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  • West Coast Soccer Weekly Podcast - Episode 2


    ccs-123494-140264011146_thumb.jpg Ask and you shall receive. Well, apart from in this case in which we’ve ignored your emails begging us to stop, and the court injunctions, and are forging ahead with Episode 2 of Vancouver’s new football podcast, <i><b>West Coast Soccer Weekly</b></i>.

    Pierce Lang and myself are back for another hour of chat and this time we know what all these buttons do on the sound system.

    Christmas is coming and the moose is getting fat, so we try and get into the festive spirit by giving out gifts and inviting along our own three wise men to chat about Vancouver Whitecaps, MLS and all things BC football and beyond.

    To help get us in the mood, I'm dressed up in my FC Santa Claus jersey and hat - Lapland's finest.


    We're joined by blogger extraordinaire Benjamin Massey, who will be emptying his sack all over Pierce's bedroom and sharing what gifts he has for the Vancouver Whitecaps, chatting about the Caps senior and U18 teams and telling us all he knows about Tommy Soehn's wiener.

    We bid farewell to a "Dear Leader", as outgoing Southsiders President John Knox joins us. He may be bowing out as the head off the supporters' group, but he has no plans on putting on his slippers just yet and lets us know about the Southsiders new charity initiative, discusses the growing pains of the group in this new MLS era and the way ahead for supporters culture in Vancouver.

    Our third wise man is Andrew Latham of Vancouver Island Wave. Andrew talks to us about football on the island, the logistical problems and looks at the future of football in Canada and the chances for Canadian players to make it in the game.

    So pull up a chair. Pull a cracker or two. And pour yourself a large glass of special eggnog. It’s about time you did something for you…

    [* You can download this podcast <a href="http://westcoastsoccerweekly.podbean.com/" target="_blank">HERE</a>, listen to it on either of the players below or find it on iTunes *]


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