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Canucks in Germany - February 09

Guest Ed

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so...please excuse my ignorance, but can someone explain to me why we all spit on our screens the second anyone writes the name hargreaves or jdg2 on this forum, but regular updates of dani fernandes is completely normal...did he not choose to play for portugal?...am i missing something?


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quote:Originally posted by trueviking

so...please excuse my ignorance, but can someone explain to me why we all spit on our screens the second anyone writes the name hargreaves or jdg2 on this forum, but regular updates of dani fernandes is completely normal...did he not choose to play for portugal?...am i missing something?


Maybe people feel bad for Fernandes? hahaha

but in all seriousness I agree, I don't really want to hear about him.

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quote:Originally posted by deschamp86

I agree. This forum should be for players in the national team pool. Sure it sucks that he might have been screwed around with. But I'm sure others had been in the same position before and just bided their time for their chance, instead of playing for another national team.


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- Fernandes wanted to play for us, he was very open about this

- Fernandes waited for YEARS to get a call

- He held out for a call from us for years despite interest from portugal and greece

- For the hungary and lux friendlies, all our keepers were injured, and instead of calling a seasoned pro starting for his team, Yallop calls in Wagenaar and Begovic. this was a clear message: we dont like you, we dont respect you, and we will not be calling you ever

- After this insult, and thats what it was, who in the world would turn down an international career with portugal???????????????

The Fernandes case is all about CSA incompetence, the old boys network intentionally keeping a player away from the program because one guy, Mitchell, didn't like him.

This is one guy we should continue to support.

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quote:Originally posted by BrennanFan

- Fernandes wanted to play for us, he was very open about this

- Fernandes waited for YEARS to get a call

- He held out for a call from us for years despite interest from portugal and greece

- For the hungary and lux friendlies, all our keepers were injured, and instead of calling a seasoned pro starting for his team, Yallop calls in Wagenaar and Begovic. this was a clear message: we dont like you, we dont respect you, and we will not be calling you ever

- After this insult, and thats what it was, who in the world would turn down an international career with portugal???????????????

The Fernandes case is all about CSA incompetence, the old boys network intentionally keeping a player away from the program because one guy, Mitchell, didn't like him.

This is one guy we should continue to support.

Some corrections

It was during the Spain and Lux friendlies that Fernandes was ignored. He wasn't a starter at PAOK yet when we played Spain but I think he was when we played Lux (Lars pulled out at the last second for that one and Begovic,who was playing in Belgium, was called to back up Stamatopoulos). So calling him a "seasonned pro" is a bit misleading.

When Yallop was asked about Fernandes prior to the Austria game in 2006, he said he talked to Daniel but he had already other commitments (Portugal U-21). There was bit in an article about this. I don't know if this was true or not but that's what Yallop said.

I will always find his move a bit weird if Yallop did in fact talk to him about playing for Canada MNT and then decided to play as a back up for Portugal U-21's. We have one poster here suggesting Fernandes wanted to play for Canada but I find the decision a bit odd to accept a call from another country youth team when your Senior National team is contacting you.

I think we won't really know what were his real intentions toward Canada after his failing out with Mitchell.

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Guest Jeffery S.

The versions on Dani are close, let me just clarify.

First, the initial opportunity to cap him was lost in Charleston, qualifying for UAE, and then UAE itself because Mitchell went with Karim, and Karim did a good job. We got results. Mitchell still could have tried to cap him then by giving him some minutes (like the last game in Charleston), but did not, but at that point there was no critical issue. So I think it cannot be held against them.

The second chance is after he signs for Paok. He actually was given a few starts at the end of the 2005 season, in May, and picked up again as starter in the preseason and after into the regular season, in summer-fall 2005. So he could have been called for Spain in early September but was not, and should have been given a call for Luxembourg and was not (that was mid November). He never had any contact with Yallop until after I sent a personal letter to the coach in late 2005, it was sent by regular mail to him. I don't have the copy on the computer I am working on now, it is at my studio.

By that time Yallop seemed to react but it was too late, already into January 2006. Dani had already been invited to the U-21 tournament in late January 2006 held in Portugal, think that was a qualifier for the summer's U-21 tournament, or maybe was lead up to Olympic qualifiers, not sure right now. I think that counted as him being capped though.

So the timing was tight, the CSA had really one good chance to call him up as a starter when he was a regular starter at Paok, the Luxembourg game. Even at that time, in late 2005, Dani insisted he did not really feel Portuguese and preferred to play for Canada, but felt he was being ignored and, as with his career, decided to keep moving forward. He in fact never turned down a Canada call up, not once, always said yes, for friendlies, for youth teams, for anything. But being Portuguese with family in the north and having gone as a teen to Oporto it could not be considered unnatural.

But that does not negate the fact that they simply ignored him, with zero contact with him, for years after discarding him for UAE. He had a conversation with Dale Mitchell around that time, but after he was never considered by the CSA, I believe, until my letter (Yallop and the CSA never acknowledged the letter from me, in spite of the fact that I reminded Yallop I had interviewed him in Santander after the Spain match a few months earlier).

For UAE, even with the delay, Rayner, Srdjan and Fernandes were all on the initial list as possible keepers along with Karim, and only the latter ended up there.

To conclude: I am fine with Fernandes not being included in Canucks Abroad or in reports, only while we are giving Imhof's results and hoping Bochum does not relegate I think it is okay to mention if Dani played or not. His success has an effect on Imhof's fortunes, so fair to make mention of that.

He just got his first official minutes with the senior side in an A friendly vs. Finland a few weeks ago, three years after the beginning of his Portugal stint.

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To all those upset over Dani Fernandes appearing in these threads, you can all go start your own feel-good Canucks in Germany threads. Knock yourselves out.

As I have been doing these threads for close to 10 years, I will continue to include who I see fit and Dani is the exception due to his circumstances.

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ed...i appreciate your work here and was not really complaining...i thought i had missed something, like he was somehow still eligible....its fine for me if you feel the need to include him for some personal reason.

my thoughts though....it seems that a 20 year old keeper, being passed for a senior national team is not really unusual...how is not getting a call to play for a national side at that age, any different than hargeaves or jdg2...dont they both use the CSA ignoring them as kids as the reason they turned their backs on their country?

i dont think it is necessarily up to the csa to prematurely play kids to lock them up for the future...if they are canadaian they should play hard, develop and expect that they will be called when they are deemed ready...jumping ship at at the u-21 level is as self serving as the other two guys in my opinion...especially for a keeper.

its not like he played years on a top team and was snubbed....dani is a canadian...born in canada...who decided to play for another country....he's a traitor like the others in my eyes.

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quote:originally posted by FCH

Worthy of a penalty? Maybe not

He was asked after the game, if it was one or not. He said it was a 50:50 situation. It was clever made, as he saw that K´town defensman came to tackle him. He accepted the invitation. But as a defender I need to know that I should be careful with tackles in the penalty area, especially if a striker has the speed David had.

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Marco Kurz almost made it a full year as head coach of 1860 Muenchen but was fired yesterday. Nik Ledgerwood played 90 minutes and picked up a yellow card as 1860 Muenchen lost away 4-1 to MSV Duisburg. That was the last straw for new sport director Miroslav Stevic has has replaced Kurz on an interim basis with co-trainer Uwe Wolf.

Other news re Canucks, Borussia Moenchengladbach are trying to pick up 3 points via the league as they have protested an incident in their game two weeks ago against the high-flying Hoffenheim. Turns out two players from the Village People were 10 minutes late for their post-match doping test which is strictly VERBOTEN! Three points would be huge. Without those points, 'Gladbach have 5 points in their last 4 games, unbeaten in 3 games with a better goals against record of late. They only had 11 points going into the winter break. Stalteri to the rescue??

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quote:Originally posted by trueviking

ed...i appreciate your work here and was not really complaining...i thought i had missed something, like he was somehow still eligible....its fine for me if you feel the need to include him for some personal reason.

my thoughts though....it seems that a 20 year old keeper, being passed for a senior national team is not really unusual...how is not getting a call to play for a national side at that age, any different than hargeaves or jdg2...dont they both use the CSA ignoring them as kids as the reason they turned their backs on their country?

i dont think it is necessarily up to the csa to prematurely play kids to lock them up for the future...if they are canadaian they should play hard, develop and expect that they will be called when they are deemed ready...jumping ship at at the u-21 level is as self serving as the other two guys in my opinion...especially for a keeper.

its not like he played years on a top team and was snubbed....dani is a canadian...born in canada...who decided to play for another country....he's a traitor like the others in my eyes.

If Dani F was not on VfL Bochum, I would likely not post on him. However, he is on the same team as Daniel Imhof, and I include him on team updates not only because I have followed his career for years and have a soft spot for him, but also because it is highly unusual to find two BC born & bred players on the same team in a European league. I also often mention various Yanks in these reports. I am not attempting to wind anybody up or to bring up another round of Owen Hargreaves debates.

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quote:Originally posted by frank

He was asked after the game, if it was one or not. He said it was a 50:50 situation. It was clever made, as he saw that K´town defensman came to tackle him. He accepted the invitation. But as a defender I need to know that I should be careful with tackles in the penalty area, especially if a striker has the speed David had.

It is a clear dive. Yet, on the other hand every defender knows when they stick their leg out like that they are just asking for a penalty because they are showing intent to foul and if the attacker dives it will look like a legitimate penalty to the ref who doesn't have the luxury of video replay. I don't like diving and Hoilet should be condemned for this but I can't say I have a lot of sympathy for the defender either.

As far as Fernandes is concerned, I agree with Ed and the others that the Fernandes case is different. Unlike Hargreaves and JDG2 who used CSA incompetence as an excuse to do what they would have done anyway and jump ship, Fernandes was facing a situation in which it seemed he might be choosing between playing for Portugal and not playing internationally. Noone knows what his choice would have been had he been presented with a straight Canada or Portugal scenario but I am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt given that he had legitimate reason to think if he stayed with us he might never be given a fair chance.

Additionally, I feel like a broken record repeating this constantly but there is only one person to blame for Fernandes exclusion and that is Yallop not Mitchell. Noone knows whether Mitchell influenced Yallop's decision or not but that is immaterial. It was Yallop's job to make such decisions and to accept responsibility for them. It doesn't matter what Mitchell told Yallop, it was Yallop who made the decision and as head coach he takes 100% of the blame. I think we can also remember that Yallop was equally loathe to take responsibility for failure as Mitchell (he stated we did not qualify for WC because our players weren't good enough even though he did not call many of our best players) and also did not resign after a failed WCQ in which his coaching and team management was a complete failure.

I do agree that we should mostly confine our reporting to Canadians who play for Canada. As for Fernandes I think he is a special case and is playing on a team with another Canadian so it doesn't bother me if Ed wants to post about him.

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Other weekend action of note:

Adam Straith and Eddie Sidra both go 90 minutes for Energie Cottbus' U23's in a 2-1 loss to Hannover 96 U23's in the Regional League North on Saturday.

Kyle Porter is subbed out with a half-hour to go (his team down 1-0)as the lone striker in Cottbus' U19's as they lose 3-0 to Hamburger SV in the A-Junioren Bundesliga Nord/Nordost on Saturday.

The B-Junioren Bundesliga Nord/Nordost game on Saturday involving Jaineil Hoilett with FC St Pauli's U17's was called off.

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Good coverage about Paul Stalterie


I hope I can reproduce his words..Meyers power: Only his opinion counts

Paul Stalterie is not one of them what you call a star, but in the squad of M`Gladbach is one of few who can prodcue success, won the Gold Cup with Canada and the Double with Werder Bremen

From an Amateur to an indisputable regular he worked his way up. And remarkable for Borussia with Fulham he avoided the relegation last season. He takls with Kicker about the following topics

The state of MG</u>

We have a good balance, solid in defense and good players in ofense, but did not mention Rob Friend:)

The critisimn of the system with sweeper</u>

Oldfasioned or not, the result is what finally counts. Greece became Eurpean Champion with it. Galsek has a lot of experience and that h elped a lot at the pitch. We can attack, the games with Hoffenehim and Hannover showed

Relegation fight</u>5 points out of the last 3 games, if we continue, we will make it. The young players have more self confidence, which is important

Future of M`Gladbach</u>

Borussia is still one of the big clubs in Germany. If we donßt relegate we can look for a better future. That´s why he he decided to sign there. It´s a club who belongs to the BL. No more up and down.

His contract till 2011</u>He also signed for League 2. It was taken for granted, as he is not a player just for a few months. But he came as he is convinced that they won´t relegate. As he, like the rest don´t want to go down to the second league.

Style of leadership of coach Meyer</u>

He can confirm what the people say, there is only his oponion. But that´s an atribute for every coach. Any influneces from press, fans or somebody else. It´s the strenghtness of a coach and that´s why he has so much success.

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Sorry Jeffrey, I don't mean to correct you, but Fernandes’s appearance for Portugal against Finland was his second senior appearance. He played minutes, and conceded a free kick goal, in a Portugal friendly in against a Middle Eastern team, with Scolari as coach, in the summer of 2007.

He played the last 30 minutes against Finland a few weeks back.

He looked a bit nervous, as his first touch he completely whiffed on a back pass. He didn't have any saves to make, but was very strong in collecting a few balls into his box.

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This weekend's action:


Bundesliga 1:

Mohammed is back from suspension but struggling with a knee problem, so Kevin McKenna might be on field as FC Koeln (10th on 28 pts) have a great opportunity for 3 pts as they host Arminia Bielefeld (15th on 19 pts) tonight.


Bundesliga 1:

Tough match for Rob Friend and Paul Stalteri as Borussia Moenchengladbach (18th on 16 pts) travel to take on 3rd place Hertha Berlin tomorrow. As implied in the article posted yesterday, looks like Stalteri is dropping into the right back position in a back four, with Galasek sweeping in front. Rob Friend is the target man as usual.

A real six pointer for VfL Bochum (16th on 18 pts) as they are away to Energie Cottbus (14th on 20 pts), both Daniel Imhof and Dani Fernandes starting.


Bundesliga 2:

FC Kaiserslautern (4th on 35 pts) look to remain unbeaten at home this season and get back into the title race as they return to Fritz Walter Stadium to take on SpVgg Greuther Fuerth (3rd on 36 pts), Josh Simpson on the bench initially.

A Canuck derby as 1860 Muenchen (12th on 26 pts) host FC St Pauli (8th on 31 pts). Nik Ledgerwood appears to be starting for the Lions but David Hoilett will be looking to come in off the bench for the visitors.

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As posted by Tarnado in the Canadians Abroad thread, McKenna did in fact start and FC Koeln could only manage a draw against Bielefeld, with Kevin going 90 minutes.

Not Canuck related, GOD BLESS THOMAS SCHAAF!!

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