees wasn't looked at kindly either.

If there really was an altercation between JC and a ref after the FC Dallas match, then Carver showed an utter lack of professionalism. I can understand being upset with a refereeing decision if your team has been playing well and you feel that the ref is robbing you of a justified result. But the reality is that TFC had been Sh-t it that game and the previous 3-4 games. Is that the refs fault?

However, at the end of the day, I don't care why Carver is gone. I'm just happy he is. The team was going nowhere with him at the helm. I think that label of "inflexible" has a lot of merit. He was certainly a passionate foobtall man and I appreciated that passion but I just never felt comfortable with him at the helm. Some men are trainers and some men are managers and Carver was no manager. I'll be curious to see what comes from the Cummins / Dasovic partnership. Do either of them have what it takes to properly manage this squad and get the most out of this flawed group?

As for a permanent replacement, if its not Cummins or Dasovic, it's likely going to be another inexperienced manager because with Mo at the helm of TFC, it will be awfully challenging to get someone who actually has head coaching experience at this (or higher) levels coming to TFC to lead the team. If you are a coach with any pedigree, why on earth would you want to work under Mo? Is anyone with a halfway decent resume really that desperate? I think not. More likely, if cummins or Dasovic do not get the job, you'll get someone like Carver, who has been a perennial bridesmaid in England or Scotland (never the head coach, always a trainer). Of course, if Barry McLean has an unemployed coach on his roster of clients, then that's going to be our guy (yes...I'm that cynical).

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Someone halfway decent can probably be tempted if the money on offer is good enough and I don't think it's 100% clear that it is a case of working under rather than working with. Colin Clarke would be an obvious choice in terms of coaches with previous MLS experience as he has done a great job with the Puerto Rico Islanders. Not sure if John Limniatis would be interested but he should also be a candidate obviously. I don't think Holger Osieck is doing anything these days and he might be easier to persuade that a team in Canada is worth a try than other well known European managers.

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quote:Originally posted by MediaGuy

Just for the record, if TFC wins tomorrow they move into first place in the East. So, as much as fans would have liked to see more points from the first two home games, it's hardly panic time on the standings front.

I agree **but** I think most people's concern was over our style of play. Doubtful we would ever get anywhere playing long-ball, especially in the summer when we've struggled for the past two years.

I really hope we don't see some under-qualified guy coming in to fill the void from across the pond. Whoever gets this job needs to be able to get TFC to play a style of football that can be successful in MLS.

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Ives Galarcep from Soccer By Ives and ESPN joins us to offer insight on John Carver's resignation.

We discuss the reasons behind Carver's departure and who the next head coach will be - and what it will mean for the team if that person is not named as the skipper.

Also get into whether DC United will be on the move and who are the real teams in MLS this season.



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The thing that's funny about the TFC organization is how with the exception of Dasovic, who is Canadian, everyone else is from Britain on the coaching staff and even the manager in Mo. It almost resembles the CSA to an extent where the majority of the executive and coaches where dominated by the Brits, our love affair with eveything British when it comes to soccer management and coaching continues here in Canada even with TFC.

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I really whish there was a Dutch coach available.Their Dutch coaching training background is very extensive including the emphasis on youth training and coaching development.

I remember when the Dutch played against the US in 1998 and Advokaat was the coach.Here they were in the stands taken notes and exchanging ideas,Koeman ,Rijkhaart and Van Basten.They were on an extensive training course and you better pass the exam,which is very involved .In Holland you have to have that highly valued certificate in order to coach,no matter who you are.They were extremely serious about that training and even more so when they were called up to run a session.

Heck they were even picking up stray soccer balls.

I was about three rows away and when one fan who recognized them approached them he was told were to go.

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I'll join the trend of not being able to see past somebody's nationality and will say that we need more not fewer Scotsmen. :) Seriously, Cummins (who isn't Scottish obviously) deserves a chance over the next month or so to show what he can do and the ultimatum stuff is just a rumour which may have been started by someone with an agenda (not criticizing the person who passed it on here). He looks like he can handle the pressure better than Carver did so it's really a question if his grasp of tactics and man management skills are good enough and none of us are in a position to know that.

Only saw the second half but was impressed to see Barrett using his left foot a bit more. Good to see but I think he'll be the one to sit when DeRosario gets back. Why on earth were Dichio and Vitti not starting? That plus going with Harmse over Velez after the Columbus game was enough reason to seriously question John Carver's judgement.

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I am so glad that Dichio is back in a starting position.The way he lays of a ball is second to none while his footwork and ball skills are great.Scary to play against a guy his(mine size) as well.I don't see any changes in coaching at all.Cummins knows his game,knows how to speak to the media and I belive he is English not Scotish,not that it matters at all.

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Latest from Mo.


For those that don't parliamo scozzese. Decision was made after a long chat on Thursday morning. Mo of the opinion that it had been something that was coming for a couple of weeks. Says never a problem between him and Carver and he has no job lined up. Carver wanted him to squash the rumours to the contrary. Mo hopes he gets back in the game eventually. Says Winsper not going anywhere. Winsper asked him to say that. Says an interim will be announced Tuesday or Wednesday.

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quote:Originally posted by BringBackTheBlizzard

Latest from Mo.


For those that don't parliamo scozzese. Decision was made after a long chat on Thursday morning. Mo of the opinion that it had been something that was coming for a couple of weeks. Says never a problem between him and Carver and he has no job lined up. Carver wanted him to squash the rumours to the contrary. Mo hopes he gets back in the game eventually. Says Winsper not going anywhere. Winsper asked him to say that. Says an interim will be announced Tuesday or Wednesday.

Interesting. I wonder who this interim is going to be?

BTW, good to know that Winsper is staying.

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quote:Originally posted by BringBackTheBlizzard

Almost certainly Chris Cummins I would have thought but they probably still need to sort out the ground rules.

Based on the past 2 games i think it's a good decision, Cummins looks like a better manager than Carver. Of course, only time will tell...

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Motivating and directing a team of people in any endeavour is as much black magic as it is science. Cummins is not necessarily any better or worse as a coach from a technical standpoint but replacing Carver with him changes the dynamic or chemistry of the group and often that is all it takes.

Of course we have all observed that Cummins appears to follow a different strategy from Carver and naturally that has an effect too.

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Let's give Cummins and Dasovic a chance eh. I think they've done well so far. 2 - 0. (not sure how much control/input JC had on these past two games).

But how else does a coach gain experience? I say it's worth the chance. They're new and know they have to cut their teeth yet in pro coaching. Their heads are still normal sized and they'll be attentive to player/fan input. (moreso than a seasoned veteran that's been coaching at the top level for 20 years).

I like the youthfulness of the Cummins and Dasovic set up. I think they'll do great.

I'll bet any money had Carver been on the sidelines for that KC game it wouldn't have turned out so favourably. (Good guy, just poor/timely decisions on making substitutions/starting lineups, etc.)

PS: Barrett and Vitti had great showings. Perhaps there's hope for these two yet.

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quote:Originally posted by Gian-Luca

A poster named Angelo on this board said that Paul James was fired because Carver and some of the other MLSE brass didn't like how critical James was on Mo and TFC on Extra Time last year - once they bought the station he was gone, leaving Gol TV with (currently) no expert analyst in studio. No offense to Lee Godfrey who's very good as a host but isn't able to offer anywhere near the same level of insight as James would.

Thanks GL,I wondered what happened.

Paul and I go back some 20 years and his life is soccer and still is as the coach of York University.

Yap don't p... of your bosses and a lesson to be learned.

I believe my other buddy Sweets is now on that show.

I fact I would like to know what radio and TV shows are on the air what stations and hosts and current list soccer writers as well.

This information is very important to me and the Hall Of Fame committee.

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quote:Originally posted by john tv

Thanks GL,I wondered what happened.

Paul and I go back some 20 years and his life is soccer and still is as the coach of York University.

Yap don't p... of your bosses and a lesson to be learned.

Although at the time he made whatever comments he made, MLSE weren't his bosses, as they had not bought Gol TV yet.

I think Gord Sweetzer is now doing work for The Score rather than Gol TV.

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I've been trying to reserve my opinion on this until the dust settles. I've been a fan of the coaching crew from early on. The football culture in Canada is not the same as it is in England and there had to been some frustration from the "Brit coaching crew" on that level. Picture a Canadian coaching hockey in China or Dubai. TFC is in the 3rd season and are now working on the 3rd coach. I feel it is difficult to build a foundation on a such a turbulent coaching base. This goes deeper than the head coach, there are assistants at the pro and academy levels that need to be pointed in the same direction. The issues at the MLS level with refs, roster size and academies are all added to the frustration of the "football culture". In my (uneducated) opinion, Carver wanted to change things (we all do) and when it went too slow, he got frustrated. Sometimes you need an "inflexible" person driving the business forward. Someone who is looking to the ultimate goal and is setting a path to get there. Someone who changes direction at every suggestion is not good for overall growth. When TFC signed Jimmy Brennan they set the tone for the franchise, day in, day out hard work. Most of the other players and staff bought into that philosophy. Those who didn't are gone. Even the fans bought into it. Changing a culture is long, hard work. Some things go smooth and some thing don't. If Cummins and Winsper go, it will be a very rocky road.

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quote:Originally posted by coppercanuck

If Cummins and Winsper go, it will be a very rocky road.

Winsper is certainly one example of the tangible diffences that can occur with the right personel. Anyone recall the plague of injuries that TFC faced the first seaoson? Then look at last year and even this year. Aside from Dero, this has been a pretty healthy team.

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Carver gives his side of the story...


"For John Carver, the last straw was not a fine from Major League Soccer for publicly criticizing officials.

It came when he was told, after coaching Toronto FC to its biggest win of the young season from high atop the pitch at BMO Field, the league was ordering him back to the sidelines for the next game."...

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quote:Originally posted by coppercanuck

If Cummins and Winsper go, it will be a very rocky road.

Just to get you up to speed on what has been happening Mo Johnston made it clear on Gol TV on Sunday that Winsper is saying and there is every indication that Cummins wants to be the interim coach and that he will almost certainly be getting his wish on that. You could check out the latest clips on Toronto FC TV for the details on that.

Not sure whether John Carver should have grabbed the headlines today given the announcement on that was supposed to be either today or tomorrow (I see elsewhere the press conference will be tommorrow at 1 pm). Seems very keen to get his spin on events on record given Mo Johnston and co have done their part to support him in that regard. All I would say is that if MLS is so terrible it's funny how other British people like Mo Johnston, John Spencer, Colin Clarke, Steve Nicol and Paul Mariner, who all had much more prominent playing careers than John Carver did, have been able to cope with it.

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From the article posted above:

quote:Carver said after that run-in and at least two others in his first season in Toronto, he was feeling "paranoid" that his personality #8211; not the team's play #8211; was causing TFC to get harsher treatment from refs.

Did Carver finally start to realize that if you bitch at the refs and the 4th officials for every minor call against you whether it was mistaken or not you don't get many calls in your favour especially the important ones? It only took him a year to learn, what a fast learner.

When I think of Carver all I think of is negativity. He was one of the most negative coaches I can recall. He always seemed to be complaining or bitching about something (officials, players, MLS) as opposed to taking personal responsibility and working hard to improve. That attitude has to effect the attitude of his players and the mood of the team. Something I have noticed about these guys who get the reporters to call them, "call them as he sees them", "blunt", "brutally honest" etc like Mo and Carver is that their brutal honesty never seems to extend to taking personal responsibility or self criticism. It is pretty easy to be blunt and honest when you are blaming others in the process. Yes Carver had poor tactics and player selection but I think this negativity was the thing that really hurt the team the most. As a Montreal fan I liked him at TFC because Limniatis is a far superior coach to Carver. The team has looked good under Cummins and I think our job at the Voyageurs Cup games has just gotten harder.

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