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  • MLS MatchDay Live available to Canadians once again (with Whitecaps update)


    Just in the nick of time (sort of), MLS has finished whatever tinkering/negotiating it was doing in regards to its MatchDay Live web-streaming service, and Canadians are now able to sign up.


    Saturday's Toronto-Vancouver match won't be available live -- since the game is being broadcast nationally by TSN -- but it will, hopefully, be archived for later viewing. As a reader notes below, the blackout period for such matches is 48 hours.

    But, the league has assured Canadian Soccer News that Whitecaps games that are on Rogers Sportsnet will be streamed live on MDL.

    Thus ends the MatchDay Live saga... for 2011, at least.

    A hat tip to reader Robert Phillips, who's been following these developments like a hawk, and alerted me to the fact that MDL was, once again, open for business north of the border.

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