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A long way to go for football in Canada...


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quote:Originally posted by boban1

There weren't games in Toronto for some 8 years and every city in the country had a chance to grab the bull by the horns. None did, in fact in many cases failed miserably.

The best for people to see the support our National team has is if the game is broadcast from the NSS in Toronto. When they see the vast majority, like in the Jamaica game, of red and the singing and chanting (coupled with wins on the pitch), then they will see how amazing and cool it would be to be part of it. And right now Toronto is the place. Why? Because the fans are the most organized and it seems in TO the problems have been overcome (Canada fans buying most tickets, supporter section, vocal fans participating, etc.). You can't expect people watching from home somewhere in Vancouver a game played in whatever city in Canada get excited about about dead atmosphere and being outnumbered at home in the stands.

Let's keep things in perspective.

The Jamaica game in TO was a major success. It was ONE game. You didn't see games in TO for years because Canada was always a minority and the players did not want to play there. We didn't see the support on the same level for CR, U-20's or any other national team events.

We have to realize that Jamaica was the first game. Everything is rosy and we are ALWAYS going to the World Cup. Everyone is on the bandwagon. Edmonton on a nice day could have easily had over 30,000 fans, and less Jamaicans. Historically the support has been larger and more pro-Canadian than TO.

Montreal was also fine for St Vincent.

We were beat last night on and off the field. It's not the first time. But let's keep things in perspective before we write-off the rest of Canada.

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quote:Originally posted by Winnipeg Fury

Let's keep things in perspective.

The Jamaica game in TO was a major success. It was ONE game. You didn't see games in TO for years because Canada was always a minority and the players did not want to play there. We didn't see the support on the same level for CR, U-20's or any other national team events.

We have to realize that Jamaica was the first game. Everything is rosy and we are ALWAYS going to the World Cup. Everyone is on the bandwagon. Edmonton on a nice day could have easily had over 30,000 fans, and less Jamaicans. Historically the support has been larger and more pro-Canadian than TO.

Montreal was also fine for St Vincent.

We were beat last night on and off the field. It's not the first time. But let's keep things in perspective before we write-off the rest of Canada.

Toronto's success at hosting the CAN-JAM game was because TFC fans mobilized. Otherwise it would have been 104 full of V's and a stadium full of Jamaican fans. Where were all the Impact fans? their stadium was full the night before?

And you can defiitely blame poor promotions for the average sports fan not kowig or givig a toss about the match. No one outside of footy circles in Toronto knew the match was happening, there was no media bliz, poor attendance at the media day at practce and it was the same in mTL

Also the tickemaster code thing is rediculous. it's too easy to get them on line. CSA HAS TO FIND AWAY TO STRICTLY LIMIT TIX TO AWAY SUPPORT.

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I was in 116, 90% honduran (I think I could count the canadian fans on my fingers). Me and my father I think were the only two people singing the national anthem (loud enough so most honduran fans turned their heads to watch us sing, at this moment it really felt like we were in Honduras).

I'm ashamed of our support, but I think those who should be more ashamed are the Honduran-Canadians who were cheering only for Honduras. Pretty good way to show your love for the country you call home...

On a good note (sigh), Montreal hotels and restaurants probably got some good money from tourism last night...

In the end, except for the fact that we lost, it was a pretty fun night and most hondurans (in my section) were respectful and it was pretty funny to see their faces when we scored our goal, and see them being pissed off when one of their players missed a play (they were even insulting them)

That is what real support is all about. They were passionate :) Sucks that we can't do the same.

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The reaction of the various supporters groups in Toronto and supported by the MLS group in Toronto and a support second to none also ensured that the basis was created for the overall support of all Canadian national teams.It is vitally important the the Saputo family realizes that this vehicle not only guarantees the local support but more importantly is the one that ensures that the fan support of any Canadian team is also quaranteed.

I have been informed that this cooperation is minimal in Montreal and even seems to be under a very large strain.

It would be very wise for the Saputo's to talk to the MLSE guys to learn and understand the working and cooperation from these various groups and magic TFC fans.

It is also so depressing to see that Canadian media ignore these wonderful marches which would have created a great impression among all sports fans and would have been a great recruiting forum as well.

I don't know what the media reaction towards this march was in Montreal but I guess the same as in Toronto,or at least i have not read a word about it on this board unless it is under a different section.

It is all about that effen media.

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quote:Originally posted by Lord Bob

My problem with playin all the matches at BMO is the same as it ever was: how are we going to build support for the game in this country if we lock ourselves up in Toronto and say that everybody outside the GTA can go screw themselves?

Yes, there are diehards with the money to travel for a game. But diehards aren't the problem. Casual fans are, and the only way to get the casual fans is to continue to try and build in Edmonton, Montreal, Vancouver, and maybe even places like the Atlantic provinces, to hold games there in spite of the short-term pain, and to keep establishing the fact that we're a real soccer nation.

I suspect that most Canadians don't know that groups like the Voyageurs exist for the national teams, but if they realised that there was that kind of support and that they wouldn't be sitting in an empty stadium, they'd be more inclined to come out.

Where is there any evidence that there are people ( in any significant numbers) remotely interested in soccer in places like the Maritimes? And, how successful has club soccer been supported in some of the other places that you mentioned. Just look at this forum. Specifically what percentage of login id's come from Southern Ontario versus each of the other regions? I think that this criteria is a good place to start when you have to decide where you play home games. Nobody wants all the games played in TO. But honestly, when club soccer picked up in Southern Ontario, you started immediately seeing a massive increase in exposure for soccer in this country. Like it or not, there one very ugly truth about this country ( English Canada anyways ), and that is that if it aint happening in Southern Ontario, where the mass media headquarters are, it aint going to happen anywhere else. As someone who can appreciate how annoying that can be ( I am actually not native to Southern Ontario) , we have to admit that that is the way it is and will continue to be for the forseeable future.

And, where do get this notion that we are a real soccer nation?



But all this doesn't matter. If you dont play well enough to win or dont have the talent to win, it doesn't matter where you play or what percentage of home support versus visitor support that you have.

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I suppose that our team after playing in Toronto wrongly assumed that the same fan support would exist in Montreal. I wonder how these players who are so use to play for large fan supports in any city they play and always know when they play away.This was a home game with an away crowd. Our players must have been quite shocked to experience this and also wonder what this did to their feelings.

I am not looking for an excuse but just wonder how these minds work and react.We all know the power of a home crowd and the motivation it gives to these players. Even more so since it seemed that we had things turned around in Toronto.

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quote:Originally posted by john tv

I suppose that our team after playing in Toronto wrongly assumed that the same fan support would exist in Montreal. I wonder how these players who are so use to play for large fan supports in any city they play and always know when they play away.This was a home game with an away crowd. Our players must have been quite shocked to experience this and also wonder what this did to their feelings.

I am not looking for an excuse but just wonder how these minds work and react.We all know the power of a home crowd and the motivation it gives to these players. Even more so since it seemed that we had things turned around in Toronto.

I thik mTL could have been a success in the stands if the Impact worked with the CSA to sell tix and promote the game. If the Impact had a larger supportes group who could be mobilized like Toronto, then we would have seen a larger pro Canada crowd.

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quote:Originally posted by mayorofeastyork

I thik mTL could have been a success in the stands if the Impact worked with the CSA to sell tix and promote the game. If the Impact had a larger supportes group who could be mobilized like Toronto, then we would have seen a larger pro Canada crowd.

Correct. But dont fault the Impact supporters group. They did a terrific job in organizing things, big kudos to them. The problem is Saputo and the kind of crowd ( better word would be customers) that he markets his team to.

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Like I said. You will always have a large core of foreign support. In a small venue like Saputo, that will mean half the stadium is enemy support.

Enemy support will be larger in TO and Montreal, where they are closer to major US cities.

I don't see how people can complain about promotion for the match ? It was virtually sold-out weeks ago.

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quote:Originally posted by Free kick

Correct. But dont fault the Impact supporters group. They did a terrific job in organizing things, big kudos to them. The problem is Saputo and the kind of crowd ( better word would be customers) that he markets his team to.

I agree. The main bulk of tickets that contribute to the 9 "sell-outs" in a row for the Impact, are thousands of giveaways to kids soccer clubs and their parents. I have half-line seats and I can't tell you how many conversations I overhear each game either comparing the game to hockey, asking their kids to explain the game to them, etc. This is not bad or wrong, it represents people slowly coming around to the game in this city, one way or another. However those same casual/new fans probably have no idea there even IS a Canadian National Team. The Impact should have made announcements during league matches leading up to the MNT game and had flyers and things. There needs to be exposure for our national program at the club level here since the Impact are all most people here know of the game. The Impact are like soccer's interface with the casual Montreal crowd, and need to fill that roll not just for their own profit but for the game at large in this country. Capiche, Saputo?

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1) If I'm still supporting Scotland 200 yrs after my family left I have no problem with recent Honduran immigrants supporting their country of origin's national football team in their adopted country...and why wouldn't they have more of a relationship with this established tradition than with the "not on the radar" Cdn. MNT? I know we're all pissed we lost but whinging on about Hondurans especially stuff like, "Economic migrants only live in US and Canada because of money, not love." from Hector J are grossly unfair and borderline racist. Central American countries like Honduras are poorer because of a history of violent colonialism and then decades-long US interference...who in the flying f*** are we to judge what somebody from Honduras has to do to get by in life?

2) We were rubbish after about 20 mins last night, Dale Mitchell has no clue and most of the players clearly didn't give a toss. Intimidating Honduran support my arse. They're rubbish and have no one to blame but themselves and frankly I think they owe us all an apology.

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quote:Originally posted by Winnipeg Fury

Like I said. You will always have a large core of foreign support. In a small venue like Saputo, that will mean half the stadium is enemy support.

Enemy support will be larger in TO and Montreal, where they are closer to major US cities.

I don't see how people can complain about promotion for the match ? It was virtually sold-out weeks ago.

It also needs to be pointed out that the crowd was actually much less pro Honduran than it seemed. I was there in the middle of a sea of blue and white, and it was absolutely riddled with Canadian fans but wearing, beige, black, green, Euro club gear, English f*cking rugby kits, everything under the sun EXCEPT red, even some asscreases in blue if you can believe this. I saw one guy in Inter blue and black stripes, I wanted to tear it off him. But a major disadvantage was the fact that the bulk of people showing up to support Canada don't realize what it's all about. The Hondurans had teams at each gate handing out flags and stuff, who was doing that for Canada? A lot of these non-red supporters could have benefited from a little help in terms of a couple cheap paper flags and a red hat or something... I guarantee you (I sat in the thick of Honduran support) that if all Canadians in the stands had something read it was actually more even than it looked. Maybe it should have been me handing stuff out, but like all of us I didn't think of it.

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quote:Originally posted by Most Scottish Man in Cdn.

PS - How do we even know their supporters were Canadian residents?

Most weren't. I was in the thick of it and all the guys around us were young American guys ( by their New England accents) with their Honduran dads and uncles.

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quote:Originally posted by Most Scottish Man in Cdn.

1) If I'm still supporting Scotland 200 yrs after my family left I have no problem with recent Honduran immigrants supporting their country of origin's national football team in their adopted country...and why wouldn't they have more of a relationship with this established tradition than with the "not on the radar" Cdn. MNT? I know we're all pissed we lost but whinging on about Hondurans especially stuff like, "Economic migrants only live in US and Canada because of money, not love." from Hector J are grossly unfair and borderline racist. Central American countries like Honduras are poorer because of a history of violent colonialism and then decades-long US interference...who in the flying f*** are we to judge what somebody from Honduras has to do to get by in life?

2) We were rubbish after about 20 mins last night, Dale Mitchell has no clue and most of the players clearly didn't give a toss. Intimidating Honduran support my arse. They're rubbish and have no one to blame but themselves and frankly I think they owe us all an apology.

I agree they looked pretty disinterested at times which was gutting to see. However I think it was more confusion and annoyance at the lack of a definitive game plan. No-one seems to know whether to hit Friend with the long ball, play it though the middle or cycle possession and wait for an error, they just kind tried each alternating. Then DeGuzman and DeRo tried to do nit themsleves for a spell at the end but it was too little too late. To me it looked like pisspoor organization more than anything else.

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Yes they didn't do anything till stoppage time really. Mitchell is such a joke. They kill me every time and I keep coming back for more. Those guys or on a charter flight to Mexico right now and in a few days will be in their mansions...well paid for houses anyway...and all we've got is the pain. Anyone of us would give anything to be out there and put that shirt on and most of them don't seem to give a F***.

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quote:Originally posted by Most Scottish Man in Cdn.

Yes they didn't do anything till stoppage time really. Mitchell is such a joke. They kill me every time and I keep coming back for more. Those guys or on a charter flight to Mexico right now and in a few days will be in their mansions...well paid for houses anyway...and all we've got is the pain. Anyone of us would give anything to be out there and put that shirt on and most of them don't seem to give a F***.

I personally expect more from DeGuzman. He's a heart and soul player playing at the highest level of football on earth, even player of the year at his club in that league, and he should not be casually giving the ball away in the midfield to a bunch of scampering fancy-pants with no guts or balls. I was dissapointed with him and that's hard for me to say. I still think he should be captain over Spurs waterboy and masseuse Stalteri though.

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quote:Originally posted by Winnipeg Fury

Like I said. You will always have a large core of foreign support. In a small venue like Saputo, that will mean half the stadium is enemy support.

Enemy support will be larger in TO and Montreal, where they are closer to major US cities.

I don't see how people can complain about promotion for the match ? It was virtually sold-out weeks ago.

It was sold out due to Hondurans buying tickets, not b/c the Canadian public was aware and reday to buy the moment the tix went o sale.

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quote:Originally posted by mayorofeastyork

It was sold out due to Hondurans buying tickets, not b/c the Canadian public was aware and reday to buy the moment the tix went o sale.

Does the CSA even contact anyone (ie: supporters clubs) before a game to see about selling tickets to Canadian fans?.. After Toronto we know there are enough Canadian fans to sell any of our stadiums easy.. so why the hell is it being sold to Foreigners first.

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quote:Originally posted by mayorofeastyork

It was sold out due to Hondurans buying tickets, not b/c the Canadian public was aware and reday to buy the moment the tix went o sale.

This is true. Saputo needs to step in for the Canadian game at large by educating their mostly picnic crowd.

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Can anybody explain to me that in Toronto we have those amazing supporters groups whom I know have 1000% support from the TFC guys. I was even told a story by a RPB that there was a need for a transportation of a very big flag. Well the TFC management got involved and one of them took it upon himself and his car to take care of the problem. Thanks Paul.

That's the stuff i am talking about. I really don't know what these Saputo's are thinking maybe Kaputo's to the fans.

Come on Sappers smarten up and get behind the easiest sell,the committed fans.

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quote:Originally posted by Most Scottish Man in Cdn.

1) If I'm still supporting Scotland 200 yrs after my family left I have no problem with recent Honduran immigrants supporting their country of origin's national football team in their adopted country...and why wouldn't they have more of a relationship with this established tradition than with the "not on the radar" Cdn. MNT? I know we're all pissed we lost but whinging on about Hondurans especially stuff like, "Economic migrants only live in US and Canada because of money, not love." from Hector J are grossly unfair and borderline racist. Central American countries like Honduras are poorer because of a history of violent colonialism and then decades-long US interference...who in the flying f*** are we to judge what somebody from Honduras has to do to get by in life?

2) We were rubbish after about 20 mins last night, Dale Mitchell has no clue and most of the players clearly didn't give a toss. Intimidating Honduran support my arse. They're rubbish and have no one to blame but themselves and frankly I think they owe us all an apology.

I support Scotland too, but I'd never cheer for them over Canada not in a million years. That stadium looked absolutely pathetic last night, and im not talking about the pitch.

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I haven't even got a problem with someone going "go Honduras". What I have got a problem with is somebody going "go Honduras" in a game against Canada and then roaring down Sherbrooke honking your horn, waving a flag, and making obscene gestures to people in Canadian gear.

That's just demonstrating disdain for the very idea of Canada as a country and not a job creation programme.

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