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  • When one door closes, another one opens (or, "Squizz finally moves")


    So, even though Canada's playing or do-or-die game in the U20 Women's World Cup tonight, you're not going to see a match recap from me here -- and there's a very good reason for that.

    I'm going to be on a train hurtling westward (in a safe, controlled manner, I'd hope) with the lion's share of my worldly possessions as I finally make my long-rumoured move from Toronto (where I was born and raised) out to B.C. And yes, I realize this is a website devoted to actually covering the game on the field, and not my own version of Travels With Chuck Blazer, so I'll keep this brief.

    I just wanted to use this space to thank everyone in the Toronto soccer community for, well, existing and giving me multiple channels through which to channel my passion for the game. That begins with the countless people among whom I've spent time at the grassroots level -- whether as a referee, coach or player -- and extends to the burgeoning support community around everyone's favourite dysfunctional (though maybe not anymore?) professional team, Toronto FC.

    While I've never been a season ticket holder or claimed ownership in any supporters group, the guys and gals of both the Red Patch Boys and (especially) U-Sector have always made me feel welcome, whether at the stadium or at the pub. I assume my willingness to consume beer and shout angrily about the boys in red had much to do with that level of acceptance. So, thanks to you folks for that.

    And since you're wondering, I'll come out and say it -- no, I'm not going to become a Whitecaps fan. TFC til I die, and all that. Any members of the Southsiders or Curva Collective are welcome to try and change my mind (bribes are gladly accepted).

    Though changing locations doesn't theoretically have any impact on my ability to keep writing for CSN (since the Internet is, like, everywhere, man), the move comes with a number of circumstantial changes that very well could have an impact on my ability to keep writing for CSN (something that's kinda been decreasing in frequency as it is anyway -- sorry about that).

    I definitely intend to stay active on Twitter. And I have a few ideas up my sleeve for ways to stay engaged with all of you lovely people, who've made this endeavour worthwhile. So this isn't an "I'm closing up shop" post... it's more of a "my life is about to change in a significant way, so it could very well affect my ability to keep doing what I've been doing" post.

    But whatever I'm doing or wherever I am, I'm going to remain a fervent supporter of Canadian soccer, and attempt to show that support in whatever way I can. I'm already saving up for next summer's Women's World Cup and men's Gold Cup. So any of you folk who wanna see my odd-looking face ought to start saving your loonies and booking your time off work too.

    Before this careens into maudlin, overwrought nonsense (a risk that always increases in direct proportion to the amount of time I spend typing), I just want to give special thanks to my Toronto-based CSN compatriots, past and present, upon whose shoulders I've been standing for many years now, and because of whom I'm in a position to even put such a piece of unapologetic navel-gazing on the Internet. We shall raise glasses again together soon, my friends.

    And as for my B.C.-based CSN compatriots... we shall be raising glasses even sooner.

    Anyway, yeah, look out west coast, here I come.

    Allez les rouges!

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