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Seat cushions... but... it's a different crowd.

Guest speedmonk42

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MLSE should also know that freebees and giveaways are given AT THE END of the match.

At the last MNT game in Montreal, the chocolate bar giveaways were given at the end of the

game. The would have been perfect projectiles for certain disgruntled fans, if they got

them BEFORE the match started.

The TFC seat cushion fiasco reminded me of a Winnipeg Jets promo with Kraft Foods, back in the

day. Fans were given sample jars of Kraft Peanut Butter, a handy size that fit nicely in the

palm of your hand. Guess what happened when the Jets lost ... poor ref.

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Guest Jeffery S.

Basically the norm now followed the world over is no throwing stuff on the field. Including pig's heads, whisky bottles and cell phones (that day Figo came back to Camp Nou). And cushions.

The principle is that someone could get hurt; the secondary principle is that it could escalate, as one person throws a cushion, another throws a coin, it escalates. The final consideration is that it could oblige you to stop the game, thus break momentum, give someone an undeserved rest, or otherwise detract from the real show.

That said, it was clearly a silly one-off moment. The cushions were not harmful. It was much like the way kids make paper airplanes at stadiums and try to get them to fly all the way to the field. Harmless, and noone is going to come along and try to stop it.

All this means that if you are serious about WHY there should be no throwing of objects on the field, you take away the possibility of doing so from the fans. You don't give them cushions. And if you insist on doing so, because it is a money making promotion, then you are ready to send guys out to clean the field every now and then. And you are ready for 8 mintues of stoppage time.

Why not just give the fans live rabbits or something?

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quote:Originally posted by Krammerhead

Does this mean they are going to reconsider the TFC pet rock giveaway?

lol Krammerhead

I was meaning more like coins, zippo lighter etc.

Incidentally in a few of the crowd shots there were several guys drinking beer from glass bottles.

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quote:Originally posted by Daniel

What's the story with the flare?

Some dipsticks threw a few road flares onto the FieldTurf after Dicchio's goal burning two holes in the brand new surface.

Apparently, one of the idiots then ran from the stadium.

Stupid people!


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quote:Originally posted by VPjr

If MLSE wants this to be a success, they will let us have our harmless fum because that is what it is....harmless. The PA guy trying to Tell us to refrain from throwing things is about as useful when I tell my 2 kids to be quiet on a road trip. Why waste your breath? We will do as we please but no one will get hurt in the process.

Your "harmless fum" stopped the game! It really has nothing to do with what MLSE or Mo wants to do but with what MLS wants. I mean at the end of both halfs there was five minutes of added on time. Both times!

Have your fun, but please use that brain of yours and don't be stupid.

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quote:Originally posted by Jamit

Your "harmless fum" stopped the game! It really has nothing to do with what MLSE or Mo wants to do but with what MLS wants. I mean at the end of both halfs there was five minutes of added on time. Both times!

Have your fun, but please use that brain of yours and don't be stupid.

Your definition of stupid and mine are clearly different. I don't really care that the game was delayed...were you in a hurry to get somewhere? I could care less if MLS fines MLSE for the delays...not my problem. Trust me...MLS loved that scene...it got the game on ESPN SportsCenter on Saturday night....that's priceless.

I watched the game again this afternoon on the CBC website just to see the Dichio goal. The scene in the stadium after that goal went in was priceless. To see all those cushions raining down was beautiful to see. It was complete, blissful chaos for 2 minutes...I showed it to a bunch of colleagues at work and they all wished they were there to be part of the moment.

I will admit that the continued cushion tossing lost most of its impact after the Dichio goal but it was still fun. Its nice to be part of a Toronto sports crowd that knows how to let loose (as long as no one is getting hurt and no property is damagerd...I am still quite upset about the flare on the turf...now that was STUPID</u>).

I have a distinct feeling that we wont have a lot more giveaways at TFC games.

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quote:Originally posted by Richard

"MLSE is not an adult dealing with children."

Judging from the behaviour that I observed and have read described here including flare and flooded toilets I think in many instances you are wrong, they are evidently dealing with child-like behaviour and responses with some people, perhaps even you included.

You're blaming the flooded toilets on the fans? You don't think this just might be a construction problem?

I feel sorry for people who are so uptight. It must be tough to be you.

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I loved the lead in from Sportsnet or maybe TSN.....I don't remember.

"Another fan give-away, gone wrong" Then they showed pics of baseball, ball give-a-ways, and the famous "burn disco cd's" in Chicago I think. Plus the Cleveland plastic beer bottle throwing incident. The plastic rats in Miami for a Panthers playoff game.

Note to promotions folk...... about giving away free stuff that can be thrown......ahhhh.......maybe not....

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quote:Originally posted by argh1

and the famous "burn disco cd's" in Chicago I think.

Note to promotions folk...... about giving away free stuff that can be thrown......ahhhh.......maybe not....

Um, at a risk of confirming my age, they didn't have CDs in 1979.

They have "LPs" (also known as vinyl). ;)

But I do agree with your promotions thing. Give free stuff AFTER.

Just avoids possible injuries, lawsuits, debates like this ...

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FWIW, we've had our knuckles rapped (gently). TFC sent out an e-mail telling us that pitch invasions and throwing stuff will no longer be tolerated. No big surprise.

Still not sure what an overloaded plumbing system has to do with anything though.

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quote:Originally posted by marktci

FWIW, we've had our knuckles rapped (gently). TFC sent out an e-mail telling us that pitch invasions and throwing stuff will no longer be tolerated. No big surprise.

I didn't realize that up until now they had been tolerating pitch invasions!

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quote:Originally posted by Gian-Luca

I didn't realize that up until now they had been tolerating pitch invasions!

I don't think they charged or took away the tickets of those who were caught. I'd say that's pretty tolerant.
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quote:Originally posted by Richard

Who is uptight? All I am concerned about is decency, what we used to call common decency that regrettably is not very common any more, and self respect.

Just so you know, I still respect myself after throwing the cushion. However, I had to go to confession first and say 12 hail mary's and 30 our father's :-)

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quote:Originally posted by redhat

Um, at a risk of confirming my age, they didn't have CDs in 1979.

They have "LPs" (also known as vinyl). ;)

But I do agree with your promotions thing. Give free stuff AFTER.

Just avoids possible injuries, lawsuits, debates like this ...

No you're right it was vinyl. I think they almost burnt down Comisky Park before it's time on that promo gone bad.

But let's not forget the annual "teddy bear" night that almost all Junior hockey teams have....where after the home team's 1st goal the ice is showered with wicked stuffed animals to be given to local childrens hospitals/wards. Sending many an opposing goalie cowaring into their net for 10's of minutes after giving up a goal. Afraid of felt and glass eyes ;)

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quote:Originally posted by VPjr

Free Kick....I can't wait until the chants are coming from every section of the stadium.

I watched the San Lorenzo-River Plate match on FSWC on the weekend and you could hear the crowd chanting so perfectly.....it almost brings a tear to the eye....we need to come up with 1 signature song, get song leaders in every section and hand out a song sheet. I think the supporters groups are a bit too ambitious trying to come up with a large number of chants. let's start with 1 and grow it from there.

A good/easy chant that would get everyone involved is like the one they did at Highbury, Arsenal:

"We're the North Bank, We're the North Bank We're the North Bank B-M-O. We're the South End ... "

Anyway, this thread was supposed to be the one NOT discussing the seat cusions. I think we can all agree that throwing stuff on the field is stupid, plain and simple. It delays the match thereby diminishing viewing pleasure.

But telling the crowd not to not swear -- that is f'ucking ridiculous! Why? It doesn't hurt the match in any way. The only explanation I can think of is for children present. But If you dont want your kid to hear bad language take them to a baseball game. This should not be a family affair. This world is already tailor-made for people with kids.

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quote:Originally posted by VPjr

Just so you know, I still respect myself after throwing the cushion. However, I had to go to confession first and say 12 hail mary's and 30 our father's :-)

All that kind of stupid comment does is reaffirm your juvenile attitude.
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I have 2 young boys....If I choose to bring them to the game (I have brought one of them already) and they hear foul language, I will do my job as their parent and explain to them that sometimes adults speak that way. That doesn't give them permission to use that language and they'll get a foot in the arse if they do. I don't expect 20,000 people to censor themselves because I choose to bring a child to a game. Buyer Beware.

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quote:Originally posted by Richard

All that kind of stupid comment does is reaffirm your juvenile attitude.

Richard, it must suck to never laugh....lighten up dude. Are you the guy who calls the cops when the neighbours kids have a party and crank the volume on the stereo past 2?

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quote:Originally posted by Richard

A TFC game is not a family affair? Now I have heard everything.

Yes, in the sense that it should resemble a party with friends more than a family picnic. And swearing should be an accepted part of the experience.

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quote:Originally posted by marktci

I don't think they charged or took away the tickets of those who were caught. I'd say that's pretty tolerant.

Well whether that is the case or not, some of the police officer's take downs of the idiots doing the pitch invasions didn't seem to be very tolerant. Not that I blame them of course.

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