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  • More setbacks for Maestracci


    Canadian Soccer News has learned that embattled, ineffective Canadian Soccer Association president Dominique Maestracci failed last night in a bid to have Alberta’s delegation stripped of its voting rights at today’s CSA Annual General Meeting in Montreal.

    Maestracci continues to feel the former rebel Alberta Soccer Association board – headed by first vice-president Mario Charpentier and ringingly fired by the Alberta membership at a court-ordered AGM earlier this year – are the province’s legal and proper representatives.

    A source close to the CSA reports Maestracci’s motion was soundly defeated.


    And while more complete details from the closed-door CSA sessions are not yet available, it is also being reported that every by-law amendment Maestracci made this morning was shot down.

    If I may be allowed to editorialize for a moment, this suggests strongly that a reform-minded CSA is finally outgrowing its alleged leader.

    More later.


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