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  • West Coast Soccer Weekly - Episode 9 (Paul Ritchie/Joe Cannon)


    ccs-123494-140264011762_thumb.jpgWe're back for episode nine. The episode our German listeners seemed to be most excited about. At least I think that's what they kept tweeting us.

    I'm going to go out on a limb here and say it's our best show yet. Looking at what it actually goes up against in that contest, ok, there's maybe not been that much competition, but still, we've put together a pretty good line up for your listening pleasure this week.

    Pierce Lang and myself are joined by three fine guests and kicking off proceedings is my fellow Fifer, and Whitecaps Assistant Manager, Paul Ritchie.

    Always a danger having two Scots talking together, especially two from the same hometown, but don't worry most of you won't need a transcript as we chat about the Caps off season moves, what kind of football fans can expect to see from the new look team, the importance of younger players in MLS, Paul's journey into coaching and much more besides.

    From a leader on the touchline, to a leader on the pitch, with Joe Cannon joining us as our next guest.[PRBREAK][/PRBREAK]It's always interesting to hear Joe wax lyrical and he lets us know his thoughts on the new Caps management team and shares just how much he's enjoying his football right now. We find out if Joe thinks he has it in him to play another 300 games, how he felt replacing a fan favourite and I finally get to ask him if I can shoot him out of a cannon! We also delve into his Canadian roots, and it's not an Olympic hoodie.

    Still room for a small one, but we don't do things in small measure on this show and crammed a big one in instead, as Sportsnet.ca's Martin MacMahon returns to the podcast to talk about the busy week it's been in Whitecapsland. Who will be coming? Who will be going? And should we be planning the parade yet?

    This week's show is so busy that we don't have time for any hotdog gags and there's only a couple of references to Chelsea Stewart. What is the world coming to?

    Have a listen and remember it's a light-hearted show, no staid analysis here. Or production values (sorry Pierce!).

    You can listen to this week's podcast (and the previous ones) on iTunes HERE or download it for your later listening delight HERE.Can't wait? Have a listen on one of the players below:


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