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de Guzman to Spurs?


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Guest Jeffery S.

Depor face Barça tonight. And I am not going, have an obligation out of town and overnight, too bad.

Not sure if Julian is starting as after the debacle of three straight losses to Sevilla alters the overall atmosphere at Depor, their worst week in the last year. Yes, to a stronger team, but since they were hoping for something more it could shake up the team a bit.

Lotina the coach said that Barça was a team to enjoy, except when you play against them, when they became a team to be suffered.

And Guardiola replies, that Lotina, he's an old fox, I don't trust them at all when they compliment us like that. Both are subtle and intelligent in their press conferences and quite fun to listen to.

If Barça gets even a draw they break the record for most points in the first half of the season, Spanish league.

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I think the EPL is the best league in the world because of the supporters. And I'd like to see De Guzman come to England because I think it would toughen him up a bit. But there's no denying -in my mind- that no Canadian player has ever improved as much technically as JDG. I don't think it's a coincidence that this happened in Spain. I wish there were a way for more Canadians to follow this path. Somehow I feel he was one in a million, especially given the cap on foreign nationals. Though a player like Edgar, with a European passport, could probably catch on with a decent BBVA side if he were willing to slash his wages. I guess Hutch could probably catch on with a bottom table La Liga side, but he seems to have his heart set on England as well.

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quote:Originally posted by canucklefan

The best league is the EPL because the difference between the big clubs and the small clubs is lesser than in La Liga.

Actually i believe "amacpher" showed through statistical analysis that in fact that it was the opposite - there is a bigger divide between big and small in England.

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La Liga is clearly a stronger league top down. I mean Zaragoza was relegated last year! With the amount of world class stars on there team it's pretty much like if tottenham or man city (this year) failed to stay up except their playing in a tougher league (and I know tottenham is in relegation, just not very worried) like Betis has had some of the most talented players in La Liga, their more recent team is much more evenly skilled but all these sub stars (edu, capi, juanito etc. etc.) are a head and shoulders above a even EPL teams lacking star power like fulham, bolton , west brom etc.

The funny thing is just how unequivocal the leagues are. The noteworthy players in mid table and down Spain would rather stay with a talented team n great league then go anywhere but the bi 4 in ENgland

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quote:Originally posted by jpg75

Actually i believe "amacpher" showed through statistical analysis that in fact that it was the opposite - there is a bigger divide between big and small in England.

Pffffft! You can 'prove' anything with statistics. 70% of all people know that.

(Simpsons reference)

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I agree that JDG is the most technically advanced player we´ve had yet. As to this Liga vs Premiership arguement, I´ve said it elsewhere but I´ll say it again: both are exceptional leagues, and a lot of your opinion comes down to your preference in style.

One major difference however, which seems to be the main dividing point. England has 4 (sorry, 4 1/2) HUGE clubs, Spain 2. Spain however, has more powerful clubs just below the HUGE level (Atletico, Villareal, Sevilla, Valencia, even Depor and my beloved Zaragoza in different years). I think that Everton, Aston Villa, and whoever else is having a good year in England lack the same quality as their Spanish counterparts.

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Guest Jeffery S.

Julian got thrown into a bit of a mess for Depor vs. Barça yesterday. He had a good first touch, tried to stay with the pace of the rival who kept attacking though up 3-0 late. Did what he could, seemed to even have been told to join in behind the attack.

The announcers seemed to like his hair, and it was mentioned that he has started less this year than last. I thought his game was fine.

After he exchanged some remarks with Henry that made them both laugh, and made me wonder what it could have been? Maybe Henry said oh yeah, to London, but to the wrong team. Another possibility is that Julian asked about the goal celebration, as Henry celebrates as if talking on the phone, I think to his daughter in London (his bitch of a wife decided she did not want to join him in Spain), and of course Julian has a kid back in Germany. Similar situation. But really no idea.

Depor hits Real Madrid next week, but as Madrid has not won in Coruña in something like 15 years and Depor plays great against them at home, it should be a hot match.

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Guest Jeffery S.

While Julian was injured Depor kept up their good run, so logical that they'd go with the regular starters who had done the job.

I am sure he'll be back in the mix soon, especially since the recent poor results (though the rivals are tough) no longer justify going with the same bunch every week no matter what.

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I'm astonished! Spurs actually went through with this and spent #8356;12 million on Palacios (although Wigan will be lucky to see #8356;6 million of it what with all those lovely agents involved). I hope they do go down...and glad that the prospect of JDG going there is diminished.

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Interesting, Just found this on the Depor International site:


I had previously heard the Julian had put himself out of the price range of Depor by performing so well last season and that the club was strapped and needed to offload salary. This article suggests otherwise and puts him at the top of the list, pretty good news for Deguz...

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Whoa thats alot of money! Haven't heard of anyone from CONCACAF go for that much in a while....

I guess Palacios is pretty underrated, people often mention midfielders like De Guzman, Guadardo, and Pardo as CONCACAF's best, but Palacios never seems to get mentioned. Anyways i'm glad Julian never went to spurs.

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i kind of hope he leaves depor...while they had a good start, its likely that they will fall back to where they were predicted to be by season's end...JDG has become an occassional starter this season, so i hope he is able to find a new home in spain or england where he plays consistently....at his age, he should be a regular fixture, not a spot starter.

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