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  • Whitecaps Sign Three Players From USSF D2 Squad


    5.jpg"Talent makes you Interesting, but attitude makes you good"-Teitur Thordason on the three players who have been awarded contracts based on their past season in the USSFD2.

    Former DC United Keeper Jay Nolly, Former USL 1 Rookie of the Year Wes Knight, and Residency Program Graduate Philippe Davies have all garnered themselves MLS Contracts for the 2011 Season.


    Despite some opinions, Nolly has earned the chance to prove himself once more on the continents biggest stage. Having been awarded The USSFD 2 Goalkeeper of the Year, it seemed like a no brainer that he would make the squad. As team MVP two straight years he at least deserved a good long look. Which evidently turned into a good long negotiation on his contract for the upcoming season. Nolly doesn't seem phased by the recent addition of Joe Cannon. He knew that the move was coming, not specifically that Joe Cannon was coming, but that the team was looking to bring in another top level keeper from either Europe or MLS. Jay believes that the competition created by the addition of Cannon will make an atmosphere where the two of them will improve by pushing each other to the next level.

    If we look at one of the actual quality moves that Preki made this past season in Toronto, the addition of John Conway was a bit of a life saver as the season stretched on. All the credit to Mr. Conway on a decent season, but he pales in comparison to the younger more agile Nolly. If Nolly can't beat Cannon out to start during the regular season campaign, I would have to imagine he'll at least get some minutes in the Voyageurs Cup.

    "It's been a long time coming"- Wes Knight on his brand spankin' new big league contract. Knight is a versatile player who can lead the rush from the back. He recorded 8 assists in his rookie season; earning himself Rookie of The Year honours, well known around the pitch as the guy with the long throws. Expect to see the young South Carolina native swinging in crosses next year from either the Right "Wing Back" position that Teitur had him in the past season, or moving into a more midfield oriented position. The new contract is well deserved. His absence at the end of the season was costly for the team and some might even say that it cost them the championship... or it could have been one of the other new signings...

    In the first leg of the Whitecaps's playoff series with the Portland Timbers, Knight slipped awkwardly on the grass at Swangard, and severely injured his shoulder. He was replaced in the second leg by Ethan Gage. The injury required surgery, and his recovery is coming along nicely. He expects to be 100% by the time the team reconvenes in the new year. He will be travelling and training with the team on its upcoming journey to California.

    Philippe Davies signs on as a "Homegrown Player". I've been wrong before and I'll be wrong again, but at the conclusion of the season I said that Davies would fair better if he moved on to a new club next season and was allowed to develop. Facts are facts and he did figure heavily in the 'Caps line up having started 27 games since being brought up to the first team last year. I may have been a little bitter in my grading, I still have the sight of him coughing up the ball and gently jogging back to play defence on the game winning, playoff ending goal, burned into my eyelids. With the new expanded rosters and Reserve Division I still think that he is going to see more minutes on the reserve team then on the first team but who knows I'll probably be wrong again.

    Davies will be participating in qualification matches for the 2012 London Olympics this summer so it's an interesting pick. I would imagine there will be lots of training camps and friendlies in preparation for the qualifiers. He will occupy one of the 5 spots at the bottom of the roster designated to "Homegrown" players and will not count against the cap.

    I'm still a little surprised to see Greg Janicki (aka the USSF D2 Defender of the Year) still without a contract.

    This whole press conference went down at the Whitecaps FC Store at Metrotown. The club is looking to capitalize on the release of their new kits in conjunction with the Holiday Season (festivus for the rest of us) with their store located in the Lower Mainland's Biggest Mall.

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