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  • Billings responds


    The following e-mail was received today from deposed ASA president Chris Billings. It does not address the questions in Monday's open letter, but it certainly advances the discussion.

    As received, unedited:


    Mr. Knight,

    Don't think we've ever met; apologies for my memory if we have.

    I just this afternoon received a link from a friend to the open letter you have posted to myself on the web, along with the article on the state of soccer in Alberta. I have to admit that I try to limit myself in viewing a lot of the postings on the different sites that have come up, as some of them can be particularly inflammatory. Reading those do not give me a particularly good night's sleep....

    I appreciate what you are trying to do in your articles and encourage you to continue to ask questions. It is the fact that questions have been asked, and continue to be asked, that prompted the ASA Membership to vote for change in Jaunary of 2009, and continue to stand up for what they believe is right. (Note that this was the third time in 5 years that the Membership has voted against Charpentier (working alongside Traficante & Kern). In 2005, both he and Traficante were sent from office; in 2006 Charpentier lost to Kevin Lockhart. Anyone in attendance at the 2005 AGM (Sutton Hotel, Edmonton) can certainly attest to the fiasco that ensued during elections. Yet they, and the influences that they hold within the large organizations in the province (EMSA & CMSA) have screwed up Alberta Soccer royally. The singular proof of this? 8 Executive Directors in 7 years. Since Traficante was elected as President in Jan 2003, we have seen come and go: Sampley, Ferguson, Gerhardt, Loga, Letourneau, Axelson, Cammarta, and now Adams (who has been here twice as matter of fact). Not to mention the severe number of other staff in that time that have been removed, forced out or given up all together.)

    I'm sure you have been to the reform Alberta soccer website? http://www.reformalbertasoccer.com/Timeline-2010#8Dec2010 I am completely honest when I say that I do not know who is responsible for that website. (I am accused by Mr. Charpentier's group of being the operator, but I can assure you it is not the case.) Mr. 'Durden' has requested responses from me on many occasions, and I have been as open with him as I will be with you. All of the documentation that I have seen on that website has been accurate, to the best of my knowledge. If you haven't reviewed the documentation, I would encourage you to do so. In particular those documents pertaining to the allegations against me. To date, I have recieved nothing other than the initial 'Notice of Suspension' from Feb 21. My reply to these allegations is listed under March 3. Althought your readers ask for a response to the harrasment that I apparently made, I do not have any details as to what these allegations refer. If you have any details, I would appreciate you passing them along.

    As was stated in one of the responses to your initial article on Dec 2, I most certainly will attempt to answer some of your questions. Anyone who has been directly involved in this matter knows that I or those supporting this cause have been as open as possible in order to get some truths exposed. Unfortunately, the other side rarely responds in writing, other than to slander, intimidate, or spread rhetoric. Not sure if you have seen the latest from Mr. Charpentier, Mr. Innes, Mr. Kern & Company on the allegations of violence being perpetrated. If any of this is true, why would they not inform the RCMP immediately? I know that if anyone on this side of the fence faced something of the nature that they are implying, I would accompany them straight to the police without hestiation. In particular if it was a member of my family!

    For those in Alberta who have stood in opposition to the actions of Charpentier, Innes, Kern & Traficante (as ringleaders of this coup), it has been a difficult time.

    Give me a couple days for a more formal response. If you would like to advise your readers that something is forthcoming, I certainly have no objections.

    Also, if you would like to chat, I seem to have more time on my hands lately while Maestracci & Montagliani have me cooling my heels.


    Chris Billings

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