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  • Make your voice heard, soccer fans


    Tonight, on It’s Called Football, this reporter dropped any pretense of neutrality in the Alberta Soccer Association disaster.

    The overwhelming evidence – corroborated both on and off the record from many directions – is that ASA 1st VP Mario Charpentier allegedly stole the board, and his continuing presence at its head is paralyzing soccer in Alberta, and allegedly posing a serious threat to proposed and sweeping reforms at the Canadian Soccer Association.

    All this comes to a head in Edmonton on Friday, when the ASA holds a court-ordered Special General Meeting. Charpentier can be ousted – but only if enough opponents can get to Edmonton on short notice, not be suspended, and can get past all the security guards.

    Here are the e-mail addresses of Charpentier’s inner circle:


    - Mario Charpentier -- marioc@albertasoccer.com

    - Colin Innes -- colin.innes@shaw.ca

    - Chris Jossy -- jossyc@shaw.ca

    - Christine Chater -- Christine.Chater@arc.ab.ca

    - Fred Kern -- fredkern@shaw.ca

    - Jeff du Berger -- jduberger@shaw.ca

    - Robert Hayne -- robert.hayne@vqt2000.com

    You’re a Canadian soccer fan. You know what you’ve been through.

    It’s time to let these people know you’ve had enough, and it is time for “professional volunteers” to give way to seasoned, neutral professionals.

    Tell them any way you like – or just cut and paste the following:


    To the members of the Charpentier board:

    I, as a concerned Canadian soccer fan, do not recognize your right to lead the Alberta Soccer Association.

    Further, I resent the obstacles you people are allegedly placing in the way of Canadian soccer governance reform.

    Provincial soccer association presidents have no place in the future CSA structure, because the compromises required to serve two masters (provincial and national) render them ineffective.

    Please, stand aside now. Leave the future of soccer to people who love the game more than their own ambitions.

    Sincerely yours:


    Thanks for taking the time to do this, folks. The reformers need every bit of help and support they can get right now.


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