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  • West Coast Soccer Weekly Podcast - Episode 6


    ccs-123494-140264011287_thumb.jpgWith the Women's CONCACAF Olympic Qualifiers imminent, the show with six appeal is back and we're devoting most of our time looking at the lovely ladies. Game, set and match.How will the tournament go? Will there be more heartache or home field advantage? Which players should we get behind and what kind of reception with Hope Solo and Sydney Leroux get from the Vancouver crowd? Will anyone turn up and why isn't it being promoted more?

    So many questions and the only way to answer them is to listen to our two guests.First up there's CSN's very own Daniel Squizzato. The Squizzmeister looks at how far the team have come since the disappointment in Germany and coach John Herdman's tactics and mindset are analyzed. The players to watch are picked out and we look at the impact the loss of those that aren't there may have.

    Our second guest is Vancouver president of vice, Southsiders VP Brett Graham. Brett tells us why the Southsiders view this tournament with such importance for the Vancouver footballing public, what the group have planned for the games and Syd the Snake, and the conversation takes a biblical turn, but then again, Hope Solo can make many a man say "oh god".

    There's secret crushes revealed, we talk about Pierce's sister, and we share former Whitecaps NASL star Alan Ball's take on the women's game.There's even time to chat about the Whitecaps new additions to both their MLS and Residency squads.It's an action packed hour of our usual nonsense. If you make it to the end, we salute you, and you may want to seek professional help.[PRBREAK][/PRBREAK]You can listen to this week's podcast (and the previous ones) on iTunes HERE or download it for your later listening "pleasure" HERE.

    Or have a listen on one of the players below:


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