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  • Don't Fight The Laws: Or, Squizz answers your refereeing questions


    ccs-3097-140264006134_thumb.jpgWe're starting up a new feature here at Some Canadian Guys, which I've decided to dub Don't Fight The Laws. As the title of this post suggests, it'll consist of me answering questions about the Laws of the Game, their interpretation and any other general queries/gripes about the folks with the funny badges and what they do.

    What are my credentials? Well, I've been a referee for the better part of 12 years. That's about it, I suppose. Oh, also, if you took part in the Toronto FC Supporters Cup, I was the "good ref" at that tournament. So that's something. Yeah, I'm no Graham Poll, I'll admit -- but at least I never gave anyone three yellow cards in the same game.

    So if you've got any questions you wanna throw my way, have at it. Send me an email at canadiansoccerguys@gmail.com, and I'll try to answer it in an upcoming edition. Ideally there will be sufficient questions received to build this into a weekly feature.

    As for what kind of answers you can expect... well, just wait for the first edition and you'll see.

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