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A long way to go for football in Canada...


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Look guys, Mexican fans will outnumber American fans IN THE USA.

That's because, even with a winning program like the Americans', it's a

culture thing. Hondurans, Salvadoreans, Ticos, Guates, and Trinis will show up

to matches in buses. Even Haitians will do what it takes (and cost) to support.

The support for opposition in Canada will ALWAYS be huge. What we need is

a WINNING program, and a Voyageurs attitude of support --- WIN or LOSE.

That may take time, but it begins NOW.

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quote:Originally posted by Lord Bob

I haven't even got a problem with someone going "go Honduras". What I have got a problem with is somebody going "go Honduras" in a game against Canada and then roaring down Sherbrooke honking your horn, waving a flag, and making obscene gestures to people in Canadian gear.

That's just demonstrating disdain for the very idea of Canada as a country and not a job creation programme.

I find it VERY hard to believe that a Canadian resident/citizen, even one would cheer for Honduras over Canada (and newsflash this is a free country they can cheer for whomever they like), would do these things you describe. If indeed this did occur at all. But if it did I think it's probable that these fans were the New Englanders that were described earlier in the post.

"Job creation programme" that sounds like some bulls*** someone would say at a small town Alberta Conservative Party nomination meeting...and still be called out for being a racist.

Why are people so hostile towards people (whether or not they live here or somewhere else) for supporting another country? If our support wasn't good enough how is that their fault?

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quote:Originally posted by Bratworst

I saw them throwing beer on our players at the end of the game further down the field. That should never happen at home.. and if it does they shouldn't get away with it.

I agree, the security at Saputo was an absolute joke. Firstly when me and a friend entered the stadium security had no interest in searching my friends bag. (Then that Honduran lady running on the field) Supporters sections being right next to each other with a minimal security presence. From what I saw there was around 3 security personnel to control 114-115. No wonder the fights at the end started so easily. Although I couldn't help but laugh when the little 4'8 Honduran tried to call on some Canadian fans :D

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First off other than the turf the last few nights, Saputo Stadium is a nice little stadium and you guys from Montreal can be proud of it. Here's hoping the ultras can work something out with the management!

The atmosphere at Saputo was absolute garbage other than the awesome performance put on by our supporter groups.

The number of Honduran fans was completely the fault of the CSA, and whoever on the Montreal side that was responsible for organizing the tickets.

On top of the number of fans, what was up with the Honduran blue thunder sticks?

And then at half-time when the Honduran crowd was completely silent, they send out kids to throw t-shirts whipping up the Honduran supporter sections!!

What about putting Honduran supporters right next to the Canadian section? Again like in Edmonton in 2004 when there were problems there. What's it going to take CSA before you segregate the fans properly? Are you waiting until someone gets seriously injured?

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quote:Originally posted by Keano

Most weren't. I was in the thick of it and all the guys around us were young American guys ( by their New England accents) with their Honduran dads and uncles.

Agreed. On my drive up from Boston I came across 3 cars full of Hondurans with Massachusetts plates. While walking back my hotel I was taunted by Hondurans who live in East Boston. Mind you I did stand in queue, for beer, behind Hondurans supporters who spoke perfect French.

Over all the night was a disgrace. Police/security treated us as the visitors, which if you think about it, we were.

As many of us discussed, until the CSA designates separate supporter sections, this will continue until someone gets hurt and it will happen.

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quote:Originally posted by gwallace76

What about putting Honduran supporters right next to the Canadian section? Again like in Edmonton in 2004 when there were problems there. What's it going to take CSA before you segregate the fans properly? Are you waiting until someone gets seriously injured?

Not when someone gets injured but when the conduct of the Honduran fans is documented, recorded, and displayed in public.

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It was a dissapointing.

For those that didnt know montreal has huge "soccer" suport by vasts amounts of people who either think there brazillian or support their own ethnicity. Not the canadian team.

On another note, the giant flag and smoke afterwards was one of the best moments of the night. thank you.

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quote:Originally posted by Most Scottish Man in Cdn.

I find it VERY hard to believe that a Canadian resident/citizen, even one would cheer for Honduras over Canada (and newsflash this is a free country they can cheer for whomever they like), would do these things you describe. If indeed this did occur at all. But if it did I think it's probable that these fans were the New Englanders that were described earlier in the post.

"Job creation programme" that sounds like some bulls*** someone would say at a small town Alberta Conservative Party nomination meeting...and still be called out for being a racist.

Why are people so hostile towards people (whether or not they live here or somewhere else) for supporting another country? If our support wasn't good enough how is that their fault?

It happened. Almost every car full of Hondurans driving by were taunting us as we were walking to the Metro. I'm also going to guess that most of these people were Canadians since not too many out of town travellers would have bothered to rent a car to drive to the stadium from their downtown hotels.

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ive suggested it earlier and i'll do it again.

every major european international game has an away supporter section.

what is the csa waiting for allocate 1000 tickets to the countrys FA and put out a Flat warning when you buy the tickets, opposing fans only permitted in away section, any violators will be ejected.

its not that hard.

then you push the rest of the tickets on canada fans.

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quote:Originally posted by italianboy

ive suggested it earlier and i'll do it again.

every major european international game has an away supporter section.

what is the csa waiting for allocate 1000 tickets to the countrys FA and put out a Flat warning when you buy the tickets, opposing fans only permitted in away section, any violators will be ejected.

its not that hard.

then you push the rest of the tickets on canada fans.

They will resist that to the death. They will be terrified they won't be able to sell the rest of the stadium to Canadians.

I hope I'm wrong.

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Right about now I would gladly settle for segregated seating and not allowing opposing fans in supporters sections. If you were wearing blue then you should've been in 115, not 114. Something has to be in place to prevent this from happening in the future (quite simply put, don't let them in the section if wearing opposing colours and put a disclaimer when purchasing tickets). Presale password worked decently well in Toronto, better than the free for all admission.com had

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quote:Originally posted by italianboy

ive suggested it earlier and i'll do it again.

every major european international game has an away supporter section.

what is the csa waiting for allocate 1000 tickets to the countrys FA and put out a Flat warning when you buy the tickets, opposing fans only permitted in away section, any violators will be ejected.

its not that hard.

then you push the rest of the tickets on canada fans.

I'd love to know who you pushed this suggestion to and what their response was.

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This ' must be discouraging for the boys' is a crock of sh!t. Yeah I bought 15 tix in 118 and when I got there I was at Salsatheque...BUT for 47minutes this 1 guy had 60 odd hondurans pretty quiet.

Maybe if we did not fall asleep for the 1st 10 minutes of the 2nd half. No, as an athlete you relish putting the opponents crowd out the game. Yeah we could blame Montreal footie fan...But I will Blame Dale for his u-6 tactics...I will blame Dero who was a big fat 0... I will blame Hastings for shabby positioning and no tackling skills..How bought our capt who could not calm the troops down in the 2nd half and joined in on yelling at the official...How bought Mr.Bernier way to go, get a yellow ,yeah let me tackle from behind real smart.

Apart from the last game in TO ..this is how its been...so to the Voyageurs from this Montrealer I say you guys rocked and keep up the good fight..to the Coach and players I say MAN UP and go to Mexico with some stones and bring back 3 pts.

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The whole end zone should be CANADIAN....the Hondurans who paid the price bought those tix knowing this.

I flew to Greece to watch Gre vs Turkey the EPO did not allocate 1 ticket to turkish fans...I know this is extreme but give up 2000 tickets in 1 part of the stadium.

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quote:Originally posted by jpg75

It happened. Almost every car full of Hondurans driving by were taunting us as we were walking to the Metro. I'm also going to guess that most of these people were Canadians since not too many out of town travellers would have bothered to rent a car to drive to the stadium from their downtown hotels.

Happened to me as well, which is why I related it. There were a few thousand people on Rue Sherbrooke that night who could tell you all about it. There were obviously a couple tourists but for the most part these weren't cabs and these weren't rental cars. These were ordinary vehicles with ordinary Quebec license plates and registration.

No matter how much you yell that something is "borderline racist" (while implying that all small-town Albertan conservatives are a bunch of hicks - nice trick!), you can't alter the facts.

Now, if you want to say "it's just sports, it doesn't mean anything" and get into that, that's a discussion worth having. Putting your hands over your ears and going "la la la" doesn't really help.

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Guest Jeffery S.
quote:Originally posted by italianboy

ive suggested it earlier and i'll do it again.

every major european international game has an away supporter section.

what is the csa waiting for allocate 1000 tickets to the countrys FA and put out a Flat warning when you buy the tickets, opposing fans only permitted in away section, any violators will be ejected.

its not that hard.

then you push the rest of the tickets on canada fans.

This is basically it, you are right. You designate an area and let them buy it out until it is full.

The rest you priority sell to fan groups, through the provincial SA, youth soccer, season's tix holders in the respective town.

Normally you allow a mix in the high-end seats, the most expensive ones, but even then can designate areas.

At the gate you do not sell a single ticket to a fan wearing his set of visitin colours for anything but their section, if there is anything left.

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quote:Originally posted by italianboy

ive suggested it earlier and i'll do it again.

every major european international game has an away supporter section.

what is the csa waiting for allocate 1000 tickets to the countrys FA and put out a Flat warning when you buy the tickets, opposing fans only permitted in away section, any violators will be ejected.

its not that hard.

then you push the rest of the tickets on canada fans.

Then comes the human rights violations.

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quote:Originally posted by OFI-MTL

This ' must be discouraging for the boys' is a crock of sh!t. Yeah I bought 15 tix in 118 and when I got there I was at Salsatheque...BUT for 47minutes this 1 guy had 60 odd hondurans pretty quiet.

Maybe if we did not fall asleep for the 1st 10 minutes of the 2nd half. No, as an athlete you relish putting the opponents crowd out the game. Yeah we could blame Montreal footie fan...But I will Blame Dale for his u-6 tactics...I will blame Dero who was a big fat 0... I will blame Hastings for shabby positioning and no tackling skills..How bought our capt who could not calm the troops down in the 2nd half and joined in on yelling at the official...How bought Mr.Bernier way to go, get a yellow ,yeah let me tackle from behind real smart.

Apart from the last game in TO ..this is how its been...so to the Voyageurs from this Montrealer I say you guys rocked and keep up the good fight..to the Coach and players I say MAN UP and go to Mexico with some stones and bring back 3 pts.

They did $hit the bed. But how many Montreal soccer fans wearing Italian club colors and chatting on their cells do we have to see before there is true 12th man support in the stands?

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We got the National Stadium for our national team. I suggest that we stay that way with the one major change and get real grass in there.Once that is done we will have one amazing venue and will create one amazing future for Canadian soccer.It is just a matter of time.

Down the road we must consider changing this venue,but at least we will have shown what it takes.

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quote:Originally posted by Lord Bob

Happened to me as well, which is why I related it. There were a few thousand people on Rue Sherbrooke that night who could tell you all about it. There were obviously a couple tourists but for the most part these weren't cabs and these weren't rental cars. These were ordinary vehicles with ordinary Quebec license plates and registration.

No matter how much you yell that something is "borderline racist" (while implying that all small-town Albertan conservatives are a bunch of hicks - nice trick!), you can't alter the facts.

Now, if you want to say "it's just sports, it doesn't mean anything" and get into that, that's a discussion worth having. Putting your hands over your ears and going "la la la" doesn't really help.

To you both...

a) Why would you have a rental car if you lived in Montreal as you seem to be suggesting?

B) I'm not going "la la la"...I'm saying racism is bulls***, which is the OPPOSITE of going "la la la". It would be easy to sit here and ignore a borderline comment made by a frustrated person but I'm not going to do that.

You may have every right to be angry if you suffered abuse but that gives you NO right to say things like "job creation programme". Making sweeping generalisations about how immigrants view this country (and guess what 20% of us are immigrants) is ridiculous.

When I went to school (in NS) there were plenty of kids on the playground who were absolute bastards. Bullies. Racists. You name it. Am I supposed to deduce that all Scottish-Nova Scotians are that way? Of course not, that's insane. So why do you take the behaviour of a FEW Honduran supporters (and again we have no idea where they actually live) and then somehow carry that on to the comment about people viewing this country as a "job creation programme". Who are you to question their loyalty or their anything? Again if those people are even residents/citizens which we don't know for sure.

If you've got a grievance with an individual crossing the line outside or inside the ground fair enough but let's not draw any conclusions beyond that.

As for the Alberta comment, you're right. I caught myself as I was saying it and added the being called out bit at the end. Which I'm hoping you would be.

If you don't like the "foreign" support make more noise for Canada don't hide behind assumptions and so on...

Long live a democratic, free and multi-cultural Canada...if you don't like that you have every right to express your opinion but don't be surprised when someone calls you out...

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I didn't mean to suggset that Montrealers would be in rental cars. On the contrary. If there were rental cars, there would be a built-in reason for the Hondurans acting the way they did: they might not even live in Canada. I mean, they'd still be huge cocks, but at least they'd just be huge cocks. And in their situation, I'd probably have been an equally huge cock.

I don't even have a problem with Canadian citizens of Honduran descent cheering for Honduras. When my family was living and working in Australia, Canada was always my first sporting nation of choice. But I always respected Australia, and they were my second team: Canada and Australia didn't often have cause to compete with each other, but when they did, you can bet your bacon I showed more class than that regardless of the outcome.

Many (not all!) of the Honduran supporters were not merely supporting Honduras. They were opposing Canada, which is a subtle but distinct difference. Wearing blue to the game and cheering when your team scores is one thing. For a lot of the second half, I stood next to a Honduran couple in 114. They cheered for two goals, were happy when their team won, put up with my pro-Canada chanting in good humour, left the stadium after the game, didn't make asses of themselves, and had a good time. Harrassing, fighting, etc. is quite another. It shows a complete disregard for the idea of "Canada", which is where my "job creation programme" comment came in: the Hondurans in question were willing to harrass anybody with 'Canada' written on their shirts.

Thundering down a main street of Montreal at ten at night, honking your horn, passing guys in Canada shirts, shoving Honduran flags out the window, and yelling obscenities doesn't exactly show respect for a country that you have chosen to live and work in. And if the citizens of this country can't be tied together by something as utterly basic as respect for the country, then what the hell are we? A bunch of "distinct societies" who live in the same area for some marginal convenience and whose only common thread is that we get taxed too much?

I have higher hopes for my country than that.

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Thank you for taking the time to thoughtfully respond to what I said.

All I'm saying though is this...

1) We don't know where these people who were supporting Honduras came from so to draw any conclusion about immigrants' views of Canada is impossible as these people could very well not have been immigrants to Canada.

2) Even if they were immigrants they certainly don't represent all Hondurans (as you've pointed out by mentioning the people you sat with) let alone all immigrants...this point is directed at the "job creation programme" comment, which whether you meant it that way or not (and it seems like you didn't) could be interpreted as a negative take on immigration and immigrants.

3) Even if all Hondurans and all immigrants felt that way about Canada (and I can't believe they do) that's their right, whether you and I like it or not.

That's all I'm saying. I understand this is very emotional and we're all angry, and on the night a few drinks had been drunk, but there have been some comments on here (not just yours) that are really in a grey area and I think people should be able to say "hang on a minute".

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quote:Originally posted by Lord Bob

I didn't mean to suggset that Montrealers would be in rental cars. On the contrary. If there were rental cars, there would be a built-in reason for the Hondurans acting the way they did: they might not even live in Canada. I mean, they'd still be huge cocks, but at least they'd just be huge cocks. And in their situation, I'd probably have been an equally huge cock.

I don't even have a problem with Canadian citizens of Honduran descent cheering for Honduras. When my family was living and working in Australia, Canada was always my first sporting nation of choice. But I always respected Australia, and they were my second team: Canada and Australia didn't often have cause to compete with each other, but when they did, you can bet your bacon I showed more class than that regardless of the outcome.

Many (not all!) of the Honduran supporters were not merely supporting Honduras. They were opposing Canada, which is a subtle but distinct difference. Wearing blue to the game and cheering when your team scores is one thing. For a lot of the second half, I stood next to a Honduran couple in 114. They cheered for two goals, were happy when their team won, put up with my pro-Canada chanting in good humour, left the stadium after the game, didn't make asses of themselves, and had a good time. Harrassing, fighting, etc. is quite another. It shows a complete disregard for the idea of "Canada", which is where my "job creation programme" comment came in: the Hondurans in question were willing to harrass anybody with 'Canada' written on their shirts.

Thundering down a main street of Montreal at ten at night, honking your horn, passing guys in Canada shirts, shoving Honduran flags out the window, and yelling obscenities doesn't exactly show respect for a country that you have chosen to live and work in. And if the citizens of this country can't be tied together by something as utterly basic as respect for the country, then what the hell are we? A bunch of "distinct societies" who live in the same area for some marginal convenience and whose only common thread is that we get taxed too much?

I have higher hopes for my country than that.

I think unfortunately for our pride they have every right to act like douchebags if they want. And in the end that is actually something to be proud of, although hard to say after eating crow like Saturday night. Frustratingly there are no consequences for behaving that way except revealing themselves to be douchebags, and even more frustrating, it's more a reward than a consequence because to them douchebag is a compliment. Freedom takes balls.

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I certainly agree that any Canadian has a right to be as big an asshole as they care to be. I also agree that having that right is a hell of a good thing. I'm certainly not saying "deport the bastards" here. I'm merely saying that the situation is not a positive one.

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