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  • Alberta: An open letter to Chris Billings



    Author’s note: Chris Billings was president of the Alberta Soccer Association until he was ousted in a boardroom uprising last spring. There are now, for all intents and purposes, two competing ASA’s, with Billings heading one and ASA 1st vice-president Mario Charpentier in charge of the other.

    Good morning, Mr. Billings:

    As I believe you may already know, I’m a writer with canadiansoccernews.com. I’m conducting a series of conversations on the subject of CSA governance.


    I have some questions, based on things I have been told – both in public and in private – which I hope will offer you a chance to shed some light on what is obviously a tricky and unfortunate situation.

    Canadian Soccer News is a new website, designed to be the hub of soccer journalism and discussion for the entire country. Any response from you will be considered on the record, and will be published on the site in full.

    As we have already seen, the conversation will continue whether you choose to respond, or not. I certainly feel we will be significantly farther ahead if you can add you voice to the ongoing discussion.

    I can be reached directly – benknight103 at yahoo.ca.

    The questions:

    1) Your brief term as ASA president has certainly stirred up a lot of accusations and controversy. Is there anything you feel you could or should have done better?

    2) Was your support for the proposed CSA governance reforms a factor in your removal?

    3) As far as you know, did anyone from the CSA apply pressure to have you removed?

    4) Should provincial association heads have any role on the CSA board, helping Canada qualify for the FIFA World Cup?

    5) It has been suggested that everyone involved in the ASA dispute should step aside, and an entirely new board be selected. Your thoughts on this, please?

    6) How well, in your opinion, is the ASA serving Alberta soccer at present?

    Your insights will be very helpful at this point, sir. I look forward to you adding your voice to the discussion.

    A similar letter will be posted for Mike Traficante next Monday (Dec. 20).



    Alberta: Bound

    An open letter to Mario Charpentier

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