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Seat cushions... but... it's a different crowd.

Guest speedmonk42

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quote:Originally posted by Richard

Real class shown there, a credit to Canadian soccer fans.

You mean these same Canadians who are renowned for dropping their gloves in the middle of their national pastime, hockey, in order to settle their differences by beating the living daylights out of eachother? On national tv no less? Listen....the world already knows about Canadians. The violence, and dare I say it...bloodshed that occaisionally breaks out during our national winter passtime tells the rest of the world everything it needs to know about our 'class'

Stop fooling yourself into thinking we're better than everyone else. Sometimes we're good, sometimes we're naughty. A few cuss-words chanted during a football match are a reasonable and healthy outlet for the common man.

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Everybody is right,the problem is that the media is waiting in the wings to pounce on us.I have never ever seen these types of crowds at this boisterous and even jubilant level.It certainly is by far the ultimate party in town and obviously some guys go over the treshold,which only makes sense,but this is were the problems start these individuals that may spoil it for all.I really don't know how to suggest that fine line and as I said that media is waiting for us to make that mistake.

It is so true that crap at hockey games. Ever since i went to the Gardens and believe me those fights were a lot more bloody as they are today,the spectators seem to love it. Everybody would stand up except yours truly. I just thought that this is wrong and really not needed. The game was exciting enough,but I guess that is the nature of a red blooded Canadian,which in itself is also very valuable. I guess the I don't know any better story applies.

Hockey today is very tame compared to these bloody days.

Now about the Toronto Football Club,well this phenomena is so foreign to anyone that I guess we are going also through a grow up process. I just hope that things don't get out of hand and that the elders of these marvelous supporters groups find a way to communicate a restraint when necessary.

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quote:Originally posted by john tv

Everybody is right,the problem is that the media is waiting in the wings to pounce on us.I have never ever seen these types of crowds at this boisterous and even jubilant level.It certainly is by far the ultimate party in town and obviously some guys go over the treshold,which only makes sense,but this is were the problems start these individuals that may spoil it for all.I really don't know how to suggest that fine line and as I said that media is waiting for us to make that mistake.

It is so true that crap at hockey games. Ever since i went to the Gardens and believe me those fights were a lot more bloody as they are today,the spectators seem to love it. Everybody would stand up except yours truly. I just thought that this is wrong and really not needed. The game was exciting enough,but I guess that is the nature of a red blooded Canadian,which in itself is also very valuable. I guess the I don't know any better story applies.

Hockey today is very tame compared to these bloody days.

Now about the Toronto Football Club,well this phenomena is so foreign to anyone that I guess we are going also through a grow up process. I just hope that things don't get out of hand and that the elders of these marvelous supporters groups find a way to communicate a restraint when necessary.

It's all really a blend of the long pent up release of enthusiasm combined with a bit of mob mentality. To a degree, it's natural but we're taking it a wee bit too far.

It's something we have to work out and we need to do it ourself before the club comes knocking on our door.


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Guest speedmonk42

Even swearing something like 'Fck You Ref', the crowd is still having fun. It is not done in any real sense of anger. People are there having a good time and do not have any serious level of their personal identity invested into a throbbing mass. As DB says it is a bit of mob mentality, but still venturing well within reason.

If things are going to change it is going to be along time from now. The people running these organizations, RPB and U-Sector are not crazy a$$holes.

I don't see them being replaced anytime soon by the kind of people that could cause serious problems.

If problems happen it will be at a national team game where Canada's new slightly reactionary nationalism meets old world personal identity crisis. That I feel is where things are most likely to get out of hand. And even then it wouldn't be much.

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Throwing stuff on the field of play. Yes, should be addressed, spectators on the field of play, should be addressed. Spontaneous vulgar language should be kept to a minimum. C'mon none of us has ever been to game where after a bad call the chorus of "Bull Sh*t" has never erupted......

If it gets outta hand then ushers/security should step in. But a call against the home side usually evokes emotion.

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It's the funny part that it was the TFC management or I guess marketing department who started the media attention as well as this crowd reaction, with that cushion promotion.I wonder how this got passed TFC management without realizing that this may very well used to throw on that field even more so with that one goal never been scored either.Anyway i still have my cushion and i guess it is a collectors item and part of TFC history.

I just spoke to my bank teller and not being a soccer fan I heard what I was afraid of. He said that these peeople at the soccer stadium were crazy,typical soccer people and hooligans as well.

Tried to convonce him otherwise but I got that funny look he said soccer people are crazy.

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Were is that fine effen line. We be damn't if we don't or do. Soccer is that different and that influential and exciting.Maybe we should get some group discussions going and find out how to have real soccer fun without turning of these non soccer people of even more.I am not telling you guys to stop it far from it what I am seeing is beyond belief but I am not hearing what is being said or even sung I have seats on the west side.Maybe I am over reacting but I know that there are these idiots that will take any reason to f it up and that's what I am afraid of. Anyway keep on having fun and hey maybe this thing is overblown and will settle down.Sorry,but.....

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During the Benfica game, I was particularlty pleased by the fact that the Benfica supporters came into the stadium singing loudly, but as soon as the game started they were taken aback by the eruption of vocal support from the TFC fans. I found that they got progressively quieter as the game went on, and people in all sections of the stadium reported the same phenomenon, not just in the South Stand. I am hopeful that the days of Toronto/Canada teams being virtual visitors at home are over, in this city.

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quote:Originally posted by RealGooner

During the Benfica game, I was particularlty pleased by the fact that the Benfica supporters came into the stadium singing loudly, but as soon as the game started they were taken aback by the eruption of vocal support from the TFC fans. I found that they got progressively quieter as the game went on,

Part of that was also because they didn't have much to cheer about. I think they were expecting a bit more from their team.

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quote:Originally posted by Gian-Luca

Part of that was also because they didn't have much to cheer about. I think they were expecting a bit more from their team.

Unlike your typical MLS match or even the Can-ARg match, this was one of the most non-hostile environments. The chants were still there and the ref was given the business when needed. But there was no sence of animosity amongst the supporters of each side. A couple of Benfica supporters in their jersey were right in the middle of hard core supporters. Everyone went about their business with the vocal chords without rubbing anyone the wrong way.

That was not the case in the Can- Arg match. What with that knucklehead who invaded the pitch with the Argentian flag.

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quote:Originally posted by Free kick

Unlike your typical MLS match or even the Can-ARg match, this was one of the most non-hostile environments. The chants were still there and the ref was given the business when needed. But there was no sence of animosity amongst the supporters of each side. A couple of Benfica supporters in their jersey were right in the middle of hard core supporters. Everyone went about their business with the vocal chords without rubbing anyone the wrong way.

That was not the case in the Can- Arg match. What with that knucklehead who invaded the pitch with the Argentian flag.

Good point, there was no aggression, and there was friendly banter. There were benfica fans on both sides of me and in front of me in 113. Despite the banter, was clear that the TFC fans were determined to not be outsung at home. I like that this attitude is finally coming to the fore here, it bodes well for the Canada-Chle U20 match thatw ill be played here.

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quote:Originally posted by RealGooner

Good point, there was no aggression, and there was friendly banter. There were benfica fans on both sides of me and in front of me in 113. Despite the banter, was clear that the TFC fans were determined to not be outsung at home. I like that this attitude is finally coming to the fore here, it bodes well for the Canada-Chle U20 match thatw ill be played here.

It's too bad that we couldn't just have our normal seats for that match. I'm hoping that we are still able to create the same atmosphere without the usual crowd in the south stand.

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quote:Originally posted by marktci

It's too bad that we couldn't just have our normal seats for that match. I'm hoping that we are still able to create the same atmosphere without the usual crowd in the south stand.

I was thinking the same thing but how you do it is the question? Firstly, of course, our fans need to want to come to the games. Heck, all those seats are sold out season tickets so if our guys did want to come, there'd be no room for opposition supporters.

I did miss the roar.


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quote:Originally posted by Daniel

He's not *so* far off...

and what's wrong with us being a little crazy? In general, the Toronto sports fan is so incredibly lacking of any REAL passion. I think it freaks out the fans of other sports to see real emotion at a sporting event (rather than people typing emails on their crackberrys). So what if we get out of control. As long as no one gets hurt and no property is destroyed, who gets hurt. We are far too civil, far too often. John TV..you should invite your bank teller to a game. Guaranteed he'll want to come back. When the people who claim not to like soccer come to a game and feel the energy, their tune will change. They might not leave loving the game but they'll definitely love the atmosphere.

Being a passionate fan involves more than just buying an overpriced jersey and painting a Maple Leaf on your cheek. TFC's fans have shown that soccer is a game of passion, starting in the stands and then out onto the pitch. When we are in full voice, the players feel it and bring up the level of their game. Maybe the Leafs would have made the playoffs if the ACC didn't look half empty at the beginning of each period and if the place did not sound like a funeral home (quiet and sombre).....BORING!

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I did invited the guy and the look was worth a thousand words.He would be the right age around 25 but he does not look like he cares about sports that much,but I will find out.

I have been to very many hockey games and never ever even at the Stanley Cup finals did these crowds ever get close to what I saw and heard at BMO.This also applies to the Raptors as well as Baseballa nd Football.Yah they had to drag me to these games or even bribe me,being a good customer i got some very special seats.Would never spent a dime other than Hockey.

There is this young guy who frequents my bar it seems when i am there. Never expected him to be a soccer fan,till after the first game when he showed up his face and hair all red plus a TFC shirt on. Since that time it is always that shirt.

He had heard about the Voyageurs and trips etc, and would look up our web site.Have not seen him since.

I watched the game and that grass,anyway fell asleep but thought Cunnungham was the answer allright. I liked the way the boys tried to pass the ball around and tried to find the open player. Skill wise it was also on a high level.It is just a matter of time and this team will be one of the very best in that league and maybe we should start making plans for that Cup already. never mind we have ourselves a wonderfull thing and I can't think of anything better than this.I just wonder if that Wheatsheef place is big enough or are there other drinking holes were the fans meet?

By the way somebody mentioned last night that there was a new sports bar in Woodbridge apparently some huge big screens etc.does anybody know the name and place?

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