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  • West Coast Soccer Weekly Podcast - Episode 4


    ccs-123494-140264011235_thumb.jpgNew year, same old claptrap, as Pierce Lang and myself return for the first edition of the <i>West Coast Soccer Weekly</i> in 2012.

    There's disappointment to begin with, as news trickles out that Colorado Rapids went for a Pareja and not a pariah as their new Head Coach.

    There's talk about the MLS Super Draft, who the Caps might select and should they go for Hunter Jumper just for the name and associated clothing spinoff lines? Should we even care about such drafts?

    Being clueless in this, and most, respects, our information is primarily gleamed from Ives Galarcep and his excellent coverge and mock draft on Fox Soccer.

    More fresh faces are expected outwith the Super Draft, as we look at the speculation surrounding Brad Knighton, and Pierce's dodgy library of books is raided for a prize, if fans can come up with a song for the rumoured new Caps stopper.

    Only one guest this week, former Sheffield Wednesday player and current technical director at Abbotsford Mariners, Ian Knight. Ian talks about the BCPL, some of the talent coming through and about looking at bring some professionalism to the game in BC at an earlier age.

    This week's show finishes up with chat around the new/forthcoming MLS 2012 schedule, some alarm bells that CSN's leak of Toronto's schedule sets off and what the Voyageurs Cup may hold in store.

    We discuss playing real football in real weather, and why the BC Place roof should always be open.

    Finally, there's also a second book giveaway, as Pierce aims to help your love life.

    [PRBREAK][/PRBREAK]So there you have it. This reads better than the actual show sounds, but don't let that put you off (too much!).

    You can listen to this week's podcast (and the three previous ones) on iTunes <a href="http://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/westcoastsoccerweekly/id491781299" target="_blank"><b>HERE</b></a> or download it for your later listening "pleasure" <a href="http://westcoastsoccerweekly.podbean.com/" target="_blank"><b>HERE</b></a>.

    Or have a listen on one of the players below:


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