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  • Maestracci responds


    The following e-mail was sent to me this afternoon.

    This is CSA president Dominic Maestracci, responding to my request for a comment on Friday's ruling by three Alberta justices that the CSA is not entitled to suspend soccer officials in Alberta for taking their complaints to court.

    The e-mail was CC'd to CSA general-secretary Peter Montopoli.



    Sunday, March 6, 2011 2:58 PM

    From: "Maestracci Dominique"

    To: "Ben Knight" <benknight103@yahoo.ca>

    Cc: "Peter Montopoli"


    I have sent this morning your article and the decision of the Alberta Court of appeal to the Director of legal affairs and the Director of Relations with National Associations of FIFA. These people are fully aware of the Alberta situation.

    As soon as, I will receive the FIFA answer, I will reply to your article in the respect of the ASA, CSA and FIFA By-Laws.

    By this e-mail I am asking our General Secretary to inform all members of the Board.

    D Maestracci


    Canadian Soccer association


    Reprinted in full, without comment.


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