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  • SoccerPlus - Special Edition (Jan. 8, 2013)



    What a day! Tuesday, January 8, 2013 could be remembered as a turning point for both Canadian sides of MLS' Eastern Conference after making bold coaching nominations ahead of the coming season.

    The Reds put their lot on a former MLS player, still playing in England and coming to lead a perennial underachiever without a single coaching licence while "les Bleus" are giving their club's keys to an average Swiss coach who has no whatsoever experience in North American football.

    Hear the highlights of Montreal's presser with comments from new coach Marco Schällibaum (pronounced Shah-lee-b'hum), Sporting Director Nick DeSantis and president Joey Saputo. A few local writers, including Raphael Larocque-Cyr, Olivier Tremblay & Mathias Van Halst also analyze the Impact's decision.


    Click here to listen to our 35 minutes show!

    Take note that our next shows will be recorded live from Indianapolis, Indiana next week, brought to you by Evangelista Sports!

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