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  • Back door to full reform



    This story is out there anyway, but it’s been more hinted at than clarified. It is not yet clear to me where – if anywhere – this could go. But it’s out there, so let’s dance.

    The CSA governance reform fight is not yet officially over. There is still a chance – and an actual way – the full and complete reform package could be enacted, as soon as this May’s CSA annual general meeting.

    Very much hinges on the good people of Alberta, and how the want to deal with the fact that we wuz robbed, and their guys were wearing the ski masks.

    To review:


    - There were three governance reform packages. All provincial presidents off the board now; Most provincial presidents gone now, the rest by 2014; Most provincial presidents gone in 2010, the rest by 2015. We ended up with plan C. Either A or B would have passed with Alberta’s approval.

    - Alberta was represented by two unelected recent appointees, Scott Chen and Ray Calvin. They were all that was left after the Alberta membership detonated the rebel board of directors headed by the now ringingly departed Mario Charpentier.

    - When asked if they supported full reform, fewer than half of Alberta’s various soccer districts responded. But all who answered, answered “yes.” The remainder abstained. But an abstention isn’t a “no” vote. Chen and Calvin had a clear green light to back the main plan.

    - Chen and Calvin – by multiple eyewitness accounts – turned up at the CSA meeting in Ottawa saying they were voting for Plan A reform. The following day, citing “the good of the country,” the voted nay.

    And, sure, there’s a case that could be made. Maybe a full turnover of the CSA structure this spring is a bit optimistic. There’s very little talk out there – even now – of who these new, professional, unaligned directors we're going to have soon will turn out to be. On the other hand, the Alberta membership – on the balance – called for change, and had what turned out to be the leverage, power and opportunity to ride that bronco home.

    Well fear not, pardners. That lost horse may not be roaming the lone prairie for long.

    There’s a way, you see:

    All that really needs to happen is for provinces representing 50 per cent of the vote (plus one) to call for the main reform package to be reintroduced at the upcoming CSA AGM. Then, come the meeting, a new vote would have to be taken, where a two-thirds majority could, yet, pass real reform – this year – into being.

    Quebec and Nova Scotia have voted against, and there’s no reason to suggest anything has changed. This brings us – again – to Alberta.

    Both Chen and Calvin are going to be gonged out of existence at the next ASA AGM. Even if either man wanted to continue, they both hold regional directorships, and are now ineligible under ASA reforms passed immediately after Charpentier et al were thrown to the pronghorns.

    Alberta can, in fact, demand another vote on full reform – and can get it if the other pro-reform provinces line up as they did previously.

    Herein lieth the problem, however: The deadline for setting CSA motions in motion is the end of March. It doesn’t look like the ASA will hold its AGM until April.

    So – either this doesn’t happen at all, or another way has to emerge.

    I don’t have any confirmed knowledge of such a move, so I want to launch a strong appeal to the membership in Alberta:

    Sound off, folks. You just passed exactly this kind of reform at home, and watched your own unelected representatives ignore your wishes to pass a watered-down CSA bill with a one-year delay. If that’s what you truly want and intend, well there we are and here we stay.

    If you’re already out there working the phones and seeing what kind of support there is for a re-vote, well just cheerily ignore this little bit of scribbling, and carry on your merry way.

    But howzabout letting us know how you feel about how we all got into this mess in the first place?

    You Albertans have done a brilliant, admirable job of freeing yourselves from old, outdated ways of not quite doing things. Can you maybe offer a little of the same help – and renewed hope – to the rest of us?


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