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  • West Coast Soccer Podcast - Episode 16 (Edmonton Voyageurs Cup Special)


    ccs-123494-140264013191_thumb.jpgJoin <i>West Coast Soccer Weekly</i> for our celebratory 'Sweet Sixteen' episode, and what a packed show we have in store for you this week.

    It's a FC Edmonton Voyageurs Cup special and we have four guests to chat about the two games coming up between the Eddies and the Caps, as they battle for a place in the final.

    We're joined by two of Edmonton's current squad and two former Whitecaps to boot.

    First up is <b>Kyle Porter</b>. Amongst other things, we chat about him leaving the Caps, his time in Germany, what he likes to do when he comes back to Vancouver and his international hopes for the future.

    Kyle's team-mate <b>Alex Semenets</b> is next up, as we chat about the two matches, Edmonton's keys to the game and his third place finish in a previous <i>Georgia Straight</i> "Favourite Whitecaps Player" poll.


    After a short break to chat about the Whitecaps women and PDL squads, we're back in full on Edmonton mode and we're joined by the colour man for FC Edmonton, TEAM 1260 and CBC.ca, the proprietor of <a href="http://www.the11.ca" target="_blank">The11.ca</a>, <b>Steven Sandor</b>.

    In amongst all the Edmonton and Voyageurs Cup talk, we look at the future of the game in Canada and North America, including the viability of a Canadian League and other Canadian teams joining the NASL.

    We couldn't finish the show without having everyone's favourite oily Vanmonton <b>Benjamin Massey</b> on it and we manage to get a few quick words with him as he boards his flight to the 'City of Champions'. Where will his allegiances lie? Does he even know? Find out in tonight's podcast!

    You can listen to this week's podcast (and the previous ones) on iTunes HERE or download it for your later listening delight HERE. Can't wait? Have a listen on one of the players below:


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