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  • Maestracci intervenes to save Charpentier


    In a letter beginning “Dear Mario,” and concluding “I hope this will help the ASA,” Canadian Soccer Association president Dominique Maestracci today moved to quash hope that Mario Charpentier could be removed from office at this Friday’s Special General Meeting of the Alberta Soccer Association.



    “During this meeting, the members can have a vote of non-confidence. No where within the By-laws of The Canadian Soccer Association (CSA) or ASA is there any mention that Board of Directors may be removed from office due to the membership not having confidence in them.”

    The full document is on the Reform Alberta Soccer website.

    And if you’re a quarter as snarked off as I am right now, here are the e-mail addresses of the CSA Executive Committee.

    - Dominic Maestracci -- dmaestracci@soccercan.ca

    - Victor Montagliani -- vmontagliani@soccercan.ca

    - Mike Traficante -- mtraficante@soccercan.ca

    - Rob Newman -- robnewman31@hotmail.com

    - Steven Reed -- sreed@soccercan.ca

    - John Knox -- jknox@soccercan.ca

    - Clive Wilkinson -- cwilkinson@soccercan.ca


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